6 research outputs found

    Radium ion: A possible candidate for measuring atomic parity violation

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    Single trapped and laser cooled Radium ion as a possible candidate for measuring the parity violation induced frequency shift has been discussed here. Even though the technique to be used is similar to that proposed by Fortson [1], Radium has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most attractive part of Radium ion as compared to that of Barium ion is its mass which comes along with added complexity of instability as well as other issues which are discussed hereComment: Conference proceedin

    Atomic parity violation in a single trapped radium ion

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    Atomic parity violation (APV) experiments are sensitive probes of the electroweak interaction at low energy. These experiments are competitive with and complementary to high-energy collider experiments. The APV signal is strongly enhanced in heavy atoms and it is measurable by exciting suppressed (M1, E2) transitions. The status of APV experiments and theory are reviewed as well as the prospects of an APV experiment using one single trapped Ra+ ion. The predicted enhancement factor of the APV effect in Ra+ is about 50 times larger than in Cs atoms. However, certain spectroscopic information on Ra+ needed to constrain the required atomic many-body theory, was lacking. Using the AGOR cyclotron and the TRIÎĽP facility at KVI in Groningen, short-lived 212 - 214Ra+ ions were produced and trapped. First ever excited-state laser spectroscopy was performed on the trapped ions. These measurements provide a benchmark for the atomic theory required to extract the electroweak mixing angle to sub-1% accuracy and are an important step towards an APV experiment in a single trapped Ra+ ion

    A single-ion trap with minimized ion–environment interactions

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    We present a new single-ion endcap trap for high-precision spectroscopy that has been designed to minimize ion–environment interactions. We describe the design in detail and then characterize the working trap using a single trapped (Formula presented.) ion. Excess micromotion has been eliminated to the resolution of the detection method, and the trap exhibits an anomalous phonon heating rate of (Formula presented.). The thermal properties of the trap structure have also been measured with an effective temperature rise at the ion’s position of (Formula presented.). The small perturbations to the ion caused by this trap make it suitable to be used for an optical frequency standard with fractional uncertainties below the (Formula presented.) level.</p