179 research outputs found

    Solving the subset-sum problem with a light-based device

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    We propose a special computational device which uses light rays for solving the subset-sum problem. The device has a graph-like representation and the light is traversing it by following the routes given by the connections between nodes. The nodes are connected by arcs in a special way which lets us to generate all possible subsets of the given set. To each arc we assign either a number from the given set or a predefined constant. When the light is passing through an arc it is delayed by the amount of time indicated by the number placed in that arc. At the destination node we will check if there is a ray whose total delay is equal to the target value of the subset sum problem (plus some constants).Comment: 14 pages, 6 figures, Natural Computing, 200

    Experiments on Multidimensional Solitons

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    This article presents an overview of experimental efforts in recent years related to multidimensional solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates. We discuss the techniques used to generate and observe multidimensional nonlinear waves in Bose-Einstein condensates with repulsive interactions. We further summarize observations of planar soliton fronts undergoing the snake instability, the formation of vortex rings, and the emergence of hybrid structures.Comment: review paper, to appear as Chapter 5b in "Emergent Nonlinear Phenomena in Bose-Einstein Condensates: Theory and Experiment," edited by P. G. Kevrekidis, D. J. Frantzeskakis, and R. Carretero-Gonzalez (Springer-Verlag

    Quantum catastrophe of slow light

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    Catastrophes are at the heart of many fascinating optical phenomena. The rainbow, for example, is a ray catastrophe where light rays become infinitely intense. The wave nature of light resolves the infinities of ray catastrophes while drawing delicate interference patterns such as the supernumerary arcs of the rainbow. Black holes cause wave singularities. Waves oscillate with infinitely small wave lengths at the event horizon where time stands still. The quantum nature of light avoids this higher level of catastrophic behaviour while producing a quantum phenomenon known as Hawking radiation. As this letter describes, light brought to a standstill in laboratory experiments can suffer a similar wave singularity caused by a parabolic profile of the group velocity. In turn, the quantum vacuum is forced to create photon pairs with a characteristic spectrum. The idea may initiate a theory of quantum catastrophes, in addition to classical catastrophe theory, and the proposed experiment may lead to the first direct observation of a phenomenon related to Hawking radiation.Comment: Published as "A laboratory analogue of the event horizon using slow light in an atomic medium

    Electromagnetically Induced Transparency and Slow Light with Optomechanics

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    Controlling the interaction between localized optical and mechanical excitations has recently become possible following advances in micro- and nano-fabrication techniques. To date, most experimental studies of optomechanics have focused on measurement and control of the mechanical subsystem through its interaction with optics, and have led to the experimental demonstration of dynamical back-action cooling and optical rigidity of the mechanical system. Conversely, the optical response of these systems is also modified in the presence of mechanical interactions, leading to strong nonlinear effects such as Electromagnetically Induced Transparency (EIT) and parametric normal-mode splitting. In atomic systems, seminal experiments and proposals to slow and stop the propagation of light, and their applicability to modern optical networks, and future quantum networks, have thrust EIT to the forefront of experimental study during the last two decades. In a similar fashion, here we use the optomechanical nonlinearity to control the velocity of light via engineered photon-phonon interactions. Our results demonstrate EIT and tunable optical delays in a nanoscale optomechanical crystal device, fabricated by simply etching holes into a thin film of silicon (Si). At low temperature (8.7 K), we show an optically-tunable delay of 50 ns with near-unity optical transparency, and superluminal light with a 1.4 microseconds signal advance. These results, while indicating significant progress towards an integrated quantum optomechanical memory, are also relevant to classical signal processing applications. Measurements at room temperature and in the analogous regime of Electromagnetically Induced Absorption (EIA) show the utility of these chip-scale optomechanical systems for optical buffering, amplification, and filtering of microwave-over-optical signals.Comment: 15 pages, 9 figure

    Mapping photonic entanglement into and out of a quantum memory

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    Recent developments of quantum information science critically rely on entanglement, an intriguing aspect of quantum mechanics where parts of a composite system can exhibit correlations stronger than any classical counterpart. In particular, scalable quantum networks require capabilities to create, store, and distribute entanglement among distant matter nodes via photonic channels. Atomic ensembles can play the role of such nodes. So far, in the photon counting regime, heralded entanglement between atomic ensembles has been successfully demonstrated via probabilistic protocols. However, an inherent drawback of this approach is the compromise between the amount of entanglement and its preparation probability, leading intrinsically to low count rate for high entanglement. Here we report a protocol where entanglement between two atomic ensembles is created by coherent mapping of an entangled state of light. By splitting a single-photon and subsequent state transfer, we separate the generation of entanglement and its storage. After a programmable delay, the stored entanglement is mapped back into photonic modes with overall efficiency of 17 %. Improvements of single-photon sources together with our protocol will enable "on demand" entanglement of atomic ensembles, a powerful resource for quantum networking.Comment: 7 pages, and 3 figure

    Cavity Induced Interfacing of Atoms and Light

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    This chapter introduces cavity-based light-matter quantum interfaces, with a single atom or ion in strong coupling to a high-finesse optical cavity. We discuss the deterministic generation of indistinguishable single photons from these systems; the atom-photon entanglement intractably linked to this process; and the information encoding using spatio-temporal modes within these photons. Furthermore, we show how to establish a time-reversal of the aforementioned emission process to use a coupled atom-cavity system as a quantum memory. Along the line, we also discuss the performance and characterisation of cavity photons in elementary linear-optics arrangements with single beam splitters for quantum-homodyne measurements.Comment: to appear as a book chapter in a compilation "Engineering the Atom-Photon Interaction" published by Springer in 2015, edited by A. Predojevic and M. W. Mitchel

    Narrowband Biphotons: Generation, Manipulation, and Applications

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    In this chapter, we review recent advances in generating narrowband biphotons with long coherence time using spontaneous parametric interaction in monolithic cavity with cluster effect as well as in cold atoms with electromagnetically induced transparency. Engineering and manipulating the temporal waveforms of these long biphotons provide efficient means for controlling light-matter quantum interaction at the single-photon level. We also review recent experiments using temporally long biphotons and single photons.Comment: to appear as a book chapter in a compilation "Engineering the Atom-Photon Interaction" published by Springer in 2015, edited by A. Predojevic and M. W. Mitchel

    Elimination, reversal, and directional bias of optical diffraction

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    We experimentally demonstrate the manipulation of optical diffraction, utilizing the atomic thermal motion in a hot vapor medium of electromagnetically-induced transparency (EIT). By properly tuning the EIT parameters, the refraction induced by the atomic motion may completely counterbalance the paraxial free-space diffraction and by that eliminates the effect of diffraction for arbitrary images. By further manipulation, the diffraction can be doubled, biased asymmetrically to induced deflection, or even reversed. The latter allows an experimental implementation of an analogy to a negative-index lens

    Coherent Population Trapping of an Electron Spin in a Single Negatively Charged Quantum Dot

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    Coherent population trapping (CPT) refers to the steady-state trapping of population in a coherent superposition of two ground states which are coupled by coherent optical fields to an intermediate state in a three-level atomic system. Recently, CPT has been observed in an ensemble of donor bound spins in GaAs and in single nitrogen vacancy centers in diamond by using a fluorescence technique. Here we report the demonstration of CPT of an electron spin in a single quantum dot (QD) charged with one electron.Comment: to be appeared in Nature Physic
