79 research outputs found

    Structure controllability of complex network based on preferential matching

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    Minimum driver node sets (MDSs) play an important role in studying the structural controllability of complex networks. Recent research has shown that MDSs tend to avoid high-degree nodes. However, this observation is based on the analysis of a small number of MDSs, because enumerating all of the MDSs of a network is a #P problem. Therefore, past research has not been sufficient to arrive at a convincing conclusion. In this paper, first, we propose a preferential matching algorithm to find MDSs that have a specific degree property. Then, we show that the MDSs obtained by preferential matching can be composed of high- and medium-degree nodes. Moreover, the experimental results also show that the average degree of the MDSs of some networks tends to be greater than that of the overall network, even when the MDSs are obtained using previous research method. Further analysis shows that whether the driver nodes tend to be high-degree nodes or not is closely related to the edge direction of the network

    Response of lignin and flavonoid metabolic pathways in Capsicum annuum to drought and waterlogging stresses

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    Water stress is a critical factor limiting the growth and development of Capsicum annuum. Flavonoids and lignin are important secondary metabolites that serve as signaling molecules in plant stress responses. However, the effects and regulatory mechanisms of lignin and flavonoids under water stress in Capsicum annuum remain unknown. The present study focused on the effects of drought and waterlogging stress on the morphology, hydrogen peroxide, and relative chlorophyll (SPAD), as well as enzyme activities, metabolite contents, and gene expression related to lignin and flavonoid metabolic pathways in Capsicum annuum. The results showed that drought and waterlogging stresses on the Capsicum annuum variety ‘Shuyu2’ significantly reduced plant height, stem thickness, and single-fruit weight, and increased fruit shape coefficients. Drought stress increased H2O2 and SPAD content, enhanced the activity levels of metabolic enzymes (phenylalanine deaminase, cinnamate 4-hydroxylase, coenzyme A ligase, peroxidase, and polyphenol oxidase), and up-regulated the expression of related genes, phenylalanine deaminase (PAL), trans-cinnamate monooxygenase (C4H), chalcone isomerase (CHI), and mangiferyl hydroxycinnamoyltransferase (HCT), while also promoting the accumulation of metabolites (total phenolics, flavonoids, and lignin) that have a restorative effect on drought stress. The continuous accumulation of H2O2 and the increase and then decrease in SPAD under waterlogging stress was also observed. Waterlogging stress also enhanced the activities of the above-mentioned metabolic enzymes, but the related genes were selectively down-regulated, e.g., C4H, 4CL, and peroxidase (POD), which resulted in the inhibition of the synthesis of lignin, flavonoids, and total phenols. These results indicate that the Capsicum annuum variety ‘Shuyu2’ is a drought-tolerant, waterlogging-sensitive variety. Meanwhile, the lignin and flavonoid pathway is a key pathway in response to drought stress in Capsicum annuum, which improves the theory of stress tolerance breeding in Capsicum annuum

    MADS-Box Genes and Gibberellins Regulate Bolting in Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L.)

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    Bolting in lettuce is promoted by high temperature and bolting resistance is of great economic importance for lettuce production. But how bolting is regulated at the molecular level remains elusive. Here, a bolting resistant line S24 and a bolting sensitive line S39 were selected for morphological, physiological, transcriptomic and proteomic comparisons. A total of 12204 genes were differentially expressed in S39 vs S24. Line S39 was featured with larger leaves, higher levels of chlorophyll, soluble sugar, anthocyanin and auxin, consistent with its up-regulation of genes implicated in photosynthesis, oxidation-reduction and auxin actions. Proteomic analysis identified 30 differentially accumulated proteins in lines S39 and S24 upon heat treatment, and 19 out of the 30 genes showed differential expression in the RNA-Seq data. Exogenous gibberellins (GA) treatment promoted bolting in both S39 and S24, while 12 flowering promoting MADS-box genes were specifically induced in line S39, suggesting that although GA regulates bolting in lettuce, it may be the MADS-box genes, not GA, that plays a major role in differing the bolting resistance between these two lettuce lines

    A global assessment of the impact of school closure in reducing COVID-19 spread.

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    Prolonged school closure has been adopted worldwide to control COVID-19. Indeed, UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization figures show that two-thirds of an academic year was lost on average worldwide due to COVID-19 school closures. Such pre-emptive implementation was predicated on the premise that school children are a core group for COVID-19 transmission. Using surveillance data from the Chinese cities of Shenzhen and Anqing together, we inferred that compared with the elderly aged 60 and over, children aged 18 and under and adults aged 19-59 were 75% and 32% less susceptible to infection, respectively. Using transmission models parametrized with synthetic contact matrices for 177 jurisdictions around the world, we showed that the lower susceptibility of school children substantially limited the effectiveness of school closure in reducing COVID-19 transmissibility. Our results, together with recent findings that clinical severity of COVID-19 in children is lower, suggest that school closure may not be ideal as a sustained, primary intervention for controlling COVID-19. This article is part of the theme issue 'Data science approach to infectious disease surveillance'

    Discrete Element Analysis of Indirect Tensile Fatigue Test of Asphalt Mixture

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    In order to investigate the damage to microstructure and some other micromechanical responses during a fatigue test on asphalt mixture, Particle Flow Code (PFC) was used to reconstruct a two-dimensional discrete element model of asphalt mixture, based on computed tomography (CT) images and image-processing techniques. The indirect tensile fatigue test of asphalt mixture was simulated with this image-based microstructural model, and verified in the laboratory. It was found that there were four stages during the fatigue failure: no crack, crack initiation, crack developing, and interconnected crack. Cracks mainly developed between the aggregate and asphalt mortar, near the loading axis. The corresponding stages of failure, the developing trend and the distribution characteristics of the cracks matched well with those in the laboratory test. Furthermore, the trends of both the time-load curve and time-displacement curve from the simulation test were also consistent with those from the experimental test. In short, the distribution characteristics of cracks and internal forces of asphalt mixture show that it is feasible to simulate the fatigue performance of the asphalt mixture by a discrete element method (DEM)

    Improved Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm Based on Last-Eliminated Principle and Enhanced Information Sharing

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    In this study, an improved eliminate particle swarm optimization (IEPSO) is proposed on the basis of the last-eliminated principle to solve optimization problems in engineering design. During optimization, the IEPSO enhances information communication among populations and maintains population diversity to overcome the limitations of classical optimization algorithms in solving multiparameter, strong coupling, and nonlinear engineering optimization problems. These limitations include advanced convergence and the tendency to easily fall into local optimization. The parameters involved in the imported “local-global information sharing” term are analyzed, and the principle of parameter selection for performance is determined. The performances of the IEPSO and classical optimization algorithms are then tested by using multiple sets of classical functions to verify the global search performance of the IEPSO. The simulation test results and those of the improved classical optimization algorithms are compared and analyzed to verify the advanced performance of the IEPSO algorithm

    Development of MEMS Airflow Volumetric Flow Sensing System with Single Piezoelectric Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer (PMUT) Array

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    Compared to conventional ultrasonic flowmeters using multiple transducers, this paper reports, for the first time, an airflow volumetric flowmeter using a signal PMUT array to measure the flow rate in a rectangular pipe. The PMUT around 200 kHz is selected to fit the system requirements. All PMUT elements on this single array are then electrically grouped into transmitter and receiver. In order to minimize the crosstalk signal between transmitter and receiver, a phase shift signal is applied at the transmitter to reduce the amplitude of the crosstalk signal by 87.8%, hence, the resultant high sensing resolution. Based on the analog signal extracted from the single PMUT array, a complete flow sensing system is built by using the cross-correlation method and cosine interpolation, whereby the change in flow rate is reflected by the time of flight difference (dTof) recorded at the receiver. Meanwhile, the acoustic path self-calibration is realized by using multiple echoes. Compared with the previously reported MEMS flowmeters with dual or multiple PMUT devices, this paper proposes a single PMUT array flow sensing system, which is able to measure the flow rate changes up to 4 m3/h. With the implementation of a single device, the problem of ultrasound device/reflector misalignment during system setup is completely eradicated

    AlScN Film Based Piezoelectric Micromechanical Ultrasonic Transducer for an Extended Long-Range Detection

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    Piezoelectric micromachined ultrasonic transducers (PMUTs) have been widely applied in distance sensing. However, the sensing distance of currently reported miniaturized ultrasonic sensors (e.g., PMUTs or CMUT) is still limited up to a certain range (e.g., ≤5 m) compared to conventional bulk ultrasonic devices. This paper reports a PMUT array design using scandium-doped aluminum nitride (AlScN) as its piezoelectric layer for an extended long-range detection purpose. To minimize air attenuation, our device is resonating at 66 kHz for a high receive sensitivity of 5.7 mV/Pa. The proposed PMUT array can generate a sound pressure level (SPL) as high as 120 dB at a distance of 10 cm without beam forming. This PMUT design is catered for a pin-to-pin replacement of the current commercial bulk ultrasonic ranging sensor and works directly with the conventional range finding system (e.g., TI PGA460). In comparison with the common bulk transducer, the size of our device is 80% smaller. With the identical ranging detection setup, the proposed PMUT array improves the system SNR by more than 5 dB even at a distance as far as 6.8 m. The result of extended sensing distance validates our miniaturized PMUT array as the optimized candidate for most ultrasonic ranging applications. With the progressive development of piezoelectric MEMS, we believe that the PMUT technology could be a game changer in future long-range sensing applications

    Simplify Belief Propagation and Variation Expectation Maximization for Distributed Cooperative Localization

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    Only a specific location can make sensor data useful. The paper presents an simplify belief propagation and variation expectation maximization (SBPVEM) algorithm to achieve node localization by cooperating with another target node while lowering communication costs in a challenging environment where the anchor is sparse. A simplified belief propagation algorithm is proposed as the overall reasoning framework by modeling the cooperative localization problem as a graph model. The high-aggregation sampling and variation expectation–maximization algorithm is applied to sample and fit the complicated distribution. Experiments show that SBPVEM can obtain accurate node localization equal to NBP and SPAWN in a challenging environment while reducing bandwidth requirements. In addition, the SBPVEM has a better expressive ability than PVSPA, for SBPVEM is efficient in challenging environments