24 research outputs found

    Evolution of the Stands Established on Degradated Lands in the Diviciorii Mari Area

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    The introduction of some agricultural land which has partially or totally lost their production capacity is and will be a very important action of Romanian forestry. This extends the forest fund and improves the climatic conditions around the planting areas. The research was carried out in two improvement perimeters near Diviciorii Mari, which assumed measurements of tree diameters, heights and harvesting increment cores. After the analysis of the data and increment cores, the results were associated with climatic data and the stands were found to sufferfrom the effects of prolonged droughts. Also, these trees suffer from drying, windfalls and breaks of crowns due to the combination of droughts with slope and soil. The results obtained from the research were compared with the researches carried out at the Mineci-Ungureni Forest District between 1944 and 1955 and similarities were found regarding the influence of droughts on the radial and, implicitly, forest growths

    Rolul unor interleukine implicate în patogeneza polipozei rinosinuzale asociată cu astm bronşic

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    A fost studiat rolul interleukinelor IL-4, IL-5, IL-8 şi IgE totală în patogeneza polipozei rinosinuzale asociată cu astmul bronşic. Pentru a pune în evidenţă factorii de risc în apariţia, dezvoltarea şi cauzele recrudescenţelor de PRS asociată cu astmul bronşic, în studiu au fost incluşi 131 (71 de bărbaţi şi 60 femei) de pacienţi, inclusiv, lotul I – 81 (40 de bărbaţi şi 41 femei) de pacienţi cu PRS asociată cu astmul bronşic; lotul II – 50 (31 de bărbaţi şi 19 femei) de pacienţi cu PRS fără manifestări bronhopulmonare clinice şi lotul control – 102 persoane sănătoase (51 bărbaţi şi 51 de femei). A fost demonstrată o alergizare înaltă a pacienţilor cu polipoză rinosinuzală asociată sau nu cu astmul bronşic. Creşterea semnifi cativă a nivelului de IL-4, IL-5 şi IL-8 în comparaţie cu lotul persoanelor sănătoase determină gradul de avansare a procesului infl amator la nivelul căilor respiratorii în loturile de pacienţi. Aşadar, polipoza rinosinuzală şi astmul bronşic sunt boli multifactoriale, în patogeneza cărora este implicată infl amaţia cronică


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    In the past, Transylvania was an area of high afforestation, in 1919 having a surface of about four million hectares. Due to the need to expand agricultural areas, accessible ones have been deforested, with some of them degrading as a result of intense and irrational grazing. In order to ensure that the degraded areas are not totally unproductive, in the 1970s, they have been afforested, many of them being made with resinous, even in situations where the ecological group provided for other solutions. A number of six sample surfaces were taken into study, in which measurements were taken to track the growth of stands on degraded lands. These stands suffer from isolated windfall and crown breaks, due to the fact that the silvicultural operations are performed at a lower frequency than the production stands. Comparing the data obtained, it was found that the most healthy stands are in the Săvădisla, Sic and Sărmaşu areas, while in the Filitelnic area the trees are affected by isolated windfall and tops and crowns breaks. For tree damage to occur at the lowest possible frequency, strict silvicultural operations required for each stage of development is necessary

    Collection of blastomeres in order to establish sex and isolate genetic material-review

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    Globally, limited access to food needs in relation to meat or milk production has required the establishment of the sex of offspring from the embryonic stage. While the meat industry uses males, the dairy industry relies on females. During the period of exploitation, the number of products obtained from a female bovine is 5-6 individuals, their sex being able to be influenced by means of sexed semen. Embryo sexing programs can result in a large number of conception products, in a shorter period of time taking into account the desired sex. The use of the desired sex embryo facilitates the improvement of the genetic value. Embryonic sexing procedures involve the collection by biopsy of a minimum amount of genetic material that can ensure the determination of sex. Both invasive and non-invasive biopsy and sexing procedures can influence the subsequent viability of embryos prepared for embryo transfer. This paper highlights the methods of embryonic sexing along with the advantages and disadvantages of each technique involved in determining sex