21 research outputs found

    Miglioramento della produzione quanti-qualitativa del frumento duro attraverso la concimazionesolfo-azotata

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    E’ stato oggetto di studio l’effetto della dose di zolfo e la sua interazione con a dose di azoto, con diverse varietà di frumento duro, con terreni di diversa tessitura e con diversi frazionamenti della dose di zolfo, sulla resa di granella e sulla produzione di sostanza secca della coltura, sui principali parametri qualitativi della granella e della semola, sull’accumulo di zolfo e di azoto nella pianta e sulle dinamiche di liscivazione dei due elementi del terreno. Allo scopo sono state impostate in ciascun anno di ricerca due sperimentazioni agronomiche, una in ambiente semi-controllato (lisimetri) ed una in piena aria (parcelle). Dai risultati ottenuti è emerso come al crescere della dose di zolfo o variando il suo frazionamento non si realizzi un significativo incremento né della produzione di granella né di quella di biomassa vegetativa, che invece vengono significativamente modificate dalla dose di azoto, dalla tessitura del terreno ed in misura più ridotta dal genotipo. La dose di zolfo e il suo frazionamento, invece, hanno comportato l’aumento della quantità di zolfo assorbito dalla pianta ed assimilato dalla granella , ma non hanno modificato in maniera sostanziale l’assorbimento dell’azoto. Al crescere della disponibilità di zolfo è sTata registrata una riduzione del rapporto N/S delle cariossidi, accompagnata dall’aumento dell’indice di pastificazione. La distribuzione del 50% in fase di primo nodo ha invece ridotto il rapporto N/S della granella ed ha aumentato il peso ettolitrico, la concentrazione di proteine della granella e l’indice di sedimentazione in SDS. La quantità di zolfo allontanato dal terreno con le acque di liscivazione è stata elevata anche nel testimone con concimato, ed è aumentata al crescere della dose di zolfo e con la distribuzione della dose di zolfo interamente in presemina. E’ stato inoltre verificato che mediante la quota di zolfo persa per liscivazione corrisponde a circa il 70% del totale delle asportazioni dell’elemento dal suolo, e che la liscivazione rappresenta la principale voce passiva nel bilancio colturale dello zolfo

    Innovative crop and weed management strategies for organic spinach: crop yield and weed suppression.

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    In organic agriculture, it is important to tackle crop and weed management from a system perspective to make it effective, especially in poorly competitive crops such as vegetables. For that reason, we developed two innovative integrated crop and weed management systems for a field vegetable crop sequence in a commercial organic farm that we have been comparing to a standard farm system from 2006 to 2008. The three systems are applied to a spinach-potato-cabbage-tomato two-year crop sequence and include different levels of technical innovation: Standard Crop Management System (SCMS); Intermediate Crop Management System (ICMS); and Advanced Crop Management System (ACMS). ICMS is based on a sequence of physical weed management treatments, whereas ACMS also includes a subterranean clover (Trifolium subterraneum) living mulch. In this paper we analyse the results obtained on spinach (Spinacia oleracea) in terms of crop yield and weed suppression. Both innovative systems increased total spinach fresh weight yield compared to SCMS, despite higher weed biomass. In ACMS, total weed biomass decreased linearly with increasing biomass of the subterranean clover living mulch

    How to obtain an integrated picture of the molecular networks involved in adaptation to microgravity in different biological systems?

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    Periodically, the European Space Agency (ESA) updates scientific roadmaps in consultation with the scientific community. The ESA SciSpacE Science Community White Paper (SSCWP) 9, “Biology in Space and Analogue Environments”, focusses in 5 main topic areas, aiming to address key community-identified knowledge gaps in Space Biology. Here we present one of the identified topic areas, which is also an unanswered question of life science research in Space: “How to Obtain an Integrated Picture of the Molecular Networks Involved in Adaptation to Microgravity in Different Biological Systems?” The manuscript reports the main gaps of knowledge which have been identified by the community in the above topic area as well as the approach the community indicates to address the gaps not yet bridged. Moreover, the relevance that these research activities might have for the space exploration programs and also for application in industrial and technological fields on Earth is briefly discussed

    How are cell and tissue structure and function influenced by gravity and what are the gravity perception mechanisms?

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    Progress in mechanobiology allowed us to better understand the important role of mechanical forces in the regulation of biological processes. Space research in the field of life sciences clearly showed that gravity plays a crucial role in biological processes. The space environment offers the unique opportunity to carry out experiments without gravity, helping us not only to understand the effects of gravitational alterations on biological systems but also the mechanisms underlying mechanoperception and cell/tissue response to mechanical and gravitational stresses. Despite the progress made so far, for future space exploration programs it is necessary to increase our knowledge on the mechanotransduction processes as well as on the molecular mechanisms underlying microgravity-induced cell and tissue alterations. This white paper reports the suggestions and recommendations of the SciSpacE Science Community for the elaboration of the section of the European Space Agency roadmap “Biology in Space and Analogue Environments” focusing on “How are cells and tissues influenced by gravity and what are the gravity perception mechanisms?” The knowledge gaps that prevent the Science Community from fully answering this question and the activities proposed to fill them are discussed

    How do gravity alterations affect animal and human systems at a cellular/tissue level?

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    The present white paper concerns the indications and recommendations of the SciSpacE Science Community to make progress in filling the gaps of knowledge that prevent us from answering the question: “How Do Gravity Alterations Affect Animal and Human Systems at a Cellular/Tissue Level?” This is one of the five major scientific issues of the ESA roadmap “Biology in Space and Analogue Environments”. Despite the many studies conducted so far on spaceflight adaptation mechanisms and related pathophysiological alterations observed in astronauts, we are not yet able to elaborate a synthetic integrated model of the many changes occurring at different system and functional levels. Consequently, it is difficult to develop credible models for predicting long-term consequences of human adaptation to the space environment, as well as to implement medical support plans for long-term missions and a strategy for preventing the possible health risks due to prolonged exposure to spaceflight beyond the low Earth orbit (LEO). The research activities suggested by the scientific community have the aim to overcome these problems by striving to connect biological and physiological aspects in a more holistic view of space adaptation effects

    How do gravity alterations affect animal and human systems at a cellular/tissue level?

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    The present white paper concerns the indications and recommendations of the SciSpacE Science Community to make progress in filling the gaps of knowledge that prevent us from answering the question: "How Do Gravity Alterations Affect Animal and Human Systems at a Cellular/Tissue Level?" This is one of the five major scientific issues of the ESA roadmap "Biology in Space and Analogue Environments". Despite the many studies conducted so far on spaceflight adaptation mechanisms and related pathophysiological alterations observed in astronauts, we are not yet able to elaborate a synthetic integrated model of the many changes occurring at different system and functional levels. Consequently, it is difficult to develop credible models for predicting long-term consequences of human adaptation to the space environment, as well as to implement medical support plans for long-term missions and a strategy for preventing the possible health risks due to prolonged exposure to spaceflight beyond the low Earth orbit (LEO). The research activities suggested by the scientific community have the aim to overcome these problems by striving to connect biological and physiological aspects in a more holistic view of space adaptation effects

    Non-Chemical Weed Control on Open-Field Fresh Market Tomato in the Serchio Valley (Central Italy)

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    Fresh-market tomato is one of the most widespread Italian open-field vegetable cultivation, involving over than 23000 ha. A three year on-farm experimental trial (2006-2008) was carried out by the MAMA Division of DAGA Department and CIRAA “Enrico Avanzi” research centre of the University of Pisa in cooperation with San Giuliano Terme and Vecchiano municipalities (Serchio Valley, Pisa, Central Italy). The experiment was run in two different “pilot” integrated farms (the first one in 2006 and 2008 and the second one in 2007) placed in the Serchio Valley. Tomato was transplanted following a single row space arrangement. Crop density was about 10000 plants ha-1 (1,5 m x 0,7 m). Crop was not irrigated. The aim of the research was to compare three different non-chemical weed control methods: 1) biodegradable black plastic mulching film; 2) physical weed control on bare soil; 3) physical weed control plus straw dead mulch (only during 2007 and 2008). Biodegradable plastic mulch was placed just before crop transplanting. In this case just few hand weeding interventions were performed in addiction. No false or stale seedbed technique was carried out. This is the developing ordinary cultivation technique adopted in the area. Physical wed control on bare soil was performed with innovative operative machines built by the University of Pisa. Stale-seedbed technique was covered at by means of the rolling harrow (a patent of the University of Pisa) and an open flame operative machine before crop transplanting. Hoeing interventions were carried out with a precision hoe and the hoe conformed rolling harrow, both of them equipped with a hand guidance system and elastic tines for selective in-row weed control. In-row hand weeding was also performed when necessary. The third method consisted in the use of straw dead mulch together with the physical weed control strategy previously described. The straw mulch was placed just after the last hoeing intervention in 2007 and after crop transplanting in 2008. The purpose of the straw mulch use was to increase weed control effectiveness and water supply for the crop. Weed density, weed dry biomass at harvest, fruit fresh yield, operative machine performances and economic parameters were assessed. During the first year of experiment, the use of plastic biodegradable mulch allowed to reach high yields and lower weed dry biomass values at harvest with respect to the physical weed control method applied to bare soil. In 2007 the use of the straw mulch allowed to reach similar yield and economical parameters with respect to the biodegradable plastic mulch utilization, while physical weed control methods applied to bare soil gave again worse results. In 2008 the two innovative techniques allowed to reach higher yield and weed control levels with respect to biodegradable plastic film application