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8 research outputs found
Multicultural Orientation in Psychotherapy Supervision: Cultural Humility, Cultural Comfort, and Cultural Opportunities
Ancis JR
Benuto LT
+11 more
Bernard JM
Borders LD
DeGolia S
Ellis MV
Gonzales JJ
Mosher DK
Pawl JH
Ratts MJ
Sue DW
Watkins CE
Watkins CE
Publication venue
'American Psychiatric Association Publishing'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Sustaining factors, rewards, and challenges for psychologists providing clinical care in psycho‐oncology
Afton Nelson
Amanda Kracen
+12 more
Benuto LT
Dickens C
Ellen Joseph
Hannah Rowold
Heather Engblom
Hill CE
Kaitlin V. Ross
Lederberg MS
Nicole Taylor‐Irwin
Seligman MEP
Taylor Michl
Trisha L. Raque‐Bogdan
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The Behavioral Model of Health: Education, Behavioral Health Factors, and Stigma as Predictors of Help-Seeking Attitudes
A Masuda
A Masuda
+49 more
A Wright
AF Jorm
AN Ortega
AT Beck
B Bandelow
B Ghafoori
BT Keum
CC Diala
CS MacKenzie
EC Ward
EH Fischer
EM Obasi
Frances Gonzalez
FTL Leong
H Cheng
H Jung
H Mendoza
J Cohen
J Keen
JD Elhai
JE Kim
Jena Casas
JM Davis
KD Bertakis
KM Griffiths
KM Griffiths
KO Conner
L Benuto
L Benuto
L Ramos-Sánchez
LJ Barney
LJ Cabassa
Lorraine T. Benuto
LT Benuto
M Selkirk
MG Wheaton
MM Omizo
N Rüsch
N Schnyder
N Topkaya
PG Arora
R Kessler
R Mojtabai
RM Andersen
Rory Newlands
SK Nam
TA Berdahl
VD Ojeda
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Forensic Assessment with the Asian American Client
A Asnaani
A Yeung
+46 more
AB Gerard
AL McGarry
American Psychological Association
BM Caldwell
BM Caldwell
BW Yee
C Everington
CM Rockhill
DC Tsai
DE Hinton
DT Takeuchi
DT Takeuchi
F Rothbaum
GD Zimet
I Cuéllar
J Fantuzzo
JB Gerbasi
JH Grych
JL Mendez
JM Tschann
JR Buri
JS Milner
JW Hicks
KM Lin
LL McIntyre
LT Benuto
LW Tolle
M Yeh
MJ Stevens
N Poythress
National Research Council
NP Medora
P-C Wu
PH Witt
R Roesch
R Roesch
R Rogers
RA Fox
RA Lanham
RP Archer
RR Abidin
T Grisso
TL Gordon
TM Wong
TR Konold
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Preliminary Recommendations for Assessing Adverse Childhood Experiences in Clinical Practice With Indigenous Clients
A Bombay
A Mashford-Pringle
+52 more
AE Jaffe
AJ Narayan
AM Alberton
American Psychological Association
CC Shepherd
CJ Mushquash
CL Currie
CL Park
CZ Levkoe
D Bürgin
D Finkelhor
D Warne
D Warne
ES Bordin
J Ansloos
J Blake
J Bolton
J Caldwell
J Ma
J Read
JL Turabian
JM Causadias
JM Cénat
JP Mersky
K Andriessen
K Maguire-Jack
KA Kalmakis
KKM Stavropoulos
L Cave
L McAdam
L Strathearn
LT Benuto
M Cooke
M Hajizadeh
M King
M Weinberg
MA Bellis
MC Skewes
ME Langa
NK Aggarwal
P Wilk
R Bethune
RJ McQuaid
RT Munoz
S Hamby
SE Finn
SR Dube
T Karatzias
TG Rhee
VJ Felitti
W Baijius
W Jennings
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
The Main and Interactive Associations between Demographic Factors and Psychopathology and Treatment Utilization in Youth: A Test of Intersectionality in the ABCD Study
A Angold
AA Pina
+67 more
AE Lee-Winn
AL Beccia
AL Whaley
AL Whaley
AM Auchter
B Boileau
B Miller
B Ramos
C Zahn-Waxler
CM López
DA Lloyd
DM Barch
DM Costello
DR Williams
EJ Costello
EJ Costello
ER Anderson
F Reiss
FA Gary
G Saluja
H Choi
H Garavan
I Falgas
I Heyman
J Edman
J Kaufman
JA Kistner
JC Phelan
JD McLeod
JM Siegel
JM Zito
JR Weisz
K Fiscella
KA McLaughlin
KL Ballentine
KR Merikangas
KR Merikangas
L Marrast
L Nguyen
L Rosenthal
LT Benuto
M Alegria
M Burstein
M Lemstra
MM Reising
OG Gudiño
P Cohen
P Louie
P Wu
PJ Guarnaccia
PJ Stover
PL Morgan
PN Pastor
PW Newacheck
RC Kessler
RG Wight
S Fisher
S Herman
S Sue
SA Swanson
SP Cuffe
T Udo
TA Baker
TG McGuire
TR Coker
V McBride Murry
Z Wang
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Treating Posttraumatic Stress Disorder in Diverse Settings: Recent Advances and Challenges for the Future
A Asnaani
A Rasmussen
+78 more
A Smedley
AC Schwartz
AL Roberts
AM Kilbourne
BG Druss
BJ Hall
C Alcántara
C Alcántara
CA Cuevas
CM López
CW Hoge
D Kaysen
DE Hinton
DE Hinton
DE Hinton
DE Hinton
DE Hinton
EB Foa
Emily Ahles
H Stenmark
IM Aderka
J Diehle
J Harvey
J Liu
J Murray
J Sareen
J Unterhitzenberger
JA Cohen
JA Cohen
JA Cohen
JA Cohen
JA DiGangi
JA Himle
JA Jacobs
JK Bass
JKM Damra
JN Caraballo
K Hermenau
K Lester
K O’Donnell
KH Koo
KM Chard
L Marques
L Zandberg
LH Jaycox
LK Murray
Louise E. Dixon
LT Benuto
Luana Marques
M Alegría
M Alghamdi
M Balaji
M Schiff
MD Jeffreys
ME Boyes
MG Craske
MT Williams
N Breslau
N Mørkved
N Nacasch
N Wallerstein
P Bolton
P O’Callaghan
PA Bont de
PA Resick
PA Resick
R Kendell
R Lewis-Fernandez
RC Kessler
RC Kessler
S Kameoka
S Konanur
S Self-Brown
SW Stirman
SW Stirman
TM Davidson
WM Weiss
Z Liu
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Pain-Related Symptom Reporting Among Hispanics: Implications for Forensic Psychological Evaluations
A Escalante
A Hajat
+164 more
A Hernandez
A Hiott
AA Correa
AF Abraido-Lanza
AH Lebovits
AM Bauer
AM Strutt
AN Ortega
AT Beck
AT Beck
BE McGuire
BK Finch
C DeNavas-Walt
C Piotrowski
CB Johannes
CL Timmins
CR Reynolds
CR Ridley
D Kuo
DA Fishbain
DB Dobbs
DC Turk
DJ Slick
DM Homa
DM Novy
DP Eisenman
DR Williams
DV Nelson
E Arcia
E Berkanovic
E Tomasi
E Wilson
EA Storch
EI Lorenzo-Blanco
EL Merz
FS Mendoza
FX Acosta
G Gonzalez
G Groth-Marnat
G Juarez
G Magni
G Pransky
G Young
GD Sherwood
GG Ano
GJ Larrabee
GJ Larrabee
GME Lucio
GX Ayala
H Leventhal
HM González
HR Guo
I Cuéllar
IZ Schultz
J Alvidrez
J Arends-Toth
J Bonilla
J Hardt
J Maddux
J Manly
J Robison
JA Bennett
JA Lipton
JA Penley
JA Turner
JC Fairbank
JC Higginbotham
JD Hovey
JF Smart
JF Smart
JG Grzywacz
JJ Cabiya
JJ Cabiya
JM Sears
JM Solis
JN Butcher
JN Butcher
JS Wiebe
K Armstrong
K Fiscella
KB Wilson
Kelly L. Curtis
KJ Bianchini
KJ Bianchini
KJ Bianchini
KK Asner-Self
KM Keyes
KS Collins
KS Pope
KW Greve
KW Greve
KW Greve
KW Greve
KW Greve
KW Greve
L DuAlba
L Guerrero
L Robles
L Torres
L Torres
LA Suzuki
LC Landivar
LJ Crockett
LJ Kirmayer
LK Khan
LR Derogatis
LS Azaroff
LS Morales
LT Benuto
Luis E. Aguerrevere
M Alegría
M Chafetz
M Garcia
M Hiscock
M Lara
M Ponton
MC Zea
MJ Coffman
MS Bates
MT Boccaccini
MT Granillo
N Lewin-Epstein
NA Hollingshead
OA Rivera
P Fantoni-Salvador
P Ruiz
PE Shrout
PG Butterfield
PJ Guarnaccia
PJ Guarnaccia
PR Lees-Haley
Q Bui
R Melzack
R Melzack
R Redfield
R Rogers
RA Weiss
RD Kerns
RG Malgady
RI Frederick
RJ Echemendia
RJ Velasquez
RK Portenoy
RL Johnson
RM Weinick
Robert C. Nicks
Roselia Juan
RR Edwards
S Contreras
S Martinez
S Okazaki
S Walfish
SF Posner
SL Syme
T Dubowitz
T Millon
TD Smith
TJ Guilmette
TN Tombaugh
W Mittenberg
WJ Ferguson
XS Dong
Y Cho
Yuleinys A. Castillo
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text