205 research outputs found

    Fast Label Extraction in the CDAWG

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    The compact directed acyclic word graph (CDAWG) of a string TT of length nn takes space proportional just to the number ee of right extensions of the maximal repeats of TT, and it is thus an appealing index for highly repetitive datasets, like collections of genomes from similar species, in which ee grows significantly more slowly than nn. We reduce from O(mloglogn)O(m\log{\log{n}}) to O(m)O(m) the time needed to count the number of occurrences of a pattern of length mm, using an existing data structure that takes an amount of space proportional to the size of the CDAWG. This implies a reduction from O(mloglogn+occ)O(m\log{\log{n}}+\mathtt{occ}) to O(m+occ)O(m+\mathtt{occ}) in the time needed to locate all the occ\mathtt{occ} occurrences of the pattern. We also reduce from O(kloglogn)O(k\log{\log{n}}) to O(k)O(k) the time needed to read the kk characters of the label of an edge of the suffix tree of TT, and we reduce from O(mloglogn)O(m\log{\log{n}}) to O(m)O(m) the time needed to compute the matching statistics between a query of length mm and TT, using an existing representation of the suffix tree based on the CDAWG. All such improvements derive from extracting the label of a vertex or of an arc of the CDAWG using a straight-line program induced by the reversed CDAWG.Comment: 16 pages, 1 figure. In proceedings of the 24th International Symposium on String Processing and Information Retrieval (SPIRE 2017). arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1705.0864

    Having a lot of a good thing: multiple important group memberships as a source of self-esteem.

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    Copyright: © 2015 Jetten et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are creditedMembership in important social groups can promote a positive identity. We propose and test an identity resource model in which personal self-esteem is boosted by membership in additional important social groups. Belonging to multiple important group memberships predicts personal self-esteem in children (Study 1a), older adults (Study 1b), and former residents of a homeless shelter (Study 1c). Study 2 shows that the effects of multiple important group memberships on personal self-esteem are not reducible to number of interpersonal ties. Studies 3a and 3b provide longitudinal evidence that multiple important group memberships predict personal self-esteem over time. Studies 4 and 5 show that collective self-esteem mediates this effect, suggesting that membership in multiple important groups boosts personal self-esteem because people take pride in, and derive meaning from, important group memberships. Discussion focuses on when and why important group memberships act as a social resource that fuels personal self-esteem.This study was supported by 1. Australian Research Council Future Fellowship (FT110100238) awarded to Jolanda Jetten (see http://www.arc.gov.au) 2. Australian Research Council Linkage Grant (LP110200437) to Jolanda Jetten and Genevieve Dingle (see http://www.arc.gov.au) 3. support from the Canadian Institute for Advanced Research Social Interactions, Identity and Well-Being Program to Nyla Branscombe, S. Alexander Haslam, and Catherine Haslam (see http://www.cifar.ca)

    Prevalence and correlates of frailty in an older rural African population:findings from the HAALSI cohort study

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    Background: Frailty is a key predictor of death and dependency, yet little is known about frailty in sub-Saharan Africa despite rapid population ageing. We describe the prevalence and correlates of phenotypic frailty using data from the Health and Aging in Africa: Longitudinal Studies of an INDEPTH Community cohort. Methods: We analysed data from rural South Africans aged 40 and over. We used low grip strength, slow gait speed, low body mass index, and combinations of self-reported exhaustion, decline in health, low physical activity and high self-reported sedentariness to derive nine variants of a phenotypic frailty score. Each frailty category was compared with self-reported health, subjective wellbeing, impairment in activities of daily living and the presence of multimorbidity. Cox regression analyses were used to compare subsequent all-cause mortality for non-frail (score 0), pre-frail (score 1–2) and frail participants (score 3+). Results: Five thousand fifty nine individuals (mean age 61.7 years, 2714 female) were included in the analyses. The nine frailty score variants yielded a range of frailty prevalences (5.4% to 13.2%). For all variants, rates were higher in women than in men, and rose steeply with age. Frailty was associated with worse subjective wellbeing, and worse self-reported health. Both prefrailty and frailty were associated with a higher risk of death during a mean 17 month follow up for all score variants (hazard ratios 1.29 to 2.41 for pre-frail vs non-frail; hazard ratios 2.65 to 8.91 for frail vs non-frail). Conclusions: Phenotypic frailty could be measured in this older South African population, and was associated with worse health, wellbeing and earlier death

    Depression and alcohol use among the Dutch residential home elderly: Is there a shared vulnerability?

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    The purpose of this article is to investigate whether data from an older population sample would support the co-occurrence between depression and (problematic) alcohol use found in the general population and in clinical samples. Additionally, important predictors concerning these phenomena are identified in this population, by interviewing 156 inhabitants of five residential homes (mean age 84 years), using several questionnaires. The results showed that there is no link present between depression and alcohol use in this very old, mostly female population. Our results found a relation between the personality traits extraversion and openness to experience with both depression as well as alcohol use. Neuroticism was only related to depressive symptoms. Chronic diseases was related to non-alcohol use and parental problem drinking was found to be a risk factor for late life problem drinking. Future studies should aim at developing screening instruments for alcohol use in this population and, because of the importance of the personality traits, aim at developing or adapting of psychotherapeutic interventions fit for this population. Keywords: Depression, alcohol use, older adults, residential homes, personalit

    Predictors of dizziness in older persons: a 10-year prospective cohort study in the community

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    BACKGROUND: The current diagnosis-oriented approach of dizziness does not suit older patients. Often, it is difficult to identify a single underlying cause, and when a diagnosis is made, therapeutic options may be limited. Identification of predictors of dizziness may provide new leads for the management of dizziness in older patients. The aim of the present study was to investigate long-term predictors of regular dizziness in older persons. METHODS: Population-based cohort study of 1,379 community-dwelling participants, aged ≥60 years, from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA). Regular dizziness was ascertained during face-to-face medical interviews during 7- and 10-year follow-up. We investigated 26 predictors at baseline from six domains: socio-demographic, medical history, medication, psychological, sensory, and balance/gait. We performed multivariate logistic regression analyses with presence of regular dizziness at 7- and 10-year follow-up as dependent variables. We assessed the performance of the models by calculating calibration and discrimination. RESULTS: Predictors of regular dizziness at 7-year follow-up were living alone, history of dizziness, history of osteo/rheumatoid arthritis, use of nitrates, presence of anxiety or depression, impaired vision, and impaired function of lower extremities. Predictors of regular dizziness at 10-year follow-up were history of dizziness and impaired function of lower extremities. Both models showed good calibration (Hosmer-Lemeshow P value of 0.36 and 0.31, respectively) and acceptable discrimination (adjusted AUC after bootstrapping of 0.77 and 0.71). CONCLUSIONS: Dizziness in older age was predicted by multiple factors. A multifactorial approach, targeting potentially modifiable predictors (e.g., physical exercise for impaired function of lower extremities), may add to the current diagnosis-oriented approach. ELECTRONIC SUPPLEMENTARY MATERIAL: The online version of this article (doi:10.1186/1471-2318-14-133) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users

    The Association between Depressive Symptoms and Non-Psychiatric Hospitalisation in Older Adults

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    Findings Hospital events from 1995 to 2006 were obtained from the Dutch National Medical Register and linked to participants of the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA). Linkage was accomplished in 97% of the LASA sample by matching gender, year of birth and postal code. Depression was measured at each wave point of the LASA study using the Centre for Epidemiologic Studies Depression (CES-D). Hospital outcomes including admission, length of stay, readmission and death while in hospital were recorded at 6, 12 and 24 months intervals after each LASA interview. Generalised Estimating Equation models were also used to investigate potential confounders. After 12 months, 14% of depressed people were hospitalised compared to 10% of non-depressed individuals. There was a 2-fold increase in deaths while in hospital amongst the depressed (0.8% vs 0.4%), who also had longer total length of stay (2.6 days vs 1.4 days). Chronic illnesses and functional limitations had major attenuating effects, but depression was found to be an independent risk factor for length of stay after full adjustment (OR = 1.33, 95% CI: 1.22–1.46 after 12 months). Conclusions Depression in middle and old age is associated with non-psychiatric hospitalisation, longer length of stay and higher mortality in clinical settings. Targeting of this high-risk group could reduce the financial, medical and social burden related to hospital admission

    Ten-year trends in benzodiazepine use in the Dutch population

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    Background In the past decades knowledge on adequate treatment of affective disorders and awareness of the negative consequences of long-term benzodiazepine use increased. Therefore, a decrease in benzodiazepine use is expected, particularly in prolonged use. The aim of this study was to assess time trends in benzodiazepine use. Methods and material Data from the Longitudinal Aging Study Amsterdam (LASA) were used to investigate trends in benzodiazepine use between 1992 and 2002 in two population-based samples aged 55-64 years. Differences between the two samples with respect to benzodiazepine use and to sociodemographic, physical health and mental health characteristics were described and tested with chi- square tests and logistic regression analyses. Results Benzodiazepine use remained stable over 10 years, with 7.8% in LASA-1 (n = 874) and 7.9% in LASA-2 (n = 919) (p = 0.90) with a persisting preponderance in women and in people with low education, low income, chronic physical diseases, functional limitations, cognitive impairment, depression, anxiety complaints, sleep problems and when using antidepressants. Long-term use remained high with 70% in 1992 and 80% in 2002 of total benzodiazepine use. Conclusion In the Dutch population aged 55-64, overall benzodiazepine use remained stable from 1992 to 2002, with a high proportion of long-term users, despite the effort to reduce benzodiazepine use and the renewal of the guidelines. More effort should be made to decrease prolonged benzodiazepine use in this middle-aged group, because of the increasing risks with ageing. © The Author(s) 2011

    The effect of social relationships on survival in elderly residents of a Southern European community: a cohort study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Comparative evidence regarding the effects of social relationships on mortality in Mediterranean communities will increase our knowledge of their strengths and the ways in which they influence longevity across cultures. Men and women may benefit differently from social relationships because of cultural differences in gender roles. Psychosocial mechanisms such as social support, which may explain the effects of social networks, may also vary by culture.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Detailed information on the social relationships of a representative sample of 1,174 community-dwelling older adults was collected in Leganés, a city in central Spain. Mortality over a 6-year follow-up period was ascertained. Information on socio-demographic, health and disability variables was also collected. Cox proportional hazards models were fitted separately for men and women and for the combined sample.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Having a confidant was associated with a 25% (95% CI 5–40%) reduction in the mortality risk. The hazard ratio for lack of social participation was 1.5 (95% CI 1.3–1.7). Being engaged in meaningful roles protected against mortality, while receipt of emotional support did not affect survival. These results were comparable for men and women. Having contact with all family ties was associated with reduced mortality only in men. Structural aspects of social networks make a unique contribution to survival, independently of emotional support and the role played in the lives of significant others.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>In this elderly Southern European population, the beneficial effects of social networks, social participation, engagement in the life of significant others and having a confidant call for public policies that foster intergenerational and community exchanges.</p

    Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of a disease knowledge and self-care questionnaire for a brazilian sample of heart failure patients

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    To adapt a questionnaire that assesses knowledge about heart failure (HF) and self-care and to analyze its content validity and reproducibility for use in Brazil. The questionnaire was validated through translation, summary, back-translation, expert committee review, pretest and assessment of psychometric properties. The final version (14 questions) was applied at the university hospital to HF outpatients under multidisciplinary team care. Five questions showed total agreement; seven scored Kappa > 0.4; one Kappa = 0.4, and just one presented no agreement. A group of 153 patients within 1-4 years of outpatient follow-up was assessed (age 59±13, 61% male). In the knowledge assessment, right answers varied from 4 to 14 (average 9.9±2.1). Results indicate the validity of the questionnaire for use in Brazil.Se tuvo por objetivo realizar la adaptación transcultural de un cuestionario que evalúa el conocimiento sobre la insuficiencia cardíaca (IC) y el autocuidado y analizar su validez de contenido y la reproductibilidad para uso en Brasil. Se trata de un proceso de validación constituido de traducción, síntesis, retrotraducción, revisión por comité de expertos, prueba piloto y verificación de las propiedades psicométricas. La versión final adaptada con 14 preguntas fue aplicada a pacientes con IC en acompañamiento en ambulatorio con el equipo multidisciplinar de un hospital universitario. Cinco preguntas presentaron concordancia total; siete obtuvieron coeficiente Kappa > 0,4; una obtuvo Kappa 0,4 y apenas en una pregunta no hubo concordancia. Se evaluaron 153 pacientes, edad de 59±13; 61% sexo masculino; mediana de tiempo de acompañamiento en el ambulatorio 2 (1-4) años. En la evaluación del conocimiento, los aciertos variaron de cuatro a 14, promedio 9,9±2,1. Concluimos que los resultados indicaron que este cuestionario fue validado para ser usado en Brasil.Esta pesquisa teve como objetivos realizar a adaptação transcultural de um questionário que avalia o conhecimento sobre a insuficiência cardíaca (IC) e o autocuidado e analisar sua validade de conteúdo e a reprodutibilidade para uso no Brasil. O processo de validação constituiu-se de tradução, síntese, retrotradução, revisão por comitê de especialistas, pré-teste e verificação das propriedades psicométricas. A versão final adaptada com 14 questões foi aplicada a pacientes com IC em acompanhamento ambulatorial com a equipe multidisciplinar de um hospital universitário. Quanto aos resultados, cinco questões apresentaram concordância total, sete obtiveram coeficiente Kappa >0,4, uma obteve Kappa 0,4 e apenas em uma questão não houve concordância. Avaliaram-se 153 pacientes, idade de 59±13, sendo 64% sexo masculino; mediana do tempo de acompanhamento no ambulatório de 2 (1-4) anos. Na avaliação do conhecimento, os acertos variaram de quatro a 14, média 9,9±2,1. Conclui-se pelos resultados, que esse questionário foi validado para uso no Brasil