3 research outputs found
Experimental Osteomyelitis
- Author
- A Leonard
- A Rodet
- CL Starr
- CW Norden
- CW Norden
- CW Norden
- CW Norden
- CW Norden
- CW Norden
- CW Norden
- CW Norden
- CW Norden
- CW Norden
- CW Norden
- CW Norden
- E Lexer
- E Lexer
- FA Waldvogel
- FA Waldvogel
- G Cierny
- GI Wingerden Van
- JP Rissing
- JP Rissing
- JT LaMont
- JT Mader
- JT Mader
- JT Mader
- JT Mader
- KO Haldeman
- L Scheman
- LR Crane
- M Desyine
- O Zak
- RH Fitzgerald
- RHS Thompson
- RS Holzman
- VT Andriole
- VT Andriole
- VW Zimelis
- Y-H Lee
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1988
- Field of study
Latin American Advocacy on Violence against Women and the OAS Convention
- Author
- A Hurrell
- B Mendoza
- C Medina
- C Utopía
- CM Santos
- D Corbo
- D Hawkins
- EJ Friedman
- F Macaulay
- G Camacho
- IACHR (Inter-American Commission on Human Rights)
- JG Roure
- KM Culliton
- L Bandeiras
- LE Repetto
- LL Barsted
- LR Scheman
- ME Keck
- MK Meyer
- N Johnson
- NS Sternbach
- Organización Panamericana de la Salud (OPS)
- Organization of American States
- Red Uruguaya contra la Violencia Doméstica y Sexual
- Reunión de Ministras y Altas Autoridades de la Mujer del Mercosur
- S Chiarotti
- S Larraín
- S Nelson
- S Sarno
- SE Alvarez
- SE Alvarez
- United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/2014
- Field of study
Tenacious Assumptions in Western Medicine
- Author
- A Brandt
- A Kleinman
- A Kleinman
- A Kleinman
- A Maclntyre
- A Richters
- A Young
- A Young
- A Young
- A Young
- A Zempléni
- AD Gaines
- AD Gaines
- AD Gaines
- Ad Hoc Committee on Medical Ethics American College of Physicians
- American Board of Internal Medicine
- B Barnes
- B Good
- B Good
- B Good
- B Latour
- B Turner
- C Bosk
- C Geertz
- C Geertz
- C Geertz
- C Gilligan
- C Taylor
- C Taylor
- C Taylor
- CG Helman
- CG Helman
- CM Roberts
- D Armstrong
- D Lee
- D Yankelovich
- DR Gordon
- DR Gordon
- DR Gordon
- E Corin
- E Freidson
- E Mishler
- E Shils
- EF Keller
- EJ Cassell
- EJ Cassell
- Engelhardt Jr
- Engelhardt Jr
- Engelhardt Jr
- EW Straus
- F Capra
- G Engel
- G Lakoff
- G Obeyesekere
- GF Will
- H Becker
- H Dreyfus
- H Fabrega
- H Jonas
- HL Dreyfus
- HL Dreyfus
- HS Berliner
- I Illich
- J Comaroff
- J Comaroff
- J Comaroff
- J Comaroff
- J Comaroff
- J Habermas
- J Needham
- J O’Neill
- J Powles
- J Rawls
- JC Wrubel
- JJ Lynch
- K Figlio
- KD Knorr-Cetina
- L Dossey
- L Dumont
- L Dumont
- L Eisenberg
- L Fleck
- L King
- L Wittgenstein
- LR Kass
- M Berman
- M Douglas
- M Douglas
- M Ferguson
- M Foucault
- M Foucault
- M Foucault
- M Foucault
- M Foucault
- M Foucault
- M Heidegger
- M Lock
- M Lock
- M Lock
- M Mauss
- M Merleau-Ponty
- M Millman
- M Rawlinson
- M Rosaldo
- M Taussig
- M Taussig
- M-JD Good
- MJ Sandel
- MS Gregory
- N Scheman
- N Scheper-Hughes
- O Sacks
- P Benner
- P Benner
- P Bourdieu
- P Manning
- P Starr
- P Worsley
- PES Freund
- PWG Wright
- R Bellah
- R Bernstein
- R Bhasker
- R Descartes
- R Fox
- R Fox
- R Zaner
- RA Hahn
- RA Hahn
- RA Hahn
- RA Shweder
- RC Fox
- RC Fox
- RJ Baron
- RS Duff
- S Guttmacher
- S Kaufman
- S Lukes
- S Osherson
- S Sontag
- SJ Gould
- SJ Reiser
- T Kuhn
- T Lebra
- T Maretzki
- T Parsons
- T Parsons
- TE Quill
- V Crapanzano
- W Carlton
- W Caudill
- WR Arney
- WR Arney
- WR Arney
- WT Jones
- Publication venue
- 'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
- Publication date
- 01/01/1988
- Field of study