11 research outputs found

    Environmental Temperature Affects Prevalence of Blood Parasites of Birds on an Elevation Gradient: Implications for Disease in a Warming Climate

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    Background: The rising global temperature is predicted to expand the distribution of vector-borne diseases both in latitude and altitude. Many host communities could be affected by increased prevalence of disease, heightening the risk of extinction for many already threatened species. To understand how host communities could be affected by changing parasite distributions, we need information on the distribution of parasites in relation to variables like temperature and rainfall that are predicted to be affected by climate change.\ud \ud Methodology/Principal Findings: We determined relations between prevalence of blood parasites, temperature, and seasonal rainfall in a bird community of the Australian Wet Tropics along an elevation gradient. We used PCR screening to investigate the prevalence and lineage diversity of four genera of blood parasites (Plasmodium, Haemoproteus, Leucocytozoon and Trypanosoma) in 403 birds. The overall prevalence of the four genera of blood parasites was 32.3%, with Haemoproteus the predominant genus. A total of 48 unique lineages were detected. Independent of elevation, parasite prevalence was positively and strongly associated with annual temperature. Parasite prevalence was elevated during the dry season.\ud \ud Conclusions/Significance: Low temperatures of the higher elevations can help to reduce both the development of avian haematozoa and the abundance of parasite vectors, and hence parasite prevalence. In contrast, high temperatures of the lowland areas provide an excellent environment for the development and transmission of haematozoa. We showed that rising temperatures are likely to lead to increased prevalence of parasites in birds, and may force shifts of bird distribution to higher elevations. We found that upland tropical areas are currently a low-disease habitat and their conservation should be given high priority in management plans under climate change

    Aspectos da ?drive for muscularity?em estudantes de Educação Física

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    “Drive for muscularity” refere-se ao desejo de alcançar um corpo musculoso idealizado e ao grau de preocupação que o sujeito pode ter a respeito do aumento da sua musculatura e a motivação para se tornar mais musculoso. O propĂłsito deste estudo foi o de contribuir para a compreensĂŁo do “drive for muscularity” no cenĂĄrio brasileiro, procurando identificar crenças, sentimentos e comportamentos a este constructo relacionados, em estudantes de educação fĂ­sica do sexo masculino. Dois grupos focais, com cinco participantes cada, foram realizados para evidenciar elementos de “drive for muscularity”. AtravĂ©s da anĂĄlise de decomposição temĂĄtica foram identificados dois temas, nos quais foram distribuĂ­dos cinco subtemas: â€œĂ© importante ser musculoso”; â€œĂ© importante ser suficientemente musculoso”; “construção do corpo musculoso”; “o peso de estar fora do padrĂŁo” e “o preço para atingir o padrĂŁo”. Concluiu-se que aparĂȘncia e a função sĂŁo importantes, aquele que parece forte tambĂ©m deve ser capaz de fazer força. O corpo suficientemente musculoso, com baixo percentual de gordura Ă© aquele valorizado, inclusive no mercado de trabalho. A forma mais lĂ­cita de alcançar o corpo musculoso Ă© atravĂ©s da rotina ascĂ©tica de treinamento, alimentação balanceada e descanso. Os suplementos alimentares sĂŁo recursos adicionais aceitos. O uso de esteroides anabolizantes por aqueles com “herança genĂ©tica” desfavorĂĄvel Ă© inicialmente “perdoado”, mas o corpo que resulta deste recurso Ă© fonte de sentimentos ambĂ­guos