26,477 research outputs found

    Large time behavior for vortex evolution in the half-plane

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    In this article we study the long-time behavior of incompressible ideal flow in a half plane from the point of view of vortex scattering. Our main result is that certain asymptotic states for half-plane vortex dynamics decompose naturally into a nonlinear superposition of soliton-like states. Our approach is to combine techniques developed in the study of vortex confinement with weak convergence tools in order to study the asymptotic behavior of a self-similar rescaling of a solution of the incompressible 2D Euler equations on a half plane with compactly supported, nonnegative initial vorticity.Comment: 30 pages, no figure

    Context-aware mobile app for the multidimensional assessment of the elderly,

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    Rural areas in Europe are presenting a decreasing population density and an increasing age index. These elders usually present multiple diseases that require complex tools to identify the exact cares that they need. Currently, different frameworks can evaluate their functional status and identify the required cares to maintain their Quality of Life, together with the associated cost to the health system. Nevertheless, these frameworks are usually questionnaires that have to be performed by already overloaded professionals. In this paper, we make use of mobile technologies to build a system capable of monitoring the activities of the elderly and analysing these data to assess their functional status. The experiments carried out show us that it correctly evaluates these patients and reduces the effort required by health professionals

    Serfati solutions to the 2D Euler equations on exterior domains

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    We prove existence and uniqueness of a weak solution to the incompressible 2D Euler equations in the exterior of a bounded smooth obstacle when the initial data is a bounded divergence-free velocity field having bounded scalar curl. This work completes and extends the ideas outlined by P. Serfati for the same problem in the whole-plane case. With non-decaying vorticity, the Biot-Savart integral does not converge, and thus velocity cannot be reconstructed from vorticity in a straightforward way. The key to circumventing this difficulty is the use of the Serfati identity, which is based on the Biot-Savart integral, but holds in more general settings.Comment: 50 page

    Contributions to the ontology of aging, the sensitive indicators of rehabilitation nursing care, in terms of self-care, in people with respiratory disorders

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    With the increase in the average life expectancy, the appearance of chronic diseases and, in particular, in the respiratory forum and its disadvantages in the autonomy and self-care of patients, brought an important paradigm for health care and, in particular, rehabilitation nursing, with implications for the development of ontologies of aging. Thus, it is imperative to systematize them in scientifically measurable indicators to demonstrate the benefit that rehabilitation nursing brings to improve patients' quality of life, thus ensuring excellence. Each area of scientific health should contribute to the construction of aging ontology. Objective: to identify indicators sensitive to nursing care of rehabilitation, in terms of self-care, in relation to those with respiratory pathology, to be integrated into the ontology of aging. Methods: A systematic review of the literature was performed using the EBSCO (full-text MEDLINE, CINAHL, Full-Text Plus, British Nursing Index), using the PI [C] O method with 6 emergent articles. Results: A total of 20 indicators were identified, including: Ability to perform activities, increase physical and functional independence, symptom management, reduction of complications, increase in quality of life, which can be allocated as a proposal for classes of the aging ontology. Conclusion: Knowledge of indicators sensitive to nursing care recognition of the importance of rehabilitation nursing in increasing self-care and autonomy for people with respiratory pathology, and research in this area is fundamental for its effectiveness and efficiency, and its integration in the ontologies of aging is fundamental