172 research outputs found

    Angular momentum spatial distribution symmetry breaking in Rb by an external magnetic field

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    Excited state angular momentum alignment -- orientation conversion for atoms with hyperfine structure in presence of an external magnetic field is investigated. Transversal orientation in these conditions is reported for the first time. This phenomenon occurs under Paschen Back conditions at intermediate magnetic field strength. Weak radiation from a linearly polarized diode laser is used to excite Rb atoms in a cell. The laser beam is polarized at an angle of pi/4 with respect to the external magnetic field direction. Ground state hyperfine levels of the 5S_1/2 state are resolved using laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy under conditions for which all excited 5P_3/2 state hyperfine components are excited simultaneously. Circularly polarized fluorescence is observed to be emitted in the direction perpendicular to both to the direction of the magnetic field B and direction of the light polarization E. The obtained circularity is shown to be in quantitative agreement with theoretical predictions.Comment: Accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Nonleptonic Cabibbo Favoured BB-Decays and CPCP-Asymmetries for Charmed Final Hadron States in Isgur and Wise Theory

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    The Cabibbo allowed non-leptonic BB-decays in two hadrons are studied, within the factorization hypothesis, in the framework of Isgur and Wise theory for the matrix elements of the ΔB=ΔC=±1\Delta B=-\Delta C=\pm 1 weak currents. The SU(2)HFSU(2)_{HF} symmetry relates ΔB=1|\Delta B|=1 to ΔC=1|\Delta C|=1 currents, which have been measured in the semileptonic strange decays of charmed particles. By assuming colour screening and allowing for SU(3)SU(3) invariant contributions from the annihilation terms with charmed final states one is able to comply with the present experimental knowledge.\\ The CPCP violating asymmetries in neutral BB decays are given for charmed final states in terms of the KMK-M angles. With the central values found for the annihilation parameters there is a destructive (constructive) interference between the direct and annihilation terms in the Cabibbo allowed (doubly forbidden) amplitudes for the decays into D0(D0)π0D^{0}(D^{*0})\pi^0 and D0ρ0D^0\rho^0 so that they may be of the same order. This would imply large asymmetries, for which however our present knowledge on the amplitudes does not allow to predict even their sign.\\ We have better confidence in our predictions for the charged final states than the neutral ones and can draw the conclusion that the detection of the corresponding asymmetries requires, at least, 10610^6 tagged neutral BB-particles.Comment: CERNTEX, 17 pages, DSF-92/23, INFN-NA-IV-92/2

    Three-Nucleon Continuum by means of the Hyperspherical Adiabatic Method

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    This paper investigates the possible use of the Hyperspherical Adiabatic basis in the description of scattering states of a three-body system. In particular, we analyze a 1+2 collision process below the three-body breakup. The convergence patterns for the observables of interest are analyzed by comparison to a unitary equivalent Hyperspherical Harmonic expansion. Furthermore, we compare and discuss two different possible choices for describing the asymptotic configurations of the system, related to the use of Jacobi or hyperspherical coordinates. In order to illustrate the difficulties and advantages of the approach two simple numerical applications are shown in the case of neutron-deuteron scattering at low energies using s-wave interactions. We found that the optimization driven by the Hyperspherical Adiabatic basis is not as efficient for scattering states as in bound state applications.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in Few-Body Systems (in press

    Scaling Analysis of Fluctuating Strength Function

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    We propose a new method to analyze fluctuations in the strength function phenomena in highly excited nuclei. Extending the method of multifractal analysis to the cases where the strength fluctuations do not obey power scaling laws, we introduce a new measure of fluctuation, called the local scaling dimension, which characterizes scaling behavior of the strength fluctuation as a function of energy bin width subdividing the strength function. We discuss properties of the new measure by applying it to a model system which simulates the doorway damping mechanism of giant resonances. It is found that the local scaling dimension characterizes well fluctuations and their energy scales of fine structures in the strength function associated with the damped collective motions.Comment: 22 pages with 9 figures; submitted to Phys. Rev.

    The Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function at the Dawn of Gaia

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    The [O III] 5007 Planetary Nebula Luminosity Function (PNLF) is an excellent extragalactic standard candle. In theory, the PNLF method should not work at all, since the luminosities of the brightest planetary nebulae (PNe) should be highly sensitive to the age of their host stellar population. Yet the method appears robust, as it consistently produces < 10% distances to galaxies of all Hubble types, from the earliest ellipticals to the latest-type spirals and irregulars. It is therefore uniquely suited for cross-checking the results of other techniques and finding small offsets between the Population I and Population II distance ladders. We review the calibration of the method and show that the zero points provided by Cepheids and the Tip of the Red Giant Branch are in excellent agreement. We then compare the results of the PNLF with those from Surface Brightness Fluctuation measurements, and show that, although both techniques agree in a relative sense, the latter method yields distances that are ~15% larger than those from the PNLF. We trace this discrepancy back to the calibration galaxies and argue that, due to a small systematic error associated with internal reddening, the true distance scale likely falls between the extremes of the two methods. We also demonstrate how PNLF measurements in the early-type galaxies that have hosted Type Ia supernovae can help calibrate the SN Ia maximum magnitude-rate of decline relation. Finally, we discuss how the results from space missions such as Kepler and Gaia can help our understanding of the PNLF phenomenon and improve our knowledge of the physics of local planetary nebulae.Comment: 12 pages, invited review at the conference "The Fundamental Cosmic Distance Scale: State of the Art and Gaia Perspective", to appear in Astrophysics and Space Scienc

    Post-Newtonian SPH calculations of binary neutron star coalescence. I. Method and first results

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    We present the first results from our Post-Newtonian (PN) Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) code, which has been used to study the coalescence of binary neutron star (NS) systems. The Lagrangian particle-based code incorporates consistently all lowest-order (1PN) relativistic effects, as well as gravitational radiation reaction, the lowest-order dissipative term in general relativity. We test our code on sequences of single NS models of varying compactness, and we discuss ways to make PN simulations more relevant to realistic NS models. We also present a PN SPH relaxation procedure for constructing equilibrium models of synchronized binaries, and we use these equilibrium models as initial conditions for our dynamical calculations of binary coalescence. Though unphysical, since tidal synchronization is not expected in NS binaries, these initial conditions allow us to compare our PN work with previous Newtonian results. We compare calculations with and without 1PN effects, for NS with stiff equations of state, modeled as polytropes with Γ=3\Gamma=3. We find that 1PN effects can play a major role in the coalescence, accelerating the final inspiral and causing a significant misalignment in the binary just prior to final merging. In addition, the character of the gravitational wave signal is altered dramatically, showing strong modulation of the exponentially decaying waveform near the end of the merger. We also discuss briefly the implications of our results for models of gamma-ray bursts at cosmological distances.Comment: RevTeX, 37 pages, 17 figures, to appear in Phys. Rev. D, minor corrections onl

    Towards a Realistic Neutron Star Binary Inspiral: Initial Data and Multiple Orbit Evolution in Full General Relativity

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    This paper reports on our effort in modeling realistic astrophysical neutron star binaries in general relativity. We analyze under what conditions the conformally flat quasiequilibrium (CFQE) approach can generate ``astrophysically relevant'' initial data, by developing an analysis that determines the violation of the CFQE approximation in the evolution of the binary described by the full Einstein theory. We show that the CFQE assumptions significantly violate the Einstein field equations for corotating neutron stars at orbital separations nearly double that of the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) separation, thus calling into question the astrophysical relevance of the ISCO determined in the CFQE approach. With the need to start numerical simulations at large orbital separation in mind, we push for stable and long term integrations of the full Einstein equations for the binary neutron star system. We demonstrate the stability of our numerical treatment and analyze the stringent requirements on resolution and size of the computational domain for an accurate simulation of the system.Comment: 22 pages, 18 figures, accepted to Phys. Rev.

    Diffusion in supersonic, turbulent, compressible flows

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    We investigate diffusion in supersonic, turbulent, compressible flows. Supersonic turbulence can be characterized as network of interacting shocks. We consider flows with different rms Mach numbers and where energy necessary to maintain dynamical equilibrium is inserted at different spatial scales. We find that turbulent transport exhibits super-diffusive behavior due to induced bulk motions. In a comoving reference frame, however, diffusion behaves normal and can be described by mixing length theory extended into the supersonic regime.Comment: 11 pages, incl. 5 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review E (a high-resolution version is available at http://www.aip.de./~ralf/Publications/p21.abstract.html

    Various features of quasiequilibrium sequences of binary neutron stars in general relativity

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    Quasiequilibrium sequences of binary neutron stars are numerically calculated in the framework of the Isenberg-Wilson-Mathews (IWM) approximation of general relativity. The results are presented for both rotation states of synchronized spins and irrotational motion, the latter being considered as the realistic one for binary neutron stars just prior to the merger. We assume a polytropic equation of state and compute several evolutionary sequences of binary systems composed of different-mass stars as well as identical-mass stars with adiabatic indices gamma=2.5, 2.25, 2, and 1.8. From our results, we propose as a conjecture that if the turning point of binding energy (and total angular momentum) locating the innermost stable circular orbit (ISCO) is found in Newtonian gravity for some value of the adiabatic index gamma_0, that of the ADM mass (and total angular momentum) should exist in the IWM approximation of general relativity for the same value of the adiabatic index.Comment: Text improved, some figures changed or deleted, new table, 38 pages, 31 figures, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.