18 research outputs found

    An agent-based simulation of the spread of dengue fever

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    Vector-borne diseases (VBDs) account for more than 17% of all infectious diseases, causing more than 700,000 annual deaths. Lack of a robust infrastructure for timely collection, reporting, and analysis of epidemic data undermines necessary preparedness and thus posing serious health challenges to the general public. By developing a simulation framework that models population dynamics and the interactions of both humans and mosquitoes, we may enable epidemiologists to analyze and forecast the transmission and spread of an infectious disease in specific areas. We extend the traditional SEIR (Susceptible, Exposed, Infectious, Recovered) mathematical model and propose an Agent-based model to analyze the interactions between the host and the vector using: (i) our proposed algorithm to compute vector density, based on the reproductive behavior of the vector; and (ii) agent interactions to simulate transmission of virus in a spatio-temporal environment, and forecast the spread of the disease in a given area over a period of time. Our simulation results identify several expected dengue cases and their direction of spread, which can help in detecting epidemic outbreaks. Our proposed framework provides visualization and forecasting capabilities to study the epidemiology of a certain region and aid public health departments in emergency preparedness.This work was supported by the HiDALGO project, which has received funding from the European Union Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 824115

    Ganglioglioma da região da pineal: relato de caso Ganglioglioma of the pineal region: case report

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    Os gangliogliomas são neoplasias mistas, compostas de elementos gliais e neuronais, extremamente raros na região da glândula pineal. Na presente revisão da literatura foram encontrados oito casos publicados. Apresentamos o caso de paciente de 14 anos, masculino, com ganglioglioma da região da pineal, tratado cirurgicamente, com exérese total da lesão por via suboccipital transtentorial. O estudo histológico mostrou tratar-se de ganglioglioma grau I, confirmado por imuno-histoquímica. Conclui-se que tais tumores são raros e que se deve optar pela cirurgia, objetivando a exérese total. Quando isso não for possível, ou no caso de recorrência, o paciente deve ser acompanhado clínica e radiograficamente, considerando-se a radioterapia como tratamento complementar.<br>Ganglioglioma are tumors presenting neoplastic glial cells and nerve cells, very rarely found in the pineal region. Only eight cases have been previously published in the literature. We present the case of a 14 years-old male patient with a ganglioglioma of the pineal region. The patient was treated surgically by a suboccipital transtentorial approach with complete removal. Histopathologic specimens with immunostainning revealed a ganglioglioma grade I. We conclude that these tumors are rare and should be treated surgically aiming total remove. If it is not possible or in case of recorrence the patient should be followed and radiotheraphy could be considered

    A produção do conhecimento científico e as políticas de saúde pública: reflexões a partir da ocorrência da filariose na cidade do Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil Scientific knowledge and public health policies: reflections on the occurrence of filariasis in Recife, Pernambuco, Brazil

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    O artigo discute a relação entre a produção científica sobre a ocorrência da filariose bancroftiana no Brasil e o processo de formulação e implementação da política de saúde voltada ao seu controle. Para tanto, realiza uma revisão da produção do conhecimento e das políticas específicas, no período compreendido desde a criação do Programa de Combate à Filariose, em meados do século passado, até a criação do SUS, no marco da descentralização do controle das endemias. Centrando suas observações empíricas na ambiência da cidade do Recife, espaço urbano no qual ainda prevalece a filariose, ressalta os processos institucionais e destaca o papel dos distintos atores neles envolvidos. Partindo da hipótese de que se até à primeira metade do século vinte faltavam o conhecimento científico e o desenvolvimento tecnológico para o controle do problema, a seguir, quando esses avanços são disponibilizados, outros requerimentos, agora do campo da política, irão se impor, atuando como determinantes da persistência da endemia na cidade.<br>This article discusses the relationship between the production of scientific knowledge on filariasis in Brazil and health policy-making and implementation related to control of the disease. The study presents a review of scientific output on filariasis from the creation of the Program to Combat Filariasis in the mid-20th century until the creation of the Unified National Health System (SUS) within the framework of decentralized control of endemic diseases in the country. The focus on empirical observations in Recife, a city where filariasis is present, highlights the relevant institutional processes and the role of various players. The hypothesis is that in the first half of the 20th century there was a lack of scientific knowledge and technological development to control the problem, but that after these advances were obtained, new requirements of a political nature came into play and acted as determinants for persistence of the endemic in the city