61 research outputs found

    The Reputational Consequences of Failed Replications and Wrongness Admission among Scientists

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    Scientists are dedicating more attention to replication efforts. While the scientific utility of replications is unquestionable, the impact of failed replication efforts and the discussions surrounding them deserve more attention. Specifically, the debates about failed replications on social media have led to worry, in some scientists, regarding reputation. In order to gain data-informed insights into these issues, we collected data from 281 published scientists. We assessed whether scientists overestimate the negative reputational effects of a failed replication in a scenario-based study. Second, we assessed the reputational consequences of admitting wrongness (versus not) as an original scientist of an effect that has failed to replicate. Our data suggests that scientists overestimate the negative reputational impact of a hypothetical failed replication effort. We also show that admitting wrongness about a non-replicated finding is less harmful to one’s reputation than not admitting. Finally, we discovered a hint of evidence that feelings about the replication movement can be affected by whether replication efforts are aimed one’s own work versus the work of another. Given these findings, we then present potential ways forward in these discussions

    Application of 4,5-diaminofluorescein to reliably measure nitric oxide released from endothelial cells in vitro

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    Here we describe in more depth the previously published application of the fluorescent probe 4,5-diaminofluorescein (DAF-2) in order to reliably measure low levels of nitric oxide (NO) as released from human endothelial cells in vitro. The used approach is based on the following considerations a) use low concentrations of DAF-2 (0.1 µM) in order to reduce the contribution of DAF-2 auto-fluorescence to the measured total fluorescence, and b) subtract the DAF-2 auto-fluorescence from the measured total fluorescence. The advantage of this method is the reliable quantification of NO in a biological system in the nanomolar range once thoroughly validated. Here we focus in addition to the previous publication (Leikert et al., FEBS Lett 2001, 506:131-134) on aspects of validation procedures as well as limitations and pitfalls of this method

    Nitric oxide of human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell lines promotes tumour cell invasion

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    The present study investigates the role of nitric oxide and the involvement of nitric oxide synthase II isoform on the invasion of human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell lines HRT-18 and HT-29. HRT-18 cells, which constitutively express nitric oxide synthase II mRNA were three-fold more invasive in a Matrigel® invasion assay than nitric oxide synthase II mRNA negative HT-29 cells. Treatment of HT-29 cells with the nitric oxide donor Deta NONOate (50 nM) as well as induction of nitric oxide synthase II mRNA and production of endogenous nitric oxide by inflammatory cytokines (IFN-γ and IL-1α) increased the invasiveness of HT-29 cells by approximately 40% and 75%, respectively. In HT-29 cells nitric oxide synthase II mRNA was also induced in co-culture with human monocytes. The invasiveness of HRT-18 cells and stimulated HT-29 cells was partly inhibited by the nitric oxide synthase II inhibitor 1400 W. These results show that nitric oxide increases the invasion of human colorectal adenocarcinoma cell lines HRT-18 and HT-29, and the involvement of nitric oxide synthase II isoform in tumour cell invasion. Therefore, the production of nitric oxide and secretion of pro-inflammatory cytokines by tumour-associated macrophages, which in turn induce nitric oxide synthase II isoform in tumour cells, promotes tumour cell invasiveness

    On the Role of Faith in Sustainability Management: A Conceptual Model and Research Agenda

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    International audienceThe objective of this article is to develop a faith development perspective on corporate sustainability. A firm’s management of sustainability is arguably determined by the way decision-makers relate to the other and the natural environment, and this relationship is fundamentally shaped by faith. This study advances theoretical understanding of the approach managers take on sustainability issues by explaining how four distinct phases of faith development—improvidence, obedience, irreverence and providence—determine a manager’s disposition towards sustainability. Combining insights from intentional and relational faith development theories, the analysis reveals that a manager’s faith disposition can be measured according to four interrelated process criteria: (1) connectivity as a measure of a manager’s actual engagement and activities aimed at relating to sustainability; (2) inclusivity as a measure of who and what is included or excluded in a manager’s moral consideration; (3) emotional affinity as a measure of a manager’s sensitivity and affection towards the well-being of others and ecological welfare; and (4) reciprocity as a measure of the degree to which a manager is rewarded for responding to the needs and concerns of ‘Others’, mainly in the form of a positive emotional (and relational) stimulus. The conceptual model consolidates earlier scholarly works on the psychological drivers of sustainability management by illuminating our search for a process of faith development that connects with an increasingly complex understanding of the role of business in society

    Self-Reported Wisdom and Happiness: An Empirical Investigation

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    Possible tensions between wisdom and happiness have been extensively debated in philosophy. Some regard wisdom as the 'supreme part of happiness', whereas other think that a more accurate and wiser view on reality might reduce happiness. Analyzing a Dutch internet survey of 7037 respondents, we discovered that wisdom and happiness were modestly positively related. Wisdom, measured with the Three-Dimensional Wisdom Scale (3D-WS), explained 9.2% of the variation in hedonic happiness. The correlation with the reflective dimension of wisdom was the strongest. In addition, wisdom was more important for happiness among adults with only an elementary education. Our results suggest that happiness and wisdom do not conflict


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    Comparison of the NO and HNO donating properties of diazeniumdiolates: Primary amine adducts release HNO in vivo

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    Diazeniumdiolates, more commonly referred to as NONOates, have been extremely useful in the investigation of the biological effects of nitric oxide (NO) and related nitrogen oxides. The NONOate Angell's salt (Na2N2O3) releases nitroxyl (HNO) under physiological conditions and exhibits unique cardiovascular features (i.e., positive inotropy/lusitropy) that may have relevance for pharmacological treatment of heart failure. In the search for new, organic-based compounds that release HNO, we examined isopropylamine NONOate (IPA/NO; Na[(CH3)(2)CHNH(N(O)NO]), which is an adduct of NO and a primary amine. The chemical and pharmacological properties of IPA/NO were compared to those of Angeli's salt and a NO-producing NONOate, DEA/NO (Na[Et2NN(O)NO]), which is a secondary amine adduct. Under physiological conditions IPA/NO exhibited all the markers of HNO production (e.g., reductive nitrosylation, thiol reactivity, positive inotropy). These data suggest that primary amine NONOates may be useful as HNO donors in complement to the existing series of secondary amine NONOates, which are well-characterized NO donors