37 research outputs found

    Prediction of walking and arm recovery after stroke: A critical review

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    © 2016 by the authors; licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland. Clinicians often base their predictions of walking and arm recovery on multiple predictors. Multivariate prediction models may assist clinicians to make accurate predictions. Several reviews have been published on the prediction of motor recovery after stroke, but none have critically appraised development and validation studies of models for predicting walking and arm recovery. In this review, we highlight some common methodological limitations of models that have been developed and validated. Notable models include the proportional recovery model and the PREP algorithm. We also identify five other models based on clinical predictors that might be ready for further validation. It has been suggested that neurophysiological and neuroimaging data may be used to predict arm recovery. Current evidence suggests, but does not show conclusively, that the addition of neurophysiological and neuroimaging data to models containing clinical predictors yields clinically important increases in predictive accuracy

    Models containing age and NIHSS predict recovery of ambulation and upper limb function six months after stroke: An observational study

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    Questions: What is the incidence of recovery of ambulation and upper limb function six months after stroke? Can measures such as age and the National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIHSS) be used to develop models to predict the recovery of ambulation and upper limb function? Design: Prospective cohort study. Participants: Consecutive sample of 200 people with stroke admitted to a Sydney Hospital. Outcome measures: Ambulation was measured with item 5 of the Motor Assessment Scale (MAS); patients scoring ≥ 3 could ambulate independently. Upper limb function was measured with items 7 and 8 of the MAS; patients scoring ≥ 5 could move a cup across the table and feed themselves with a spoonful of liquid with the hemiplegic arm. Results: Of the 114 stroke survivors who were unable to ambulate initially, 80 (70%) achieved independent ambulation at six months. Of the 51 stroke survivors who could not move a cup across the table initially, 21 (41%) achieved the upper limb task at six months. Of the 56 stroke survivors who were unable to feed themselves initially, 25 (45%) could feed themselves at six months. Models containing age and severity of stroke (measured with NIHSS) predicted recovery of ambulation and ability to move a cup across the table, whilst a model containing severity of stroke predicted ability to feed oneself. All prediction models showed good discrimination (AUC 0.73 to 0.84). Conclusion: More than two-thirds of people after stroke recovered independent ambulation and less than half recovered upper limb function at six months. Models using age and NIHSS can predict independent ambulation and upper limb function but these prediction models now require external validation before use in clinical practice. © 2013 Australian Physiotherapy Association

    Rigid dressings versus soft dressings for transtibial amputations

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    © 2016 The Cochrane Collaboration. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. This is a protocol for a Cochrane Review (Intervention). The objectives are as follows: To assess the benefits and harms of rigid dressings versus soft dressings for treating transtibial amputations

    Reliability and validity of the iSense optical scanner for measuring volume of transtibial residual limb models

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    Background: Residual limb volume is often measured as part of routine care for people with amputations. These measurements assist in the timing of prosthetic fitting or replacement. In order to make well informed decisions, clinicians need access to measurement tools that are valid and reliable. Objectives: To assess the reliability and criterion validity of the iSense optical scanner in measuring volume of transtibial residual limb models. Study Design: Three assessors performed two measurements each on 13 residual limb models with an iSense optical scanner (3D systems, USA). Intra-rater and inter-rater reliability were calculated using intraclass correlation coefficients. Bland Altman plots were inspected for agreement. Criterion validity was assessed using a steel rod of known dimensions. Ten repeated measurements were performed by one assessor. A t-test was used to determine differences between measured and true rod volume. Results: Intra-rater reliability was excellent (range of intraclass correlation coefficients: 0.991–0.997, all with narrow 95% confidence intervals). While the intraclass correlation coefficients suggest excellent inter-rater reliability between all three assessors (range of intraclass correlation coefficients: 0.952–0.986), the 95% confidence intervals were wide between assessor 3 and the other two assessors. Poor agreement with assessor 3 was also seen in the Bland-Altman plots. Criterion validity was very poor with a significant difference between the mean iSense measurement and the true rod volume (difference: 221.18 mL; p &lt; 0.001). Conclusions: Although intra-rater reliability was excellent for the iSense scanner, we did not find similar results for inter-rater reliability and validity. These results suggest that further testing of the iSense scanner is required prior to use in clinical practice. Clinical relevance The iSense offers a low cost scanning option for residual limb volume measurement. Intra-rater reliability was excellent, but inter-rater reliability and validity were such that clinical adoption is not indicated at present. </jats:sec

    Half of the adults who present to hospital with stroke develop at least one contracture within six months: An observational study

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    Questions: What is the incidence of contractures six months after stroke? Can factors measured within four weeks of stroke predict the development of elbow, wrist, and ankle contractures six months later? Design: Prospective cohort study. Participants:: Consecutive sample of 200 adults with stroke admitted to a Sydney hospital.Outcome measures: Loss of range of motion in major joints of the body was measured using a 4-point ordfinal contracture scale. In addition, elbow extension, wrist extension, and ankle dorsiflexion range of motion were measured using torque-controlled procedures. Potential predictors of contracture were age, pre-morbid function, severity of stroke, muscle strength, spasticity, motor function, and pain. Measurements were obtained within four weeks of stroke and at six months after stroke. Results: 52% of participants developed at least one contracture. Incidence of contracture varied across joints from 12% to 28%; shoulders and hips were most commonly affected. Muscle strength was a significant predictor of elbow, wrist, and ankle joint range. Prediction models explained only 6% to 20% of variance in elbow, wrist, and ankle joint range. Conclusion: About half of all patients with stroke develop at least one contracture within six months of stroke. Incidence of contractures across all joints ranged from 12% to 28%. Muscle strength is a significant predictor of elbow, wrist, and ankle contractures but cannot be used to accurately predict contractures in these joints. © 2012 Australian Physiotherapy Association

    Quality of clinical practice guidelines for management of limb amputations: A systematic review

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    © 2019 American Physical Therapy Association. Background. The quality of clinical practice guidelines (CPGs) is important to ensure guideline adoption by clinicians. Purpose. The aim of this review was to identify CPGs for the management of limb amputations, appraise the quality of CPGs, and synthesize recommendations from comprehensive CPGs of high quality. Data Sources. MEDLINE, EMBASE, CINAHL, PEDro, guideline-specific websites, websites for associations or networks for people with amputations, and Google Scholar were searched from April 2007 to April 2017. Study Selection. Publications were included if they were CPGs or consensus statements/standards endorsed by a certified organization, covered the management of limb amputations, were freely accessible, and were written in English. Data Extraction. Two reviewers independently screened titles and abstracts for eligible CPGs and rated the quality of CPGs using the Appraisal of Guidelines Research and Evaluation (AGREE-II) instrument. Data Synthesis. Of the 15 included CPGs, 11 were of low to moderate quality and 4 were of high quality. Mean (or median) domain scores on AGREE-II were as follows: 83% for domain 1 (scope and purpose), 61% for domain 2 (stakeholder involvement), 7% for domain 3 (rigor of development), 65% for domain 4 (clarity and presentation), 24% for domain 5 (applicability), and 21% for domain 6 (editorial independence). Strong recommendations from comprehensive and high-quality CPGs were few and focused on the development of individualized treatment plans, exercises for improving physical function and the ability to perform activities of daily living, and the assessment of physical function and prognostic factors. Limitations. CPGs that were not written in English were excluded. Final recommendations from CPGs might differ if different criteria were used. Low domain scores on the AGREE-II might be due to poor reporting rather than poor methodology in the CPG development process. Conclusions. Few CPGs for the management of limb amputations were of high quality, and few recommendations were strong. To improve the quality of future CPGs, guideline developers should report funding and competing interests of members, provide information to aid in the practical application of CPGs, and use a systematic approach to search for evidence and derive strength of recommendations

    Mechanisms of increased passive compliance of hamstring muscle-tendon units after spinal cord injury

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    Background: People with spinal cord injury sometimes develop abnormally compliant hamstring muscle-tendon units. This study investigated whether the increased muscle-tendon compliance is due to a change in the passive properties of the muscle fascicles or tendons, or to muscle tears. Methods: Semimembranosus muscle fascicle lengths were measured from ultrasound images obtained from 15 spinal cord injured subjects and 20 control subjects while the hip was passively flexed with the knee extended. Semimembranosus muscles of spinal cord injured subjects were inspected for tears using ultrasound imaging. Findings: The mean (SD) hip angle at 30 Nm was 97 (SD 24) degrees in spinal cord injured subjects and 70 (SD 11) degrees in control subjects, indicating that spinal cord injured subjects had very compliant hamstring muscle-tendon units. The ratio of change in fascicle length to change in muscle-tendon length was not statistically different between spinal cord injured subjects and control subjects: muscle fascicles lengthened by 0.30 (SD 0.24) mm/mm in spinal cord injured subjects and 0.42 (SD 0.29) mm/mm in control subjects. These data were used to show that there was evidence of increased tendon compliance of spinal cord injured subjects compared to control subjects, but no evidence of increased muscle fascicle compliance. No tears were observed in semimembranosus muscles of spinal cord injured subjects. Interpretation: The increased hamstring muscle-tendon compliance apparent in some spinal cord injured subjects is due, at least in part, to increased tendon compliance. There was no evidence that the increased muscle-tendon compliance was due to muscle tears