502 research outputs found

    A Generalized Gauge Invariant Regularization of the Schwinger Model

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    The Schwinger model is studied with a new one - parameter class of gauge invariant regularizations that generalizes the usual point - splitting or Fujikawa schemes. The spectrum is found to be qualitatively unchanged, except for a limiting value of the regularizing parameter, where free fermions appear in the spectrum.Comment: 16 pages, SINP/TNP/93-1

    Functional Bosonization of Non-Relativistic Fermions in (2+1)(2+1) Dimensions

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    We analyze the universality of the bosonization rules in non-relativistic fermionic systems in (2+1)d(2+1)d. We show that, in the case of linear fermionic dispersion relations, a general fermionic theory can be mapped into a gauge theory in such a way that the fermionic density maps into a magnetic flux and the fermionic current maps into a transverse electric field. These are universal rules in the sense that they remain valid whatever the interaction considered. We also show that these rules are universal in the case of non-linear dispersion relations provided we consider only density-density interactions. We apply the functional bosonization formalism to a non-relativistic and non-local massive Thirring-like model and evaluate the spectrum of collective excitations in several limits. In the large mass limit, we are able to exactly calculate this spectrum for arbitrary density-density and current-current interactions. We also analyze the massless case and show that it has no collective excitations for any density-density potential in the Gaussian approximation. Moreover, the presence of current interactions may induce a gapless mode with a linear dispersion relation.Comment: 26 Pages, LaTeX, Final version to appear in International Journal of Modern Physics

    Improving the Global Fitting Method on Non-Linear Time Series Analysis

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    In this paper, we are concerned with improving the forecast capabilities of the Global approach to Time Series. We assume that the normal techniques of Global mapping are applied, the noise reduction is performed, etc. Then, using the mathematical foundations behind such approaches, we propose a method that, without a great computational cost, greatly increase the accuracy of the corresponding forecasting

    Advanced oxidation of organic matter in natural waters with TiO2 immobilized films

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    The purpose of this paper is to report the development of a laboratory -scale pilot based on the use of TiO2 photocatalytic thin films for degrading organic matter and pollutants from natural water. The photoreactor consists of a channel inclined with a glass plate coated by TiO2 in both faces and fixed at 1 cm from the bottom. The thin film was immobilized on the glass plates by Sputtering technique. The reactor was designed to be able of reproduce the hydraulic conditions of a water treatment plant. In experimental testing of degradation of organic matter with solar irradiation maximum efficiency of 50% was achieved. At optimal conditions it was possible to exceed the efficiencies of a full scale preozonization in a water treatment plant , thus providing a more sustainable process

    Time evolution of a superposition of dressed oscillator states in a cavity

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    Using the formalism of {\it renormalized} coordinates and \textit{dressed} states introduced in previous publications, we perform a nonperturbative study of the time evolution of a superposition of two states, the ground state and the first excited level of a harmonic oscillator, the system being confined in a perfectly reflecting cavity of radius RR. For RR\to\infty, we find dissipation with dominance of the interference terms of the density matrix, in both weak- and strong-coupling regimes. For small values of RR all elements of the density matrix present an oscillatory behavior as times goes on and the system is not dissipative. In both cases, we obtain improved theoretical results with respect to those coming from perturbation theory.Comment: 15 pages, LATEX, 3 figures; version to appear in J. Phys. A - Math. Theo

    EMBRAPA 52 - nova cultivar de trigo para o Rio Grande do Sul.

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    Para atender às demandas por cultivares de trigo (Triticum aestivum L.) com melhores níveis de rendimento, resistência a doenças e qualidade panificativa superior, foi recomendada para cultivo no Rio Grande do Sul, a partir de 1996, a cultivar EMBRAPA 52. Desenvolvida na Embrapa - Centro Nacional de Pesquisa de Trigo, apresenta ciclo precoce, estatura média e resistência ao crestamento. Pode mostrar problemas relativos ao acamamento, em condições de elevada fertilidade do solo, e à germinação na espiga, em anos chuvosos na colheita. Até a sua recomendação, apresentou comportamento fitossanitário favorável em campo, sendo suscetível em plântula a cinco raças de ferrugem-da-folha e resistente a todas as raças de ferrugem-do-colmo ocorrentes no Brasil. É moderadamente suscetível à septoriose das glumas e suscetível ao carvão. Comporta-se como resistente em campo ao oídio e ao vírus-do-mosaico-do-trigo. No período 1993-95, 'EMBRAPA 52', foi o trigo de mais alto rendimento entre todos os testados, superando em 13% as testemunhas oficiais na média geral do Estado. Pelos testes de alveografia e farinografia, foi preliminarmente classificada na classe comercial superior, sendo indicada para panificação e para fabricação de massas alimentícias e de crackers

    Avaliação de progênies de açaizeiro promissoras para frutos em diferentes fases de desenvolvimento.

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