28 research outputs found

    Two adjacent mutations on the dimer interface of SARS coronavirus 3C-like protease cause different conformational changes in crystal structure

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    AbstractThe 3C-like protease of SARS coronavirus (SARS-CoV 3CLpro) is vital for SARS-CoV replication and is a promising drug target. It has been extensively proved that only the dimeric enzyme is active. Here we discovered that two adjacent mutations (Ser139_Ala and Phe140_Ala) on the dimer interface resulted in completely different crystal structures of the enzyme, demonstrating the distinct roles of these two residues in maintaining the active conformation of SARS-CoV 3CLpro. S139A is a monomer that is structurally similar to the two reported monomers G11A and R298A. However, this mutant still retains a small fraction of dimer in solution, which might account for its remaining activity. F140A is a dimer with the most collapsed active pocket discovered so far, well-reflecting the stabilizing role of this residue. Moreover, a plausible dimerization mechanism was also deduced from structural analysis. Our work is expected to provide insight on the dimerization–function relationship of SARS-CoV 3CLpro

    Resonant Frequency Calculation and Optimal Design of Peano Fractal Antenna for Partial Discharge Detection

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    Ultra-high-frequency (UHF) approaches have caught increasing attention recently and have been considered as a promising technology for online monitoring partial discharge (PD) signals. This paper presents a Peano fractal antenna for UHF PD online monitoring of transformer with small size and multiband. The approximate formula for calculating the first resonant frequency of the Peano fractal antenna is presented. The results show that the first resonant frequency of the Peano fractal antenna is smaller than the Hilbert fractal antenna when the outer dimensions are equivalent approximately. The optimal geometric parameters of the antenna were obtained through simulation. Actual PD experiments had been carried out for two typically artificial insulation defect models, while the proposed antenna and the existing Hilbert antenna were both used for the PD measurement. The experimental results show that Peano fractal antenna is qualified for PD online UHF monitoring and a little more suitable than the Hilbert fractal antenna for pattern recognition by analyzing the waveforms of detected UHF PD signals

    Peroxin MoPex22 Regulates the Import of Peroxisomal Matrix Proteins and Appressorium-Mediated Plant Infection in <i>Magnaporthe oryzae</i>

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    Magnaporthe oryzae, the pathogen responsible for rice blast disease, utilizes specialized infection structures known as appressoria to breach the leaf cuticle and establish intracellular, infectious hyphae. Our study demonstrates that the peroxin MoPex22 is crucial for appressorium function, specifically for the development of primary penetration hyphae. The ∆Mopex22 mutant exhibited slow growth, reduced aerial hyphae, and almost complete loss of virulence. Specifically, despite the mutant’s capability to form appressoria, it showed abnormalities during appressorium development, including reduced turgor, increased permeability of the appressorium wall, failure to form septin rings, and significantly decreased ability to penetrate host cells. Additionally, there was a delay in the degradation of lipid droplets during conidial germination and appressorium development. Consistent with these findings, the ΔMopex22 mutant showed an inefficient utilization of long-chain fatty acids and defects in cell wall integrity. Moreover, our findings indicate that MoPex22 acts as an anchor for MoPex4, facilitating the localization of MoPex4 to peroxisomes. Together with MoPex4, it affects the function of MoPex5, thus regulating the import of peroxisomal matrix proteins. Overall, these results highlight the essential role of MoPex22 in regulating the transport of peroxisomal matrix proteins, which affect fatty acid metabolism, glycerol accumulation, cell wall integrity, growth, appressorium development, and the pathogenicity of M. oryzae. This study provides valuable insights into the significance of peroxin functions in fungal biology and appressorium-mediated plant infection

    The Mechanism of Transcription Factor Swi6 in Regulating Growth and Pathogenicity of <i>Ceratocystis fimbriata</i>: Insights from Non-Targeted Metabolomics

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    Ceratocystis fimbriata (C. fimbriata) is a notorious pathogenic fungus that causes sweet potato black rot disease. The APSES transcription factor Swi6 in fungi is located downstream of the cell wall integrity (CWI)-mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signaling pathway and has been identified to be involved in cell wall integrity and virulence in several filamentous pathogenic fungi. However, the specific mechanisms by which Swi6 regulates the growth and pathogenicity of plant pathogenic fungi remain elusive. In this study, the SWI6 deletion mutants and complemented strains of C. fimbriata were generated. Deletion of Swi6 in C. fimbriata resulted in aberrant growth patterns. Pathogenicity assays on sweet potato storage roots revealed a significant decrease in virulence in the mutant. Non-targeted metabolomic analysis using LC-MS identified a total of 692 potential differentially accumulated metabolites (PDAMs) in the ∆Cfswi6 mutant compared to the wild type, and the results of KEGG enrichment analysis demonstrated significant enrichment of PDAMs within various metabolic pathways, including amino acid metabolism, lipid metabolism, nucleotide metabolism, GPI-anchored protein synthesis, and ABC transporter metabolism. These metabolic pathways were believed to play a crucial role in mediating the growth and pathogenicity of C. fimbriata through the regulation of CWI. Firstly, the deletion of the SWI6 gene led to abnormal amino acid and lipid metabolism, potentially exacerbating energy storage imbalance. Secondly, significant enrichment of metabolites related to GPI-anchored protein biosynthesis implied compromised cell wall integrity. Lastly, disruption of ABC transport protein metabolism may hinder intracellular transmembrane transport. Importantly, this study represents the first investigation into the potential regulatory mechanisms of SWI6 in plant filamentous pathogenic fungi from a metabolic perspective. The findings provide novel insights into the role of SWI6 in the growth and virulence of C. fimbriata, highlighting its potential as a target for controlling this pathogen

    Tuning Optical Nonlinearity of Laser-Ablation-Synthesized Silicon Nanoparticles via Doping Concentration

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    Silicon nanoparticles at different doping concentrations are investigated for tuning their optical nonlinear performance. The silicon nanoparticles are synthesized from doped silicon wafers by pulsed laser ablation. Their dispersions in water are studied for both nonlinear absorption and nonlinear refraction properties. It is found that the optical nonlinear performance can be modified by the doping concentration. Nanoparticles at a higher doping concentration exhibit better saturable absorption performance for femtosecond laser pulse, which is ascribed to the free carrier absorption mechanism

    Acute regulation of the SLC26A3 congenital chloride diarrhoea anion exchanger (DRA) expressed in Xenopus oocytes

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    Mutations in the human SLC26A3 gene, also known as down-regulated in adenoma (hDRA), cause autosomal recessive congenital chloride-losing diarrhoea (CLD). hDRA expressed in Xenopus oocytes mediated bidirectional Cl−-Cl− and Cl−-HCO3− exchange. In contrast, transport of oxalate was low, and transport of sulfate and of butyrate was undetectable. Two CLD missense disease mutants of hDRA were nonfunctional in oocytes. Truncation of up to 44 C-terminal amino acids from the putatively cytoplasmic C-terminal hydrophilic domain left transport function unimpaired, but deletion of the adjacent STAS (sulfate transporter anti-sigma factor antagonist) domain abolished function. hDRA-mediated Cl− transport was insensitive to changing extracellular pH, but was inhibited by intracellular acidification and activated by NH4+ at acidifying concentrations. These regulatory responses did not require the presence of either hDRA's N-terminal cytoplasmic tail or its 44 C-terminal amino acids, but they did require more proximate residues of the C-terminal cytoplasmic domain. Although only weakly sensitive to inhibition by stilbenes, hDRA was inhibited with two orders of magnitude greater potency by the anti-inflammatory drugs niflumate and tenidap. cAMP-insensitive Cl−-HCO3− exchange mediated by hDRA gained modest cAMP sensitivity when co-expressed with cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Despite the absence of hDRA transcripts in human cell lines derived from CFTR patients, DRA mRNA was present at wild-type levels in proximal colon and nearly so in the distal ileum of CFTR(-/-) mice. Thus, pharmacological modulation of DRA might be a useful adjunct treatment of cystic fibrosis