40 research outputs found

    Editorial: Emerging heterocycles as bioactive compounds

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    Heterocycles represent a privileged scaffold due to their ability to interact with biological systems via heteroatoms. It is no coincidence that every year the Food and Drug Administration approves numerous new drugs that contain at least one heterocyclic system as active pharmacophoric part in their structure. Many heterocyclic compounds with therapeutic properties, including anticancer, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and so on, come from natural sources such as plants and animals, and medicinal chemists very often use them to study their chemical space and improve their biological activity. In fact, several efficient approaches for the formation of aromatic heterocyclic compounds and their derivatives have been described in the literature in the past, but the development of new green synthetic procedures and methodologies for their high-yield synthesis is increasingly in demand in drug discovery program. This Editorial collects recent research progress in the field of medicinal chemistry focused on the synthesis of new bioactive heterocycles of different types of activities, including anticancer, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory

    New Synthetic Nitro-Pyrrolomycins as Promising Antibacterial and Anticancer Agents

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    Pyrrolomycins (PMs) are polyhalogenated antibiotics known as powerful biologically active compounds, yet featuring high cytotoxicity. The present study reports the antibacterial and antitumoral properties of new chemically synthesized PMs, where the three positions of the pyrrolic nucleus were replaced by nitro groups, aiming to reduce their cytotoxicity while maintaining or even enhancing the biological activity. Indeed, the presence of the nitro substituent in diverse positions of the pyrrole determined an improvement of the minimal bactericidal concentration (MBC) against Gram-positive (i.e., Staphylococcus aureus) or -negative (i.e., Pseudomonas aeruginosa) pathogen strains as compared to the natural PM-C. Moreover, some new nitro-PMs were as active as or more than PM-C in inhibiting the proliferation of colon (HCT116) and breast (MCF 7) cancer cell lines and were less toxic towards normal epithelial (hTERT RPE-1) cells. Altogether, our findings contribute to increase the knowledge of the mode of action of these promising molecules and provide a basis for their rationale chemical or biological manipulation


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    Lung cancer accounts for a quarter of all mortality cases worldwide. To date, numerous efforts have been done to identify the best therapeutic approach, especially in the advanced stage of the disease, and to extend the overall survival of patients. Careful surveillance of patients during therapy is essential in order to identify undesirable effects and to evaluate possible adverse reactions in case of coadministration. This study aims to compare two types of anticancer therapy, immunotherapy and chemotherapy, administered to NSCLC patients in the Medical Oncology Unit of the ARNAS “Di Cristina Benfratelli” Civic Hospital in Palermo (Italy), and to highlight the key role of clinical pharmacist in the management of anticancer therapies, by analysing the side effects in the short-term postadministration and the adverse drug reactions, in particular drug-drug interactions, in case of comorbidities

    Imidazo[2,1-b] [1,3,4]thiadiazoles with antiproliferative activity against primary and gemcitabine-resistant pancreatic cancer cells

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    A new series of eighteen imidazo [2,1-b] [1,3,4]thiadiazole derivatives was efficiently synthesized and screened for antiproliferative activity against the National Cancer Institute (NCI-60) cell lines panel. Two out of eighteen derivatives, compounds 12a and 12h, showed remarkably cytotoxic activity with the half maximal inhibitory concentration values (IC50) ranging from 0.23 to 11.4 mM, and 0.29e12.2 mM, respectively. However, two additional compounds, 12b and 13g, displayed remarkable in vitro antiproliferative activity against pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) cell lines, including immortalized (SUIT-2, Capan-1, Panc-1), primary (PDAC-3) and gemcitabine-resistant (Panc-1R), eliciting IC50 values ranging from micromolar to sub-micromolar level, associated with significant reduction of cell-migration and spheroid shrinkage. These remarkable results might be explained by modulation of key regulators of epithelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EMT), including E-cadherin and vimentin, and inhibition of metalloproteinase-2/-9. High-throughput arrays revealed a significant inhibition of the phosphorylation of 45 tyrosine kinases substrates, whose visualization on Cytoscape highlighted PTK2/FAK as an important hub. Inhibition of phosphorylation of PTK2/FAK was validated as one of the possible mechanisms of action, using a specific ELISA. In conclusion, novel imidazothiadiazoles show potent antiproliferative activity, mediated by modulation of EMT and PTK2/FAK

    Sintesi di un isostero del 3,5-dimetil-6-fenil-8-(trifluorometil)-5,6-diidropirazolo[3,4-f][1,2,3,5]tetrazepin-4(3H)-one (CF3-TZP) con potenziale attivitĂ  biologica

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    In un precedente lavoro abbiamo mostrato i risultati relativi alla sintesi ed all’attività biologica del CF3-TZP 1[1] (Figura 1). Le attività antiproliferativa e apoptotica del composto 1 sono state testate su differenti linee cellulari, HL60 sensibili, HL60-R (MDR), K562 e K562-R (resistenti al Gleevec®), mostrando un profilo di attività biologica similare sulle cellule sensibili e resistenti nel range di 21-40 µM per l’IC50 e 36-62 µM per l’AC50. L’analisi citofluorimetrica sulle K562 sensibili ha indicato che il composto 1 determina un arresto dose-dipendente del ciclo cellulare in fase G0-G1 nelle prime 24 h di trattamento, mentre nelle successive 24 h si è notato una riduzione del picco G0-G1 ed un incremento del picco apoptotico subG0-G1. Gli incoraggianti risultati biologici ci hanno spinto a continuare gli studi su questa tipologia di molecole sintetizzando l’isostero 2 (Figura 1) attraverso una lunga via di sintesi (15 steps). Attualmente, sono in corso i saggi biologici per valutare le attività antiproliferativa e apoptotica. Bibliografia 1 Maggio, B.; et al, Eur. J. Med. Chem., 2008, 43, 120

    Progettazione e sintesi di nuovi derivati 4-chinazolinonici potenziali inibitori della diidrofolato reduttasi

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    I chinazolinoni sono composti eterociclici azotati che, insieme alle chinazoline, rappresentano degli importanti farmacofori in possesso di un ampio spettro di proprietà biologiche tra cui quella antitumorale. Recentemente sono stati riportati in letteratura dei derivati 4-chinazolinonici in grado di inibire in vitro l’enzima diidrofolato reduttasi (DHFR) con IC50 comprese tra 0.4 e 1.0 µM [1]. Allo scopo di progettare la sintesi di nuovi potenziali inibitori della DHFR, è stato condotto uno studio di modellistica molecolare considerando tale enzima come biotarget. Tale studio ha portato alla selezione di 42 nuovi derivati 4-chinazolinonici (Figura 1). Attualmente, sono stati sintetizzati 20 dei 42 nuovi derivati 4-chinazolinonici, che sono stati saggiati preliminarmente sulla linea cellulare K562. Il derivato più attivo ha mostrato una IC50 di 18 µM. Sono in corso saggi enzimatici per valutare in vitro l’inibizione dell’enzima DHFR. Bibliografia 1 Al-Omary F.A.M.; et al, Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry, 2010, 18, 2849

    Pirrolomicine che inibiscono la Sortasi A nelle infezioni sostenute da batteri Gram-positivi

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    La Sortasi A è un enzima di membrana responsabile dell’ancoraggio delle proteine di superficie sulla parete cellulare dei batteri Gram-positivi. Essa è considerata un interessante obiettivo per lo sviluppo di nuovi farmaci anti-infettivi che mirino ad interferire con importanti meccanismi di virulenza Gram-positivi. In un precedente lavoro abbiamo indagato sull’attività antistafilococcica e antibiofilm di alcune Pirrolomicine naturali e sintetiche, composti pirrolici polialogenati attivi su patogeni Gram-positivi, alle concentrazioni di 1.5 e 0.045 µg/mL. I risultati biologici hanno mostrato percentuali di inibizione di biofilm comprese tra 50-80% [1]. Allo scopo di indagare sul loro meccanismo d’azione sono stati condotti studi di modellistica molecolare e saggi di inibizione in vitro sull’enzima Sortasi A (Figura 1). I risultati ottenuti indicano che la Sortasi A potrebbe essere il bersaglio sul quale le Pirrolomicine agiscono, con IC50 comprese tra 130-250 µM, nell’inibizione della formazione di biofilm. Bibliografia 1 Schillaci, D.; et al, Biofouling, 2010, 26, 433