14 research outputs found

    Distribution of Rhodophyta in streams from São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil

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    Distribution of Rhodophyta was investigated in 172 stream segments, which were sampled from May to October in 1992-1993 and 1996-1997 in six natural regions (parts of biomes or geological areas) of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. Red algae occurred in 60.5 % of stream segments sampled, a high frequency in comparison with other major surveys in the world (18-65 %). 17 species of freshwater red algae were found, of which the most widespread was Batrachospermum delicatulum occurring in 17 sites of five regions. The proportion of morphological types was as follows: gelatinous filaments (62.5 %), free filaments (19 %), tufts (12.5 %) and crusts (6 %); all but free filaments can be considered as having mechanisms to tolerate stress provoked by current velocity. No significant difference was found between the frequency distributions of variables measured for all streams and for those with red algae. Rhodophyta occurred under the following conditions (means): temperature (19.0 degrees C), current velocity (48 cm s(-1)), specific conductance (74 mu S cm(-1)), turbidity (8 NTU), oxygen (67.3 %) and pH (6.9 +/- 0.7). on the basis of species composition among the regions, the following patterns were evident: 1) the number of red algal species per region ranged from 1 to 10; 2) the highest proportion of sites with red algae (65-73 %) was found in hard water regions and in Atlantic rainforest, whereas the lowest (50 %) was found in tropical rainforest; 3) more than half of the species were exclusive from a single region, whereas the higher proportion of exclusive species was in the subtropical rainforest (50 %). No combination of stream variables was clearly associated with the occurrence of red algae for the regions as a whole. Species composition for streams and rivers of São Paulo State revealed higher similarities with other tropical regions and had few species in common with freshwater red algal floras of other continents


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    Three procedures (line transect, point intercept and quadrat) for estimating abundance of macroscopic components of periphyton (macroalgae and bryophytes) were compared in two bedrock streams from southeastern Brazil on the basis of frequency and percent cover. In addition, two quadrat sizes (25 and 50 cm) were tested for best size. Samplings were all made within a 10 m length stream reach. Differences were tested by means of analysis of variance, ANOVA - one way, Student's t test and Chi-square test, whereas associations among them were evaluated by Pearson's r correlation coefficient. Values of frequency and percent cover varied among the different techniques and periphyton species in both sites but ANOVA, t and Chi-square tests revealed no significant difference (p<0.05) for percent cover in the two sites. No consistent pattern was observed for the different procedures between sites. Values for quadrat (25 and 50 cm) percent cover were positively correlated among distinct periphyton species. Significant differences for frequency were found in only one site. Quadrats of 50 cm produced the highest frequency values, whereas point intercept the lowest in both sites. In terms of spatial variation within the stream segment, significant differences were generally observed among all procedures, except between quadrats. As a rule, highly significant correlations for percent cover were found among the different techniques along the stream reach. The strongest relationships were found for quadrats with the other procedures, whereas the weakest between Line and point. Pros and cons of the three techniques are fully discussed

    New occurrence of the rare genus Doliocatella (Stigonematales, Cyanophyceae)

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    A new occurrence of the genus Doliocatella (Cyanophyceae, Cyanobacteria) is reported. The type species of the genus, D. formosa, is described from a stream of the tropical Amazonian rainforest (Manaus, Amazonas State, Brazil). A detailed taxonomic description with photomicrographs and ecological characteristics are provided based on the three worldwide species records. D. formosa is characterized by the presence of uniseriate main filaments, cylindrical branches, and mostly cylindrical cells; heterocytes are absent. D. formosa occurs under limited and special conditions, i.e. habitats with low pH and relatively high temperatures. The species has a restricted ecological distribution, limited to tropical lotic ecosystems, but it is found over a relatively wide geographical range

    Evaluation of seasonal dynamics and bioindication potential of macroalgal communities in a polluted tropical stream

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    Macroalgal communities and environmental variables were analyzed seasonally along a polluted tropical stream in São Paulo State, Brazil, We aimed to improve the knowledge of tropical macroalgal communities, to study the longitudinal and seasonal dynamics of these communities in influenced environments, to evaluate the relationship of algal frequency and abundance with selected environmental variables, and to look for potential macroalgal species indicators. The seasonal abundance pattern was similar to natural or low influenced systems and was mainly determined by rainfall regime. However, community composition was closely related to some chemical water pollution indicators, such as phosphorus and nitrogen compounds. Some species are suggested as potential indicators of organic pollution (e.g. Oscillatoria ornata, Stigeoclonium helveticum and Schizomeris leibleinii), but more detailed studies have to be developed to determine the tolerance limits of these species. on the basis of our results and literature data, the use of occurrence of Oscillatoriales in relation to other orders of Cyanoprokaryota is suggested to be a good indicator of organic pollution in tropical lotic ecosystems

    Distribution of stream macroalgae in three tropical drainage basins of southeastern Brazil

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    Three drainage basins belonging to different drainage systems, but in close proximity, were evaluated to compare the distribution of macroalgal communities in the northwest region of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil. Monthly samplings were carried out from September 1992 through September 1993 in three sites along the main river of each basin. 10 m length cross segments were evaluated for species per cent cover and richness, on both the population and community levels. Selected stream variables were measured: specific conductance, temperature, turbidity, mean cross-sectional area of the reach, current velocity, pH, and oxygen saturation (%). Principal Coordinate Analysis (PCO), chi-square good-of-fitness, and Pearson Product-Moment correlation coefficient were applied to evaluate the distribution of the macroalgal species. The survey resulted in 36 taxa of macroalgae, of which Cyanophyta was the dominant group (17 taxa or 41.7% of the total), followed by Chlorophyta (15 taxa or 41.7%), Rhodophyta (3 taxa or 8.3%) and Chrysophyta (1 taxon or 2.8%). Stigeoclonium helveticum, 'Chantransia' stage of Batrachospermum spp., and B. delicatulum were the most widespread and frequent macroalgae throughout the basins. The analyses showed that conductance and current velocity were the factors most closely related to the distribution of the macroalgal species. Positive correlation between richness and percent cover was determined, which reinforces the patchiness of stream macroalgal distribution


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    A new species of epiphytic Cyanophyceae, Stichosiphon mangle, is proposed. It differs from S. sansibaricus in the planes of cell division during exocyte formation and the habitat. Stichosiphon mangle was found on Inhaca Island, Mozambique (26-degrees-03'S, 32-degrees-57'E), growing up on Gelidium sp. and Murrayella sp. and on Cardoso Island, Brazil (25-degrees-10'S, 48-degrees-W, on Bostrychia spp


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    The previously but not validly published name Stichosiphon mangle is validated by designation of a type

    The cyanobacterial genus Cyanoarbor Wang (Chroococcales, Entophysalidaceae) and its occurrence in Brazil

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    The new cyanobacterial species Cyanoarbor violascens was found and described from subaerophytic habitats (wet lateritic soils) in the northwest region of São Paulo State, Brazil. The phenotypic generic features of the population were confirmed and the genus Cyanoarbor Wang 1989 was revised with four species recognized. Cyanoarbor rupestris Wang was first described from subaerophytic habitats in China. Cyanoarbor violascens Branco sp. nov. is here described from subaerophytic habitats (wet lateritic soils) in the northwest region of São Paulo State, Brazil, differing from other species by violet-coloured sheaths, cell sizes and ecotopic preference. Additionally, material previously identified as Chlorogloea cf. microcystoides from Nepal was recognized as belonging to Cyanoarbor and is here described as C. himalayensis M. Watanabe et Komdrek sp. nov. Chlorogloea gessneri Schiller is transferred to the genus Cyanarbor, as C. gessneri (Schiller) nov. comb. All four species can be differentiated based on a combination of morphological characters and biotopic preferences. Descriptions and an identification key of the four species of this genus are provided