196 research outputs found

    Tangential SX Imaging for Visualization of Fluctuations in Toroidal Plasmas

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    When the ratio of the plasma pressure to the magnetic pressure increases, Various kinds of instabilities evolve. Among them, magnetohydrodynamic instabilities, by which the plasma is deformed macroscopically, are in concern. Non-linear evolution of them is fairly complicated and two-dimensional structure of them is the key to understanding the phenomena. Tangentially viewing SX camera is promising diagnostics for 2D visualization, because most of the perturbations tend to have the equal phase along the field lines, the tangential view, which is almost parallel to the field lines, give a good opportunity to resolve the structure. Issues in this kind of camera are discussed. Improved system using multi-layer mirror is also described

    Observation of a Rotating Radiation Belt in LHD

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    A poloidally rotating radiation belt with helical structure was observed during the high density discharges with detachment by photodiode fan arrays and a fast camera in LHD. The peak of radiation rotates inside the last closed flux surface, and the direction and mode number of the poloidal rotation are electron diamagnetic and one, respectively. During the recombination phase after termination of the plasma heating, the rotation continues, and its rotating radius shrinks with shrinking of the plasma column. The poloidal rotating frequency depends on the heating power, and increases from the orders of several tens of Hz to several hundreds of Hz with shrinking of the rotation radius. The mechanism of the rotation remains uncertain

    Observation of Toroidal Flow on LHD

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    In order to investigate the formation of toroidal flow in helical systems, both NBI driven flow and spontaneous toroidal flow were observed in Large Helical Device (LHD). The toroidal flow driven by NBI is dominant in plasma core while its contribution is small near plasma edge. The spontaneous toroidal flow changes its direction from co to counter when the radial electric field is changed from negative to positive at plasma edge. The direction of the spontaneous toroidal flow due to the radial electric field near plasma edge is observed to be opposite to that in plasma core where the helical ripple is small

    Modeling of the resonant magnetic perturbation effect on detachment in the Large Helical Device

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    An approach to describe the plasma parameter variation with the effective minor radius across the edge region in the heliotron Large Helical Device (LHD) in configurations without and with a resonant magnetic perturbation (RMP) is elaborated, by averaging fluid equations for transport of particles, momentum and heat over the flux surfaces. Numerical solutions of one-dimensional, time-dependent equations derived and analytical estimates performed allow us to interpret the LHD experiments on the density limit. Calculations reproduce qualitatively the principal difference between situations without and in the presence of RMP: in the former case a thermal collapse of the discharge occurs immediately after the plasma detachment from the divertor target plates at a radiation level of 0.4–0.5; in the latter the radiating layer is localized at the plasma edge even if the power radiated exceeds 90% of the input power. A prominent role for such a behavior of plasma particle flows along magnetic field lines perturbed by RMP, leading to a positive radial gradient of the plasma density inside the magnetic island, is demonstrated

    Self-Organized Rotating Filament Structure in Plasma in the Large Helical Device After Tracer Encapsulated Solid Pellet Injection

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    A small tungsten grain encapsulated in a polystyrene pellet was injected into plasmas in the large helical device. The ionized tungsten was transported and accumulated in the plasma center to drastically drop the central electron temperature. A tangentially viewing fast framing camera observed a bubble-like structure expanding from the plasma center after the pellet injection. After that, a self-organized filament appeared on the surface of the bubble, and the filament began to rotate around the plasma center, which was stably sustained for ∼0.22 s
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