25 research outputs found

    Arc magmas sourced from melange diapirs in subduction zones

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2012. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Nature Publishing Group for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Nature Geoscience 5 (2012): 862-867, doi:10.1038/ngeo1634.At subduction zones, crustal material is recycled back into the mantle. A certain proportion, however, is returned to the overriding plate via magmatism. The magmas show a characteristic range of compositions that have been explained by three-component mixing in their source regions: hydrous fluids derived from subducted altered oceanic crust and components derived from the thin sedimentary veneer are added to the depleted peridotite in the mantle beneath the volcanoes. However, currently no uniformly accepted model exists for the physical mechanism that mixes the three components and transports them from the slab to the magma source. Here we present an integrated physico-chemical model of subduction zones that emerges from a review of the combined findings of petrology, modelling, geophysics, and geochemistry: Intensely mixed metamorphic rock formations, so-called mélanges, form along the slab-mantle interface and comprise the characteristic trace-element patterns of subduction-zone magmatic rocks. We consider mélange formation the physical mixing process that is responsible for the geochemical three-component pattern of the magmas. Blobs of low-density mélange material, so-called diapirs, rise buoyantly from the surface of the subducting slab and provide a means of transport for well-mixed materials into the mantle beneath the volcanoes, where they produce melt. Our model provides a consistent framework for the interpretation of geophysical, petrological and geochemical data of subduction zones.H.M. was funded by the J. LamarWorzel Assistant Scientist Fund and the Penzance Endowed Fund in Support of Assistant Scientists. Funding from NSF grant #1119403 (G. Harlow) is acknowledged.2013-05-1

    Receiver function study in northern Sumatra and the Malaysian peninsula

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    International audienceIn this receiver function study, we investigate the structure of the crust beneath six seismic broadband stations close to the Sunda Arc formed by subduction of the Indo-Australian under the Sunda plate. We apply three different methods to analyse receiver functions at single stations. A recently developed algorithm determines absolute shear-wave velocities from observed frequency-dependent apparent incidence angles of P waves. Using waveform inversion of receiver functions and a modified Zhu and Kanamori algorithm, properties of discontinuities such as depth, velocity contrast, and sharpness are determined. The combination of the methods leads to robust results. The approach is validated by synthetic tests. Stations located on Malaysia show high-shear-wave velocities () near the surface in the range of 3.4-3.6 km s attributed to crystalline rocks and 3.6-4.0 km s in the lower crust. Upper and lower crust are clearly separated, the Moho is found at normal depths of 30-34 km where it forms a sharp discontinuity at station KUM or a gradient at stations IPM and KOM. For stations close to the subduction zone (BSI, GSI and PSI) complexity within the crust is high. Near the surface low of 2.6-2.9 km s indicate sediment layers. High of 4.2 km s are found at depth greater than 6 and 2 km at BSI and PSI, respectively. There, the Moho is located at 37 and 40 km depth. At station GSI, situated closest to the trench, the subducting slab is imaged as a north-east dipping structure separated from the sediment layer by a 10 km wide gradient in between 10 and 20 km depth. Within the subducting slab ≈ 4.7 km s. At station BSI, the subducting slab is found at depth between 90 and 110 km dipping 20° ± 8° in approximately N 60° E. A velocity increase in similar depth is indicated at station PSI, however no evidence for a dipping layer is found

    Deep Roots of the Messinian Salinity Crisis

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    The Messinian salinity crisis—the desiccation of the Mediterranean Sea between 5.96 and 5.33 million years (Myr) ago1—was one of the most dramatic events on Earth during the Cenozoic era2. It resulted from the closure of marine gateways between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, the causes of which remain enigmatic. Here we use the age and composition of volcanic rocks to reconstruct the geodynamic evolution of the westernmost Mediterranean from the Middle Miocene epoch to the Pleistocene epoch (about 12.1–0.65 Myr ago). Our data show that a marked shift in the geochemistry of mantle-derived volcanic rocks, reflecting a change from subduction-related to intraplate-type volcanism, occurred between 6.3 and 4.8 Myr ago, largely synchronous with the Messinian salinity crisis. Using a thermomechanical model, we show that westward roll back of subducted Tethys oceanic lithosphere and associated asthenospheric upwelling provides a plausible mechanism for producing the shift in magma chemistry and the necessary uplift (approx1 km) along the African and Iberian continental margins to close the Miocene marine gateways, thereby causing the Messinian salinity crisis

    Deep slab hydration induced by bending-related variations in tectonic pressure

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    Bending of oceanic plates at subduction zones results in extension and widespread normal faulting(1) in the upper, brittle part of the slab(2,3). Detailed seismic surveys at trenches reveal that this part of the oceanic plate could be pervasively hydrated for several kilometres below the crust-mantle boundary(4-7). Similarly, heat-flow surveys indicate active fluid circulation within the slab(8). Yet, the mechanisms that enable fluids to percolate to such depths in spite of their natural buoyancy remain unclear. Here we use two-dimensional numerical experiments to show that stress changes induced by the bending oceanic plate produce subhydrostatic or even negative pressure gradients along normal faults, favouring downward pumping of fluids. The fluids then react with the crust and mantle surrounding the faults and are stored in the form of hydrous minerals. We suggest that this process is the dominant mechanism of deep slab hydration, although it may be locally aided by the enhancement in porosity due to prefailure dilatancy(9), pre-existing cracks(10) and migrating fluid-filled cracks(11). Our results have implications for the transport of water into the deeper parts of the mantle(12), and for further clarifying the seismic anisotropy of slabs(13)