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3 research outputs found
Enraizamento de estacas de amoreira-preta em função da adubação nitrogenada na planta matriz
Ahmed MAKE
Bañados MP
+31Â more
Brito JF
Brunetto G
Bryla DR
Campagnolo MA
Cunha ACM
Dias JPT
Dolinski MA
Fachinello JC
Gonçalves DM
Grimaldi F
Jacques AC
Klopotek Y
Leitzke LN
Lima RLS
Maia AJ
Mattos JRD
Mendonça V
Millaleo R
Moreira RA
Nachtigall GR
Pelizza TR
Prado RM
Segantini DM
Silva LFO
Souza JO
Strong DT
Trevisan R
Villa F
Villa F
Yamamoto LY
Zerche S
Publication venue
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Follower fish of the goldspotted eel Myrichthys ocellatus with a review on anguilliform fish as nuclear species
A Diamant
AB Anderson
+40Â more
C Sazima
C Sazima
C Sazima
C Sazima
FB Santos
FZ Gibran
HA Malcolm
I Karplus
I Sazima
J Gasparini
J Sabino
JE McCosker
JP Krajewski
JP Quimbayo
L Chaves
LC Gerhardinger
LFO Lima
M Craig
Maria L. F. Ternes
ME Araújo
MG Bender
OJ Luiz Jr
Pedro H. C. Pereira
PJ Auster
R Abrams
R Bshary
R Francini-Filho
R Maia-Nogueira
R Rogers
RA Silvano
RE Dubin
RF Ormond
S Strand
TA Baird
Thiago C. Mendes
Vinicius J. Giglio
VJ Giglio
VJ Giglio
VJ Giglio
WL Montgomery
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text
Bray–Liebhafsky oscillatory reaction as the matrix system for the kinetic determination of microquantities of alizarin and purpurin
A Ivanović
A Ivanović-Šašić
+59Â more
B Stanković
CW Gear
DR Stanisavljev
G Hu
G Schmitz
G Schmitz
G Schmitz
GC Derksen
H Wang
IN Bubanja
IN Bubanja
J Chopin-Dumas
J Gao
J Gao
J Gao
J Gao
JP Maksimović
JP Maksimović
JP Maksimović
K Höner
K Höner
L Ford
LFO Maia
Lj Kolar-Anić
Lj Kolar-Anić
Lj Kolar-Anić
Lj Kolar-Anić
Lj Kolar-Anić
Lj Kolar-Anić
LP Tichonova
N Pejić
N Pejić
N Pejić
N Pejić
N Pejić
N Pejić
N Pejić
N Pejić
NA Dar Farhad
ND Pejić
ND Pejić
PE Strizhak
Q Zeng
R Cervellati
R Cervellati
R Cervellati
R Chenciner
R Jiménez-Prieto
R Jiménez-Prieto
RH Thomson
RL Henderson
S Anić
S Anić
S Riyaz
SD Furrow
V Vukojević
V Vukojević
WC Bray
WC Bray
Publication venue
'Springer Science and Business Media LLC'
Publication date
Field of study
No full text