7,854 research outputs found

    Modelling the Non-equilibrium Electric Double Layer at Oil-pressboard Interface of High Voltage Transformers

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    In large oil-filled power transformers, cellulose-based pressboard and paper are used throughout for electrical insulation. Microscopic views have shown that pressboard insulation is a fibrous and porous structure with non-homogeneous surface. It has been recognised that the pressboard structure is more porous towards the edge [1]. The pores within the pressboard allow oil absorption during impregnation process and provide paths for oil to penetrate until saturation is reached. The ratio of fibre and oil changes as the material structure changes from a medium of bulk oil-pressboard composite toward the bulk oil medium. The porosity of pressboard can also result in impurities within the oil being drawn into the pressboard. It has also been recognised that physicochemical process of a liquid in contact with solid wall leads to the formation of electric double layer (EDL) in the liquid region [2, 3]. The material properties and geometry of pressboard thus lead to a complex oil-pressboard interface. A 2-D model of oil-pressboard interface has been constructed using Comsol Multiphysics Finite Element Analysis software and this is shown in Figure 1. The mathematical model considers the dissociation of a generic impurity in the oil into positive and negative ions and considers the role of the porous and non-homogeneous wall of pressboard in the formation of the EDL. The pressboard, which is represented by different arrays of fibre, promotes preferential adsorption and desorption processes between ions in the oil and unoccupied fibre surfaces of oil impregnated pressboard. The model studies the non-equilibrium charge density profile in the EDL at the oil-pressboard interface when the oil is in the stationary condition

    Bounds on the Compactness of Neutron Stars from Brightness Oscillations

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    The discovery of high-amplitude brightness oscillations at the spin frequency or its first overtone in six neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries during type~1 X-ray bursts provides a powerful new way to constrain the compactness of these stars, and hence to constrain the equation of state of the dense matter in all neutron stars. Here we present the results of general relativistic calculations of the maximum fractional rms amplitudes that can be observed during bursts. In particular, we determine the dependence of the amplitude on the compactness of the star, the angular dependence of the emission from the surface, the rotational velocity at the stellar surface, and whether there are one or two emitting poles. We show that if two poles are emitting, as is strongly indicated by independent evidence in 4U 1636-536 and KS 1731-26, the resulting limits on the compactness of the star can be extremely restrictive. We also discuss the expected amplitudes of X-ray color oscillations and the observational signatures necessary to derive convincing constraints on neutron star compactness from the amplitudes of burst oscillations.Comment: 8 pages plus one figure, AASTeX v. 4.0, submitted to The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Evaluation of a ln tan integral arising in quantum field theory

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    We analytically evaluate a dilogarithmic integral that is prototypical of volumes of ideal tetrahedra in hyperbolic geometry. We additionally obtain new representations of the Clausen function Cl_2 and the Catalan constant G=Cl_2(\pi/2), as well as new relations between sine and Clausen function values.Comment: 24 pages, no figure

    XMM-Newton Spectroscopy of the Accretion-Driven Millisecond X-ray Pulsar XTE J1751-305 in Outburst

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    We present an analysis of the first high-resolution spectra measured from an accretion-driven millisecond X-ray pulsar in outburst. We observed XTE J1751-305 with XMM-Newton on 2002 April 7 for approximately 35 ksec. Using a simple absorbed blackbody plus power-law model, we measure an unabsorbed flux of (6.6 +/- 0.1) * 10^(-10) erg/cm^2/s (0.5--10.0 keV). A hard power-law component (Gamma = 1.44 +/- 0.01) contributes 83% of the unabsorbed flux in the 0.5-10.0 keV band, but a blackbody component (kT = 1.05 +/- 0.01 keV) is required. We find no clear evidence for narrow or broad emission or absorption lines in the time-averaged spectra, and the sensitivity of this observation has allowed us to set constraining upper-limits on the strength of important features. The lack of line features is at odds with spectra measured from some other X-ray binaries which share some similarities with XTE J1751-305. We discuss the implications of these findings on the accretion flow geometry in XTE J1751-305.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures (2 color). ApJ Letters, accepted. Uses emulateapj.st

    Relativistic Iron Lines in Galactic Black Holes: Recent Results and Lines in the ASCA Archive

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    Recent observations with Chandra and XMM-Newton, aided by broad-band spectral coverage from RXTE, have revealed skewed relativistic iron emission lines in stellar-mass Galactic black hole systems. Such systems are excellent laboratories for testing General Relativity, and relativistic iron lines provide an important tool for making such tests. In this contribution to the Proceedings of the 10th Annual Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, we briefly review recent developments and present initial results from fits to archival ASCA observations of Galactic black holes. It stands to reason that relativistic effects, if real, should be revealed in many systems (rather than just one or two); the results of our archival work have borne-out this expectation. The ASCA spectra reveal skewed, relativistic lines in XTE J1550-564, GRO J1655-40, GRS 1915+105, and Cygnus X-1.Comment: to appear in the proc. of the 10th Annual Marcel Grossmann Meeting on General Relativity, 5 pages, 1 figure, uses specific .cls and .sty file

    Denaturation of Circular DNA: Supercoil Mechanism

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    The denaturation transition which takes place in circular DNA is analyzed by extending the Poland-Scheraga model to include the winding degrees of freedom. We consider the case of a homopolymer whereby the winding number of the double stranded helix, released by a loop denaturation, is absorbed by \emph{supercoils}. We find that as in the case of linear DNA, the order of the transition is determined by the loop exponent cc. However the first order transition displayed by the PS model for c>2c>2 in linear DNA is replaced by a continuous transition with arbitrarily high order as cc approaches 2, while the second-order transition found in the linear case in the regime 1<c21<c\le2 disappears. In addition, our analysis reveals that melting under fixed linking number is a \emph{condensation transition}, where the condensate is a macroscopic loop which appears above the critical temperature.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    Faint X-ray Sources in the Globular Cluster Terzan 5

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    We report our analysis of a Chandra X-ray observation of the rich globular cluster Terzan 5, in which we detect 50 sources to a limiting 1.0-6 keV X-ray luminosity of 3*10^{31} ergs/s within the half-mass radius of the cluster. Thirty-three of these have L_X>10^{32} ergs/s, the largest number yet seen in any globular cluster. In addition to the quiescent low-mass X-ray binary (LMXB, identified by Wijnands et al.), another 12 relatively soft sources may be quiescent LMXBs. We compare the X-ray colors of the harder sources in Terzan 5 to the Galactic Center sources studied by Muno and collaborators, and find the Galactic Center sources to have harder X-ray colors, indicating a possible difference in the populations. We cannot clearly identify a metallicity dependence in the production of low-luminosity X-ray binaries in Galactic globular clusters, but a metallicity dependence of the form suggested by Jordan et al. for extragalactic LMXBs is consistent with our data.Comment: 15 pages, 10 figures (3 color). Resubmitted to ApJ after incorporating referee comments. v2: Added references to introductio

    The Burst Spectra of EXO 0748-676 during a Long 2003 XMM-Newton Observation

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    Gravitationally redshifted absorption lines from highly ionized iron have been previously identified in the burst spectra of the neutron star in EXO 0748-676. To repeat this detection we obtained a long, nearly 600 ks observation of the source with XMM-Newton in 2003. The spectral features seen in the burst spectra from the initial data are not reproduced in the burst spectra from this new data. In this paper we present the spectra from the 2003 observations and discuss the sensitivity of the absorption structure to changes in the photospheric conditions.Comment: 18 Pages, 3 Figures. Accepted for publication in Ap