24 research outputs found

    Using the Kano Method in Improving the Quality of Product Safety Management Classes

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    Snacks not only for tourists. Overview

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    The early warning system against dangerous contamination of food by variety of biological, organic and/or inorganic chemical compounds and prevention of food adulteration

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    W celu ochrony 偶ywno艣ci i/lub zagwarantowania jej bezpiecze艅stwa na rynku Unii Europejskiej utworzono System Wczesnego Ostrzegania o Niebezpiecznej 呕ywno艣ci i Paszach (RASFF). System ten s艂u偶y do wymiany informacji zwi膮zanych z zagro偶eniami wykrytymi w 偶ywno艣ci, paszach i/lub w materia艂ach przeznaczonych do kontaktu z produktami 偶ywno艣ciowymi. Ka偶de pa艅stwo cz艂onkowskie w ramach tego systemu posiada krajowe punkty kontaktowe, odpowiedzialne za wymian臋 informacji z Komisj膮 Europejsk膮. Dzi臋ki przesy艂anym powiadomieniom cz艂onkowie system贸w mog膮 na bie偶膮co kontrolowa膰, w jakim produkcie wykryto zagro偶enie i jakie dzia艂ania nale偶y podj膮膰, aby wyeliminowa膰 potencjalne ryzyko. W niniejszym opracowaniu zaprezentowano problematyk臋 bezpiecze艅stwa konsument贸w w odniesieniu do produkt贸w 偶ywno艣ciowych oferowanych na jednolitym rynku Unii Europejskiej. Jego celem by艂y przedstawienie sposobu funkcjonowania systemu RASFF oraz analiza powiadomie艅 i ocena problemu wyst臋puj膮cych zagro偶e艅.Technological progress, the development of the common market of the European Union and free movement of goods, increase the risk of contamination of food by various undesired organic or inorganic chemical compounds and/or by biological compounds such as pathogenic bacteria, both dangerous for the consumer health and in extreme cases for their life. In order to protect the food safety on EU common market the Rapid Alert System for Food and Feed (RASFF) was created. The RASFF system is used to exchange information related to threats detected in food, animal feed or materials intended to come into contact with food products. Each member state in the framework of the system has a National Contact Points responsible for the exchange of information with the European Commission. Thanks to sending the notifications, system members can keep control in which product threat was detected and what actions should be taken to eliminate the risk. This work takes the issue of safety of consumers regarding the products offered in the single market of the European Union. The aim of this study is to present how the RASFF system works and to analyze notifications and assess the problem of existing threats

    The role of sweeteners, including polyols, in the human diet. Questionnaire surveys

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    Veganism and vegetarianism as diets in contemporary consumer society

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    Analiza ryzyka dotycz膮cego pozyskania jag贸d na plantacji bor贸wki

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