32 research outputs found

    Correlation between different types of tattoos and violent deaths in the autopsies conducted at the Forensic Medicine Institute of Belo Horizonte, 2008-2011.

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    As tatuagens apresentam grande interesse m?dico-legal por seu potencial uso no reconhecimento de indiv?duos e no estudo de eventuais comportamentos de risco para viol?ncia. A fim de analisar a preval?ncia e os tipos de tatuagens em uma amostra regional, bem como verificar sua potencial associa??o com mortes por causa violenta, foi feito um estudo transversal dos laudos de necropsia realizadas no Instituto M?dico-Legal de Belo Horizonte entre 2008 e 2011. Dos 22.746 laudos de necropsias analisados, 23% possu?am pelo menos uma tatuagem. A maior preval?ncia de tatuagens foi observada em adultos jovens do sexo masculino e solteiros. A m?dia de tatuagens entre os que as apresentavam foi de tr?s. As tatuagens de temas relacionados a mem?ria e a homenagens foram as mais prevalentes. Houve diferen?a significativa entre a presen?a de tatuagem e a ocorr?ncia de morte por causa violenta. Houve correla??o entre as tatuagens subclassificadas como ?Palha?o?, ?Ora??o: Pai Nosso? e ?Felinos? e morte violenta. Tamb?m houve rela??o estat?stica entre a ocorr?ncia de morte por causa violenta com tatuagens categorizadas como ?Esportes e Jogos?. Houve maior preval?ncia de exames toxicol?gicos positivos entre os tatuados, sendo a coca?na a droga mais encontrada. A ocorr?ncia de exames positivos para teor alco?lico tamb?m foi maior entre os tatuados. Os dados deste estudo n?o permitem esclarecer se as tatuagens podem ser consideradas fatores de risco direto para morte violenta ou se s?o um marcador para comportamentos que aumentam este risco, como o consumo de ?lcool ou de outras subst?ncias t?xicas, como a coca?na.Tattoos are of great medical-legal interest because of their potential use in the recognition of individuals and in the study of possible risk behaviors for violence. The objective of this study was verify the prevalence and types of tattoos in a regional sample, as well as to verify their potential association with violent deaths. The necropsy reports performed at the Forensic Medicine Institute of Belo Horizonte between 2008 and 2011 were analyzed. Of the 22,746 autopsy reports analyzed, 23% had at least one tattoo. The highest prevalence of tattoos was observed in young and unmarried male adults. The average number of tattoos was 3. Tattoos of themes related to memory and homage were the most prevalent. There was a significant difference between the presence of a tattoo and the occurrence of death due to violent causes. There was a correlation between tattoos subclassified as "Clown", "Prayer: Our Father" and "Felines" and violent death. There was also a statistical relationship between the occurrence of violent death with tattoos categorized as "Sports and Games". There was a higher prevalence of positive toxicological tests among the tattooed, with cocaine being the most commonly found drug. The occurrence of positive tests for alcohol content was also higher among the tattooed. The data from this study do not allow to clarify whether tattoos can be considered a direct risk factor for violent death or whether they are a marker for behaviors that increase this risk, such as the consumption of alcohol or other toxic substances, such as cocaine

    Deaths caused by abdominal aortic aneurysm rupture at the Forensic Medicine Institute of Belo Horizonte, 2006?2011.

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    O aneurisma de aorta abdominal roto (AAAr) ? uma condi??o cl?nica de extrema gravidade cursando com ?bito de forma r?pida, muitas vezes antes de ser poss?vel o atendimento m?dico. A preval?ncia real na popula??o geral ? dif?cil de ser mensurada pelo baixo n?mero de autopsias nestes casos e pela limita??o da informa??o nas declara??es de ?bito. Como o AAAr pode produzir morte s?bita e inesperada, apresenta interesse m?dicolegal, pois pode ser necess?ria uma necropsia forense para a exclus?o de eventuais causas de mortes externas, particularmente nas mortes s?bitas em menores de 40 anos. No presente estudo foram avaliados todos os casos fatais de AAAr necropsiados no Instituto M?dico Legal de Belo Horizonte no per?odo de 2006 a 2011. Foram recuperados 40 casos, dos quais a maior parte era do sexo masculino (75%), branca (45%), com idade igual ou superior a 60 anos (70%), com altera??es morfol?gicas card?acas (60%) e com sinais de edema pulmonar (56,8%). A maioria dos casos recebeu atendimento m?dico previamente ao ?bito (62,5%). Na amostra estudada, apenas quatro indiv?duos (10%) apresentava idade inferior a 40 anos.The ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (RAAA) is a clinical condition of extreme gravity, cursing with quick death, often before possible medical care. The actual prevalence in the general population is difficult to measure in consequence of the low number of autopsies in these cases and the limited information on death certificates. There is a forensic interest involving sudden and unexpected death caused by RAAA, particularly in ages under 40, because a criminal autopsy can exclude possible causes of non-natural deaths. In Belo Horizonte Forensic Medical Institute there were 40 cases of fatal RAAA autopsied from 2006 to 2011. The majority of these cases were males (75%), whites (45%), aged with more than 60 years (70%). Most of them presented with cardiac morphological changes (60%) and with signs of pulmonary edema (56.8%). Most cases received medical care prior to death (62.5%). In this sample, only four individuals (10%) were younger than 40 years

    Abuso sexual em adultos : casu?stica do posto m?dico-legal de Ribeir?o das Neves ? Minas Gerais.

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    A viol?ncia sexual est? presente em todo o mundo, acomete ambos os sexos e ocorre em todas as culturas e classes sociais. As mulheres s?o as principais v?timas de abuso sexual (AS), considerado um importante problema de sa?de p?blica pelas poss?veis consequ?ncias que pode gerar para a sa?de. Nos casos de AS a per?cia m?dico-legal possui o papel de buscar elementos materiais importantes na correta investiga??o do ocorrido, al?m de participar da rede integrada de atendimento ? v?tima. Em decorr?ncia das lacunas no entendimento epidemiol?gico do AS em adultos objetivou-se analisar os laudos periciais de sexologia forense em um contexto geogr?fico espec?fico, para melhor compreender as caracter?sticas dos periciados e os achados periciais. Foram analisados os laudos de v?timas de AS que apresentaram idade igual ou superior a 18 anos confeccionados no Posto M?dico-Legal de Ribeir?o das Neves (PML-RN) entre 2015 e 2016. Todas as v?timas adultas eram do sexo feminino, perfazendo 11,6% das 242 per?cias de sexologia forense conclu?das no PML-RN no per?odo. A m?dia et?ria foi de 28 anos, o coito vaginal foi o ato praticado com maior frequ?ncia e na metade dos casos o abuso foi cometido por desconhecidos. A maioria n?o apresentava les?es genitais e nenhuma apresentava les?es anais. Havia les?es extragenitais em metade dos casos. Na maioria dos laudos n?o p?de ser determinada a ocorr?ncia recente de conjun??o carnal. Estes dados acrescentam informa??es epidemiol?gicas na compreens?o do perfil da v?tima de AS, podendo contribuir para o estabelecimento de eventuais medidas de interven??o e preven??o.Sexual violence is present throughout the world, affects both sexes and occurs in all cultures and social classes. Women are the main victims of sexual abuse (SA), considered a major public health problem. In cases of SA, the medical examiner has the role of searching for objective medical evidence, in addition to participating in the integrated network of victim care. The objective of this research was to analyze the forensic reports of SA in a specific geographic context, to better understand the characteristics of the victims and the forensic findings. The forensic reports of SA victims who were 18 years of age or older examined in Ribeir?o das Neves Institute of Forensic Medicine between 2015 and 2016 were analyzed. All of them were female, totaling 11.6 % of the 242 forensic reports of SA completed in the period. The average age was 28 years, vaginal intercourse was the most common practice and in half the cases the abuse was committed by strangers. Most had no genital lesions and none had anal lesions. There were extragenital lesions in half of the cases. In most reports the recent occurrence of vaginal intercourse could not be demonstrated. These data add epidemiological information for better understanding the profile of the SA adult victim, and may contribute to the establishment of possible intervention and prevention measures

    Cross-sectional study of deaths by acute pancreatitis necropsied in the Forensic Medicine Institute of Belo Horizonte, 2006?2012.

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    A pancreatite aguda ? caracterizada pela inflama??o do p?ncreas, em que as les?es variam de edema intersticial a necrose do par?nquima com hemorragia grave. A mortalidade ? alta quando associada ? fal?ncia multissist?mica. A pancreatite aguda pode ser causa de morte s?bita e seu diagn?stico, em especial a forma necrotizante, ? feito somente ap?s a necropsia em at? metade dos casos. Objetivos: Avaliar, retrospectivamente, as caracter?sticas epidemiol?gicas e patol?gicas das mortes por pancreatite aguda examinadas no Instituto M?dico-Legal de Belo Horizonte (IML-BH). Materiais e m?todos: An?lise retrospectiva dos laudos de necropsia do IML-BH cuja causa da morte foi pancreatite aguda realizados no per?odo de 2006 a 2012. Resultados: Houve predomin?ncia de homens e a maioria dos casos foi de pancreatite aguda hemorr?gica, com o etilismo sendo a etiologia predominante. A m?dia et?ria foi de 43 anos, com metade dos casos entre 40 e 60 anos. A maioria dos necropsiados foi encontrada morta no pr?prio domic?lio. Houve rela??o estat?stica entre a faixa et?ria de 40 e 60 anos e a ocorr?ncia de hematoma retroperitoneal. Complica??es sist?micas inclu?ram edema pulmonar e cerebral, derrame pleural e pneumonia. Conclus?o: Apesar do principal papel da necropsia forense ser a investiga??o das causas externas de morte, este estudo confirma que h? situa??es nas quais a Medicina Legal apresenta papel importante, em especial nas localidades que n?o disp?em de servi?os de verifica??o de ?bito, na avalia??o de potencias causas de morte s?bita, como a pancreatite aguda hemorr?gica.Acute pancreatitis is characterized by inflammation of the pancreas, in which lesions range from interstitial edema to necrosis of the parenchyma with severe hemorrhage. Mortality is high when associated with multisystemic failure. Acute pancreatitis may be the cause of sudden death and its diagnosis, especially the necrotizing form, is made only after necropsy in up to half of the cases. Objectives: To evaluate the epidemiological and pathological characteristics deaths caused by acute pancreatitis examined at the Forensic Medicine Institute of Belo Horizonte (FMI-BH). Materials and methods: Retrospective analysis of FMI-BH necropsy reports whose cause of death was acute pancreatitis, performed from 2006 to 2012. Results: There was a predominance of men and the majority of cases were acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis, with the alcohol abuse being the predominant etiology. The mean age was 43 years, with half of the cases between 40 and 60 years old. Most corpses were found dead at home. There was a statistical relationship between the age group of 40 and 60 years and the occurrence of retroperitoneal hematoma. Systemic complications included pulmonary and cerebral edema, pleural effusion, and pneumonia. Conclusion: Although the main role of forensic necropsy is the investigation of the external causes of death, this study confirms that there are situations in which Legal Medicine plays an important role, especially in locations that do not have death verification services, in the evaluation of potential causes of sudden death, such as acute hemorrhagic pancreatitis

    ?bitos relacionados ao contato com energia el?trica : estudo de 224 laudos necrosc?picos.

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    ?bitos e les?es relacionados ? energia el?trica (EE) s?o um importante problema de sa?de p?blica no Brasil. A investiga??o m?dico legal das mortes envolvendo EE ? dificultada pela aus?ncia de les?es espec?ficas em grande parte das v?timas. Tendo em vista a import?ncia para as ci?ncias forenses, este trabalho objetivou investigar laudos de necropsias com hist?rico de contato pr?vio dos periciados com EE. Foram resgatados 224 casos dos quais em 73,2% a causa da morte foi atribu?da exclusivamente ao contato com EE, em 8,5% foi decorrente de trauma contuso ap?s contato com EE e em 18,3% permaneceu indeterminada mesmo ap?s a realiza??o da necropsia. A maioria dos ?bitos ocorreu em contexto acidental, predominaram os casos relacionados a EE artificial (90,6%), a maior parte das autopsias foram realizadas na primavera e no ver?o. Houve predomin?ncia de periciados do sexo masculino, de cor parda, solteiros, que apresentava m?dia et?ria de 32 anos, que n?o receberam atendimento m?dico previamente ao ?bito. Queimaduras foram as les?es externas mais observadas; os sinais de Jellinek e de Lichtenberg foram descritos em 64 e em 10 laudos, respectivamente. Pet?quias subpleurais e subepic?rdicas foram os achados internos mais frequentes. Houve positividade em 22,2% dos exames de alcoolemia realizados e em 13,2% dos de toxicologia. O estudo aponta para a previsibilidade epidemiol?gica das fatalidades envolvendo EE, para as dificuldades m?dico legais no estabelecimento da causa m?dica da morte, o que destaca a import?ncia da integra??o entre a per?cia de local com os achados necrosc?picos na investiga??o destes casos.Deaths and injuries related to electrical energy (EE) are an important public health problem in Brazil. Medicolegal investigation of EE-related deaths is hampered by the absence of specific injuries in most victims. Considering the importance for the forensic sciences, this work aimed to investigate autopsy reports of victims with history of previous contact with EE prior to death. A total of 224 cases were studied, of which 73.2% were attributed exclusively to contact with EE, 8.5% were due to blunt trauma after contact with EE, 18.3% remained undetermined even after the contact with EE. The majority of the deaths occurred in an accidental context, the cases related to artificial EE (90.6%) predominated, and most autopsies were performed in the spring and summer. There was a predominance of males, of a brown color, unmarried, who had an average age of 32 years, and who did not receive medical care prior to death. Burns were the most observed external lesions; the Jellinek and Lichtenberg signs were described in 64 and 10 reports, respectively. Subpleural and subepicardial petechiae were the most frequent internal findings. Blood alcohol was positive in 22.2% of the tests performed and 13.2% of the toxicology tests were positive. The study points to the epidemiological predictability of fatalities involving EE and to the medicolegal difficulties in establishing the cause of death, which highlights the importance of the integration between the crime scene investigation and the necroscopic findings in the investigation of these cases

    Anatomical analysis of abdominoplasty

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    Abdominoplasty is a common surgical procedure in plastic surgery. Consequently, several technical variations have been created with the aim of reducing complications and obtaining better results in the abdominal contour. The anatomy of the abdominal region plays an important role in this procedure, since arguments in favor of techniques, such as classic abdominoplasty and lipoabdominoplasty are linked to anatomical principles. This highlights the plastic surgeon's need to have a good knowledge of the anatomy of this region. Not only will this knowledge enable plastic surgeons to understand the reasons for adopting certain surgical procedures, but it will also enable them adapt these procedures to the anatomical characteristics of each patient. In addition, this knowledge will help determine the morphological changes caused by surgery. Therefore, this study aimed to identify studies in the literature focusing on the anatomical description of both classical abdominoplasty and other variants, such as lipoabdominoplasty. It also aimed to discover the anatomical and physiopathological explanations for the major inherent surgical complications

    Cross-sectional study of exogenous intoxication autopsies in the Forensic Medicine Institute of Belo Horizonte in the period 2006-2012.

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    A intoxica??o ex?gena pode ser definida como as manifesta??es cl?nicas resultantes da intera??o de uma subst?ncia qu?mica com um organismo vivo. Por ser uma importante causa de morbidade e mortalidade ? considerada um problema de sa?de p?blica. A fim de analisar a preval?ncia da intoxica??o ex?gena nas necropsias do Instituto M?dico- Legal de Belo Horizonte, foi realizado um estudo transversal dos laudos do per?odo de 2006 a 2012. Foram analisados 447 laudos cuja causa da morte foi intoxica??o ex?gena. A maioria eram homens, com a maior concentra??o de casos entre 40 e 49 anos. Predominaram os morenos/negros e solteiros. A maioria era ativa do ponto de vista ocupacional e em atividades que n?o exigiam curso superior para seu exerc?cio. A pesquisa de teor alco?lico foi negativa na maioria dos casos. A pesquisa toxicol?gica foi positiva em 89,4% das necropsias, predominando os praguicidas, em especial os carbamatos. A circunst?ncia de morte mais prevalente foi o suic?dio e a maioria dos necropsiados n?o foi submetida a procedimentos m?dicos previamente ao ?bito. O estudo possibilitou tra?ar o perfil dos ?bitos relacionados ? intoxica??o ex?gena em uma ?rea regionalmente localizada, o que poder? ser ?til na elabora??o de estrat?gias de preven??o mais espec?ficas e eficazes.Exogenous intoxication can be defined as the clinical manifestations resulting from the interaction of a chemical with a living organism. Being a major cause of morbidity and mortality is considered a public health problem. In order to analyze the prevalence of exogenous intoxication in the necropsies of the Forensic Medical Institute of Belo Horizonte, a cross-sectional study of the autopsy reports from the period 2006 to 2012 was carried out. A total of 447 reports were analyzed whose cause of death was exogenous intoxication. The majority were men, with the highest concentration of cases between 40 and 49 years. Blacks and singles predominated. Most were active from an occupational point of view and in an occupation that did not require a higher education course. In the majority of cases, the alcohol test was negative. The toxicological screening was positive in 89.4% of the cases, predominating the pesticides, especially the carbamates. The most prevalent death circumstance was suicide, and most necropsies were not submitted to medical procedures prior to death. The study made it possible to trace the profile of deaths related to exogenous intoxication in a regionally localized area, which may be useful in the elaboration of more specific and effective prevention strategies

    Analysis of the ethylalcohol prevalence in necropsies performed in the Institute of Forensic Medicine of Belo Horizonte in the period between 2006 and 2012.

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    Objetivo: analisar a rela??o alcoolemia/mortes por causas externas e o perfil das v?timas necropsiadas no Instituto M?dico Legal de Belo Horizonte-MG, no per?odo de 2006 a 2012. M?todos: trata-se de um estudo do tipo transversal que avaliou 40.839 laudos m?dicos de indiv?duos v?timas de morte violenta necropsiados no IML-BH entre 2006 e 2012. Resultado: o perfil sociodemogr?fico das v?timas deste estudo foram indiv?duos do sexo masculino, entre 18 e 29 anos, n?o brancos, solteiros, naturais e procedentes de outras localidades que n?o BH. Em rela??o ao exame do teor alco?lico e ao exame toxicol?gico, 28,7 e 49%, respectivamente, tiveram resultados positivos. Como principais causas de morte, em quase metade dos indiv?duos a morte estava a esclarecer/ n?o consta/n?o informado, seguido de suspeita de homic?dio, acidente e suic?dio, todos com maiores valores relativos no grupo de alcoolemia positiva. Conclus?o: o perfil sociodemogr?fico tanto do total das necropsias quanto dos indiv?duos com alcoolemia positiva foi: homens, n?o brancos, adultos jovens, que vivem sozinhos, estabelecendo- -se, portanto, um perfil de risco. Entretanto, no grupo alcoolemia positiva os valores percentuais de indiv?duos com o perfil de risco e que sofreram mortes por homic?dio e acidente foram maiores.Purpose: To analyze the relationship alcohol level/ external causes of death and the profile of victims necropsied in the Institute of Forensic Medicine of Belo Horizonte ? MG (IML ? BH), in the period of time from 2006 to 2012. Methods: In a crosssectional study, 40,839 medical reports of violent death victims, necropsied in the IML ? BH from 2006 to 2012 were evaluated. Results: The sociodemographic profile of the victims involved in this study was: Male individuals, age from 18 to 29, nonwhites, single, not born and/or not originating from Belo Horizonte. Regarding the blood alcohol level and the toxicology exams, 28.7% and 49% respectively, had positive results. As main causes of death, almost half the individuals were categorized as undetermined/not stated/not informed, followed by suspicion of homicide, accident and suicide, all of which presented relatively higher values in the positive blood alcohol level group. Conclusion: The sociodemographic profile of all analyzed necropsies, as of the necropsies of individuals tested positive for blood alcohol level was: Non-white male, who are young adults that live alone, establishing, therefore, a risk group. Although, in the positive blood alcohol level group, the percentual value of individuals inserted in the risk group, and that suffered deaths by homicide and accidents, was higher

    Aging and sexual differences of the human skull.

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    Background: The aging process of the face comprises all layers: skin, subcutaneous fat, muscles, and skeleton, and the signs of aging depend mainly on which layer is mostly affected. Objective: To evaluate the aging facial skeleton, as well as establish the sexual differences, areas with a strong predisposition to resorption, and aesthetic repercussion for better treatment approach. Methods: Skulls from the Forensic Anthropology Department of the Institute of Forensic Medicine of Belo Horizonte, Brazil, were classified according to gender and age group (i.e., 50 years). Structural changes were classified according to gender and age group. Results: Of the 241 skulls included, 192 were male skulls and 49 female. Sexual dimorphism and age-related peculiarities are described herein. Conclusions: The knowledge of the anatomy of the aging face, taking into consideration all the layers (skin, fat pads, muscles, and bones), as a whole, for the treatment of folds and shadows is vital for a better and more natural final aesthetic outcome