175 research outputs found

    Topological Vector Symmetry of BRSTQFT and Construction of Maximal Supersymmetry

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    The scalar and vector topological Yang-Mills symmetries determine a closed and consistent sector of Yang-Mills supersymmetry. We provide a geometrical construction of these symmetries, based on a horizontality condition on reducible manifolds. This yields globally well-defined scalar and vector topological BRST operators. These operators generate a subalgebra of maximally supersymmetric Yang-Mills theory, which is small enough to be closed off-shell with a finite set of auxiliary fields and large enough to determine the Yang-Mills supersymmetric theory. Poincar\'e supersymmetry is reached in the limit of flat manifolds. The arbitrariness of the gauge functions in BRSTQFTs is thus removed by the requirement of scalar and vector topological symmetry, which also determines the complete supersymmetry transformations in a twisted way. Provided additional Killing vectors exist on the manifold, an equivariant extension of our geometrical framework is provided, and the resulting "equivariant topological field theory" corresponds to the twist of super Yang-Mills theory on Omega backgrounds.Comment: 50 page

    Renormalizability of a quark-gluon model with soft BRST breaking in the infrared region

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    We prove the renormalizability of a quark-gluon model with a soft breaking of the BRST symmetry, which accounts for the modification of the large distance behavior of the quark and gluon correlation functions. The proof is valid to all orders of perturbation theory, by making use of softly broken Ward identities.Comment: 20 pages, no figures. Preprint number added in v2

    N=2 SYM Action as a BRST Exact Term, Topological Yang Mills and Instantons

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    By constructing a nilpotent extended BRST operator \bs that involves the N=2 global supersymmetry transformations of one chirality, we show that the standard N=2 off-shell Super Yang Mills Action can be represented as an exact BRST term \bs \Psi, if the gauge fermion Ψ\Psi is allowed to depend on the inverse powers of supersymmetry ghosts. By using this nonanalytical structure of the gauge fermion (via inverse powers of supersymmetry ghosts), we give field redefinitions in terms of composite fields of supersymmetry ghosts and N=2 fields and we show that Witten's topological Yang Mills theory can be obtained from the ordinary Euclidean N=2 Super Yang Mills theory directly by using such field redefinitions. In other words, TYM theory is obtained as a change of variables (without twisting). As a consequence it is found that physical and topological interpretations of N=2 SYM are intertwined together due to the requirement of analyticity of global SUSY ghosts. Moreover, when after an instanton inspired truncation of the model is used, we show that the given field redefinitions yield the Baulieu-Singer formulation of Topological Yang Mills.Comment: Latex, 1+15 pages. Published versio

    Ghost Condensates and Dynamical Breaking of SL(2,R) in Yang-Mills in the Maximal Abelian Gauge

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    Ghost condensates of dimension two in SU(N) Yang-Mills theory quantized in the Maximal Abelian Gauge are discussed. These condensates turn out to be related to the dynamical breaking of the SL(2,R) symmetry present in this gaugeComment: 16 pages, LaTeX2e, final version to appear in J. Phys.

    On the Renormalizability of Noncommutative U(1) Gauge Theory - an Algebraic Approach

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    We investigate the quantum effects of the nonlocal gauge invariant operator 1D2Fμν1D2Fμν\frac{1}{{}{D}^{2}}{F}_{\mu \nu}\ast \frac{1}{{}{D}^{2}}{F}^{\mu \nu} in the noncommutative U(1) action and its consequences to the infrared sector of the theory. Nonlocal operators of such kind were proposed to solve the infrared problem of the noncommutative gauge theories evading the questions on the explicit breaking of the Lorentz invariance. More recently, a first step in the localization of this operator was accomplished by means of the introduction of an extra tensorial matter field, and the first loop analysis was carried out (Eur.Phys.J.C62:433443,2009)(Eur.Phys.J.\textbf{C62}:433-443,2009). We will complete this localization avoiding the introduction of new degrees of freedom beyond those of the original action by using only BRST doublets. This will allow us to make a complete BRST algebraic study of the renormalizability of the theory, following Zwanziger's method of localization of nonlocal operators in QFT.Comment: standard Latex no figures, version2 accepted in J. Phys A: Math Theo

    Perturbative Beta Function of N=2 Super Yang-Mills Theories

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    An algebraic proof of the nonrenormalization theorem for the perturbative beta function of the coupling constant of N=2 Super Yang-Mills theory is provided. The proof relies on a fundamental relationship between the N=2 Yang-Mills action and the local gauge invariant polynomial Tr phi^2, phi(x) being the scalar field of the N=2 vector gauge multiplet. The nonrenormalization theorem for the beta function follows from the vanishing of the anomalous dimension of Tr phi^2.Comment: 20 pages, Latex2e, name of institutions correcte

    An Algebraic Criterion for the Ultraviolet Finiteness of Quantum Field Theories

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    An algebraic criterion for the vanishing of the beta function for renormalizable quantum field theories is presented. Use is made of the descent equations following from the Wess-Zumino consistency condition. In some cases, these equations relate the fully quantized action to a local gauge invariant polynomial. The vanishing of the anomalous dimension of this polynomial enables us to establish a nonrenormalization theorem for the beta function βg\beta_g, stating that if the one-loop order contribution vanishes, then βg\beta_g will vanish to all orders of perturbation theory. As a by-product, the special case in which βg\beta_g is only of one-loop order, without further corrections, is also covered. The examples of the N=2,4 supersymmetric Yang-Mills theories are worked out in detail.Comment: 1+32 pages, LaTeX2e, typos correcte

    Topological and Universal Aspects of Bosonized Interacting Fermionic Systems in (2+1)d

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    General results on the structure of the bosonization of fermionic systems in (2+1)(2+1)d are obtained. In particular, the universal character of the bosonized topological current is established and applied to generic fermionic current interactions. The final form of the bosonized action is shown to be given by the sum of two terms. The first one corresponds to the bosonization of the free fermionic action and turns out to be cast in the form of a pure Chern-Simons term, up to a suitable nonlinear field redefinition. We show that the second term, following from the bosonization of the interactions, can be obtained by simply replacing the fermionic current by the corresponding bosonized expression.Comment: 29 pages, RevTe