4 research outputs found

    Comparative study between radiofrequency-induced and muscimol-induced inhibition of cultured networks of cortical neuron

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    Previous studies have shown that spontaneously active cultured networks of cortical neuron grown planar microelectrode arrays are sensitive to radiofrequency (RF) fields and exhibit an inhibitory response more pronounced as the exposure time and power increase. To better understand the mechanism behind the observed effects, we aimed at identifying similarities and differences between the inhibitory effect of RF fields (continuous wave, 1800 MHz) to the γ-aminobutyric acid type A (GABAA) receptor agonist muscimol (MU). Inhibition of the network bursting activity in response to RF exposure became apparent at an SAR level of 28.6 W/kg and co-occurred with an elevation of the culture medium temperature of ~1°C. Exposure to RF fields preferentially inhibits bursting over spiking activity and exerts fewer constraints on neural network bursting synchrony, differentiating it from a pharmacological inhibition with MU. Network rebound excitation, a phenomenon relying on the intrinsic properties of cortical neurons, was observed following the removal of tonic hyperpolarization after washout of MU but not in response to cessation of RF exposure. This implies that hyperpolarization is not the main driving force mediating the inhibitory effects of RF fields. At the level of single neurons, network inhibition induced by MU and RF fields occurred with reduced action potential (AP) half-width. As changes in AP waveform strongly influence efficacy of synaptic transmission, the narrowing effect on AP seen under RF exposure might contribute to reducing network bursting activity. By pointing only to a partial overlap between the inhibitory hallmarks of these two forms of inhibition, our data suggest that the inhibitory mechanisms of the action of RF fields differ from the ones mediated by the activation of GABAA receptors

    Psychedelics and hypnosis: Commonalities and therapeutic implications

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    Background Recent research on psychedelics and hypnosis demonstrates the value of both methods in the treatment of a range of psychopathologies with overlapping applications and neurophenomenological features. The potential of harnessing the power of suggestion to influence the phenomenological response to psychedelics toward more therapeutic action has remained unexplored in recent research and thereby warrants empirical attention. Aims Here we aim to elucidate the phenomenological and neurophysiological similarities and dissimilarities between psychedelic states and hypnosis in order to revisit how contemporary knowledge may inform their conjunct usage in psychotherapy. Methods We review recent advances in phenomenological and neurophysiological research on psychedelics and hypnosis and we summarize early investigations on the coupling of psychedelics and hypnosis in scientific and therapeutic contexts. Results/Outcomes We highlight commonalities and differences between psychedelics and hypnosis that point to the potential efficacy of combining the two in psychotherapy. We propose multiple research paths for coupling these two phenomena at different stages in the preparation, acute phase, and follow-up of psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy in order to prepare, guide, and integrate the psychedelic experience with the aim of enhancing therapeutic outcomes. Conclusions/Interpretation Harnessing the power of suggestion to modulate response to psychedelics could enhance their therapeutic efficacy by helping to increase the likelihood of positive responses, including mystical type experiences

    Reducing Merkel cell activity in the whisker follicle disrupts cortical encoding of whisker movement amplitude and velocity

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    Merkel cells (MCs) and associated primary sensory afferents of the whisker follicle-sinus complex, accurately code whisker self-movement, angle, and whisk phase during whisking. However, little is known about their roles played in cortical encoding of whisker movement. To this end, the spiking activity of primary somatosensory barrel cortex (wS1) neurons was measured in response to varying the whisker deflection amplitude and velocity in transgenic mice with previously established reduced mechanoelectrical coupling at MC-associated afferents. Under reduced MC activity, wS1 neurons exhibited increased sensitivity to whisker deflection. This appeared to arise from a lack of variation in response magnitude to varying the whisker deflection amplitude and velocity. This latter effect was further indicated by weaker variation in the temporal profile of the evoked spiking activity when either whisker deflection amplitude or velocity was varied. Nevertheless, under reduced MC activity, wS1 neurons retained the ability to differentiate stimulus features based on the timing of their first post-stimulus spike. Collectively, results from this study suggest that MCs contribute to cortical encoding of both whisker amplitude and velocity, predominantly by tuning wS1 response magnitude, and by patterning the evoked spiking activity, rather than by tuning wS1 response latency

    Annuaire 2003-2004

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