9 research outputs found

    Cooling time of circulating cryogenic systems

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    Test Results of RF ITER TF Conductors in the SULTAN Test Facility

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    The cable-in-conduit-conductors (CICC) for the ITER Toroidal Field (TF) Coils are tested in the Sultan test facility in order to estimate their AC and DC performances under operating conditions. The tests are carried out on different stages of conductor procurement implementation starting from Nb3Sn superconducting strand layout and process development to regular checks of production unit lengths. Four TF samples provided by Russia have been successfully tested in the Sultan facility by now in the framework of the ITER collaboration, including Strand Performances Qualification Sample, Qualification Conductor Sample, Pre-production and Production Conductors sample. The test results of all four samples shows pretty good reproducibility of the conductor performances from sample to sample and at the same time good stability of conductor performance under mechanical loading caused by Lorenz force during electromagnetic (EM) cycling can be observed. In the present work a comparison of the conductors and their performance was carried out to show the development of conductor performances from R&D stage to mass production

    Test Results of Three Poloidal Field Superconducting Samples in SULTAN

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    Superconductors for the ITER Poloidal Field Coils are large cable-in-conduit conductors (CICC) made of NbTi strands encased in a round-in-square stainless steel jacket. Three prototype conductor sections for poloidal field coils PF1/6, PF2/3/4 and PF5 have been fabricated in collaboration of the domestic RF, CN and EU agencies and tested in SULTAN Test Facility at the nominal operating conditions. The test aimed to characterize the DC and AC behavior of the conductors. The DC test was focused on the current sharing temperature (T-cs) at the nominal operating current and nominal operating background field. The take-off electric field at the nominal Helium mass flow rate was investigated versus the cable current density over a broad range of field and temperature. The AC loss measurement was performed before any electromagnetic loading and after a number of load cycles in order to define the impact of cyclic loads on the coupling currents constant of the cable. From the test results in SULTAN test facility, the margins in normal operation and the limits of the operation range of the ITER PF conductors are assessed


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    We describe the upgrade of the L3 detector for running at LHC. The principle goals are the precise measurement of electrons, photons and muons


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