77,533 research outputs found

    Dynamics of the symmetric eigenvalue problem with shift strategies

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    A common algorithm for the computation of eigenvalues of real symmetric tridiagonal matrices is the iteration of certain special maps FσF_\sigma called shifted QRQR steps. Such maps preserve spectrum and a natural common domain is TΛ{\cal T}_\Lambda, the manifold of real symmetric tridiagonal matrices conjugate to the diagonal matrix Λ\Lambda. More precisely, a (generic) shift s \in \RR defines a map Fs:TΛ→TΛF_s: {\cal T}_\Lambda \to {\cal T}_\Lambda. A strategy \sigma: {\cal T}_\Lambda \to \RR specifies the shift to be applied at TT so that Fσ(T)=Fσ(T)(T)F_\sigma(T) = F_{\sigma(T)}(T). Good shift strategies should lead to fast deflation: some off-diagonal coordinate tends to zero, allowing for reducing of the problem to submatrices. For topological reasons, continuous shift strategies do not obtain fast deflation; many standard strategies are indeed discontinuous. Practical implementation only gives rise systematically to bottom deflation, convergence to zero of the lowest off-diagonal entry b(T)b(T). For most shift strategies, convergence to zero of b(T)b(T) is cubic, ∣b(Fσ(T))∣=Θ(∣b(T)∣k)|b(F_\sigma(T))| = \Theta(|b(T)|^k) for k=3k = 3. The existence of arithmetic progressions in the spectrum of TT sometimes implies instead quadratic convergence, k=2k = 2. The complete integrability of the Toda lattice and the dynamics at non-smooth points are central to our discussion. The text does not assume knowledge of numerical linear algebra.Comment: 22 pages, 4 figures. This preprint borrows heavily from the unpublished preprint arXiv:0912.3376 but is adapted for a different audienc

    On multi-objective optimization of planetary exploration rovers applied to ExoMars-type rovers

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    ExoMars is the first robotic mission of the Aurora program of the European Space Agency (EAS). Surface mobility (as provided by ExoMarks rover) is one of the enabling technologies necessary for future exploration missions. This work uses previouly developed mathematical models to represent an ExoMars rover operation in soft/rocky terrain. The models are used in an optimization loop to evaluate multiple objective functions affected by the change in geometrical design parameters. Several objective funktions can be used in our optimization environment powered by MOPS (Multi-Objective Parameter Synthesis). Two environments are used to simulate the rover in stability sensitive conditions and power and sinkage sensitive conditions. Finally, an ExoMars-like configuration is proposed and consistent improvemnt directions are pointed out
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