2,370 research outputs found

    Topological Field Theory of Vortices over Closed Kahler Manifolds

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    By dimensional reduction, Einstein-Hermitian equations of n + 1 dimensional closed Kahler manifolds lead to vortex equations of n dimensional closed Kahler manifolds. A Yang-Mills-Higgs functional to unitary bundles over closed Kahler manifolds has topological invariance by adding the additional terms which have ghost fields. Henceforth we achieve the matter (Higgs field) coupled topological field theories in higher dimension.Comment: 14 page

    Is the ISO(2,1)ISO(2,1) Gauge Gravity equivalent to the Metric Formulation?

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    The quantization of the gravitational Chern-Simons coefficient is investigated in the framework of ISO(2,1)ISO(2,1) gauge gravity. Some paradoxes involved are cured. The resolution is largely based on the inequivalence of ISO(2,1)ISO(2,1) gauge gravity and the metric formulation. Both the Lorentzian scheme and the Euclidean scheme lead to the coefficient quantization, which means that the induced spin is not quite exotic in this context.Comment: 16 pages, LaTeX using revtex macr

    Entanglement measure for any quantum states

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    The entanglement measure for multiqudits is proposed. This measure calculates the partial entanglement distributed by subsystems and the complete entanglement of the total system. This shows that we need to measure the subsystem entanglements to explain the full description for multiqudit entanglement. Furthermore, we extend the entanglement measure to mixed multiqubits and the higher dimension Hilbert spaces.Comment: 6 pages, Revte

    The entanglement criterion of multiqubits

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    We present an entanglement criterion for multiqubits by using the quantum correlation tensors which rely on the expectation values of the Pauli operators for a multiqubit state. Our criterion explains not only the total entanglement of the system but also the partial entanglement in subsystems. It shows that we have to consider the subsystem entanglements in order to obtain the full description for multiqubit entanglements. Furthermore, we offer an extension of the entanglement to multiqudits.Comment: 7 pages, No figur

    Entangled multiplet by angular momentum addition

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    We present the visible entangled states of 4-qubit system which can be observed easily in physical laboratories. This was motivated from the fact that the entangled state of 2-qubit system comes from singlet and triplet states which are constructed through the angular momentum addition formalism. We show that 4-qubit system has the new entangled states different from GHZ or W types entangled statesComment: 9 pages Latex, no figure

    Lorentz covariant reduced-density-operator theory for relativistic quantum information processing

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    In this paper, we derived Lorentz covariant quantum Liouville equation for the density operator which describes the relativistic quantum information processing from Tomonaga-Schwinger equation and an exact formal solution for the reduced-density-operator is obtained using the projector operator technique and the functional calculus. When all the members of the family of the hypersurfaces become flat hyperplanes, it is shown that our results agree with those of non-relativistic case which is valid only in some specified reference frame. To show that our new formulation can be applied to practical problems, we derived the polarization of the vacuum in quantum electrodynamics up to the second order. The formulation presented in this work is general and might be applied to related fields such as quantum electrodynamics and relativistic statistical mechanics

    Relativistic entanglement of quantum states and nonlocality of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen(EPR) paradox

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    Relativistic bipartite entangled quantum states is studied to show that Nature doesn't favor nonlocality for massive particles in the ultra-relativistic limit. We found that to an observer (Bob) in a moving frame S', the entangled Bell state shared by Alice and Bob appears as the superposition of the Bell bases in the frame S' due to the requirement of the special relativity. It is shown that the entangled pair satisfies the Bell's inequality when the boost speed approaches the speed of light, thus providing a counter example for nonlocality of Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen(EPR) paradox.Comment: 11pages, no figur

    Gaussian YOLOv3: An Accurate and Fast Object Detector Using Localization Uncertainty for Autonomous Driving

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    The use of object detection algorithms is becoming increasingly important in autonomous vehicles, and object detection at high accuracy and a fast inference speed is essential for safe autonomous driving. A false positive (FP) from a false localization during autonomous driving can lead to fatal accidents and hinder safe and efficient driving. Therefore, a detection algorithm that can cope with mislocalizations is required in autonomous driving applications. This paper proposes a method for improving the detection accuracy while supporting a real-time operation by modeling the bounding box (bbox) of YOLOv3, which is the most representative of one-stage detectors, with a Gaussian parameter and redesigning the loss function. In addition, this paper proposes a method for predicting the localization uncertainty that indicates the reliability of bbox. By using the predicted localization uncertainty during the detection process, the proposed schemes can significantly reduce the FP and increase the true positive (TP), thereby improving the accuracy. Compared to a conventional YOLOv3, the proposed algorithm, Gaussian YOLOv3, improves the mean average precision (mAP) by 3.09 and 3.5 on the KITTI and Berkeley deep drive (BDD) datasets, respectively. Nevertheless, the proposed algorithm is capable of real-time detection at faster than 42 frames per second (fps) and shows a higher accuracy than previous approaches with a similar fps. Therefore, the proposed algorithm is the most suitable for autonomous driving applications.Comment: ICCV 201

    Attribution Mask: Filtering Out Irrelevant Features By Recursively Focusing Attention on Inputs of DNNs

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    Attribution methods calculate attributions that visually explain the predictions of deep neural networks (DNNs) by highlighting important parts of the input features. In particular, gradient-based attribution (GBA) methods are widely used because they can be easily implemented through automatic differentiation. In this study, we use the attributions that filter out irrelevant parts of the input features and then verify the effectiveness of this approach by measuring the classification accuracy of a pre-trained DNN. This is achieved by calculating and applying an \textit{attribution mask} to the input features and subsequently introducing the masked features to the DNN, for which the mask is designed to recursively focus attention on the parts of the input related to the target label. The accuracy is enhanced under a certain condition, i.e., \textit{no implicit bias}, which can be derived based on our theoretical insight into compressing the DNN into a single-layer neural network. We also provide Gradient\,*\,Sign-of-Input (GxSI) to obtain the attribution mask that further improves the accuracy. As an example, on CIFAR-10 that is modified using the attribution mask obtained from GxSI, we achieve the accuracy ranging from 99.8\% to 99.9\% without additional training

    Electric-magnetic duality as a quantum operator and more symmetries of U(1)U(1) gauge theory

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    We promote the Noether charge of the electric-magnetic duality symmetry of U(1)U(1) gauge theory, "GG" to a quantum operator. We construct ladder operators, D(±)a†(k)D_{(\pm)a}^\dagger(k) and D(±)a(k)D_{(\pm)a}(k) which create and annihilate the simultaneous quantum eigen states of the quantum Hamiltonian(or number) and the electric-magnetic duality operators respectively. Therefore all the quantum states of the U(1)U(1) gauge fields can be expressed by a form of ∣E,g⟩|E,g\rangle, where EE is the energy of the state, the gg is the eigen value of the quantum operator GG, where the gg is quantized in the unit of 1. We also show that 10 independent bilinears comprised of the creation and annihilation operators can form SO(2,3)SO(2,3) which is as demonstrated in the Dirac's paper published in 1962. The number operator and the electric-magnetic duality operator are the members of the SO(2,3)SO(2,3) generators. We note that there are two more generators which commute with the number operator(or Hamiltonian). We prove that these generators are indeed symmetries of the U(1)U(1) gauge field theory action.Comment: 12 pages, 1 figure and 1 tabl
