7,959 research outputs found

    On Complex Manifolds and Observable Schemes

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    We work out the construction of a Stein manifold from a commutative Arens-Michael algebra, under assumptions that are mild enough for the process to be useful in practice. Then, we do the passage to arbitrary complex manifolds by proposing a suitable notion of scheme. We do this in the abstract language of spectral functors, in view of its potential usefulness in non-commutative geometry.Comment: 15 pages. Supported by Fondecyt Postdoctoral Grant No. 311004

    On the geometry underlying a real Lie algebra representation

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    Let GG be a real Lie group with Lie algebra g\mathfrak g. Given a unitary representation π\pi of GG, one obtains by differentiation a representation dπd\pi of g\mathfrak g by unbounded, skew-adjoint operators. Representations of g\mathfrak g admitting such a description are called \emph{integrable,} and they can be geometrically seen as the action of g\mathfrak g by derivations on the algebra of representative functions gg\mapsto, which are naturally defined on the homogeneous space M=G/kerπM=G/\ker\pi. In other words, integrable representations of a real Lie algebra can always be seen as realizations of that algebra by vector fields on a homogeneous manifold. Here we show how to use the coproduct of the universal enveloping algebra of g\mathfrak g to generalize this to representations which are not necessarily integrable. The geometry now playing the role of MM is a locally homogeneous space. This provides the basis for a geometric approach to integrability questions regarding Lie algebra representations.Comment: 12 pages. Author supported by Fondecyt Postdoctoral Grant N{\deg} 311004

    Pre-freezing of multifractal exponents in Random Energy Models with logarithmically correlated potential

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    Boltzmann-Gibbs measures generated by logarithmically correlated random potentials are multifractal. We investigate the abrupt change ("pre-freezing") of multifractality exponents extracted from the averaged moments of the measure - the so-called inverse participation ratios. The pre-freezing can be identified with termination of the disorder-averaged multifractality spectrum. Naive replica limit employed to study a one-dimensional variant of the model is shown to break down at the pre-freezing point. Further insights are possible when employing zero-dimensional and infinite-dimensional versions of the problem. In particular, the latter version allows one to identify the pattern of the replica symmetry breaking responsible for the pre-freezing phenomenon.Comment: This is published version, 11 pages, 1 figur