27 research outputs found

    Changes of Intestine Dimensions Determined by Barley and Wheat-Based Non Starch Polysaccharides (NSP) in Broilers

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    The objective of this experiment was to determine the main intestine dimension changes generated by the NSP content of the combined forage and by beta glucanase utilization in concordance with barley and wheat proportion in the structure of the combined forage for broilers. In this viewpoint, we carried out an experiment consisted of 5 experimental variants, as follows: EG1 - fed with a combined forage without barley, EG2 - fed with a combined forage including 60% barley in its structure in the first and second growth periods as well, EG3 - fed with a combined forage similar with the one offered in EG2, but with addition of beta glucanase 75 ppm, EG4 – with the enzyme in a quantity of 100 ppm and EG5 - 50 % of the barley amount was replaced with wheat and we also added beta glucanase 75 ppm. At the end of the experiment, successive to chicken killing, we determined the main changes at intestine dimension level and muscle stomach. By incorporating barley in proportion of 60 % in the combined forage structure, the intestinal dimensions (length, diameter) get changed, and also the width of the muscle stomach. The incorporation of enzymes in the combined forage structure reduces the differences available between the intestinal dimensions in the group fed with enzyme and the one that was not fed with enzyme: there are significant differences (p<0.05) between the length of duodenum, cecum and ileonum of the chickens fed with forage including beta glucanase 75 ppm and the chickens fed with forage including barley without beta glucanase, of up to 20 %. There are also significant differences in the case of the muscle stomach diameter, of up to 25 %

    Protein Level the Influence and the Period of Combined Feed Administration in Ross 308 Hybrid in Serbia

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    There are various researches where during growth period of broilers are used 2 or 4 combined feed (CF) recipes, with different nutritional characteristics, which can cover the chickens need, and which can also satisfy the technical-economical condition. The purpose of this work was to assess the possibility to simplify the way of feeding the chickens Ross 308 hybrid, by reducing the number of forage recipes from 4 to 3, and by administering combined feed with a protein level of 4% higher during the so-called growing period (11-33 days). In meat chickens, Ross 308 hybrid, for which the growing technology was applied with 4 types of CF: starter, I grower, II grower and finisher), at the age of 43 days, there was obtained an average body weight of 2557.81 g, an intake of 4790 g/chicken, a feed conversion ratio of 1.90, the feed costs to achieve 1 kg live weight being of 0.685 euros; in chickens fodder-fed with 3 CF structures, the body weight was of about 5.6% higher, a close feed intake, and the same feed conversion ratio, and the foraging costs related to kg live weight were of 0.15% higher. The conclusion is the simplification of broiler feeding technology reducing from 4 and 3 structures of combined feed by administering a CF with up 4p% more protein, during the so-called growing period

    Assessment and Control of the Antinutritional Effect Exerted by Non-Starch Polysaccharides from Triticale-Based Combined Forage, in Broilers

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    The objective of this experiment was to assess and fight against the NSP’s anti-nutritional effect from meat chickens’ alimentation. The experiment lasted for six weeks and was performed on a number of 120 chickens distributed in four experimental variants (LE1, LE2 and LE3, LE4). The hybrid used was Ross 308. We formed four experimental groups, as follows: the experimental group LE1 fed with a CF containing triticale in proportion of 40 % in its structure, the experimental group LE2 fed with a combined forage in which we had incorporated triticale in proportion of 60%, the experimental group LE3 fed with forage including triticale 60 % with supplementation of xylanase 100 ppm,  and the experimental group LE4 fed with forage including triticale 60% and xylanase in a quantity of 250 ppm. We could observe that the NSPs, NSPi and NSP total contents increased with the increase of triticale participation; so, the combined forage including 60 % triticale during the growth period from eclosion to 6 weeks presented up to 1.08 percentage points the NSPs content, up to 0.28 p% the NSPi content and up to 1.36 p% the NSPt content. Xylanase incorporation in a quantity of 250 ppm determines body weight increase with up to approx. 12% in the case of 6-week old chickens and feed conversion ratio reduction with up to 10 %. The utilization of triticale in proportion of 40-60 % in combined forage structure, for broiler chickens, is possible only in association with enzyme incorporation; these determine the reduction of intestinal viscosity at duodenum and jejunum level, with up to 15 %


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    The NSP in cereal grains are composed predominantly of arabinoxylans (pentosans), beta glucans and cellulose. The main soluble NSP in these grains are arabinoxylans, while in barley and oats the are betaglucans. In this experiment we want to establish the influence of NSPs and NSPi from barley on nutritive and bioproductive indices at broiler chickens. The experiment was carried out on 120 broiler chickens divided in four experimental groups (CL, EL1, EL2 and EL3). The difference between the experimental groups was the different percentage of barley in the structure of combined forage and it was between 0 and 30% in the growth period from eclosion to 21 days and between 0 and 40% from 22 till 42 days of age. On the entire growth period the smallest forage consumption was registered by the control group, which had no barley in the structure of combined forage and registered the smallest values of NSPs and NSPi. The body weight at experimental groups was smaller with 3.25% but the differences were not statistical significant. In the growth period from 0-6 weeks in the experimental group EL1 the specific consumption is greater with 5.63% comparatively with the control group CL

    Effect of Oregano and Tea Tree Essential Oils on Bioproductive Indices of Broiler Chickens

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    The purpose of this experiment was to determine the effect of oregano and melaleuca essential oils administered in a dose of 250 mg/kg CF in the feeding of broiler chickens on the bioproductive indices. The biological material was represented by sexed (male) broiler chickens belonging to the ROSS 308 hybrid on which the phasial breeding (1- 10d, 11-24d, 25-35d) was practiced, while observing the recommendations from the ROSS 308 Broiler Management Guide, 2014. The chickens were divided into 3 experimental variants (T0, T1, T2), with 3 replications and 10 chickens/replication. The chickens from T0 (control) have received only the basic diet, for T1 the basic diet+oregano essential oil (250 mg/kg CF) were administered, and for T2, the basic diet+melaleuca essential oil (250 mg/kg CF). During the first breeding period (0-10d), the highest value for the body weight was recorded at T1 (267.66 g), which also had the lowest feed conversion ratio (1.20 kg CF/kg WG). In the period 11-24d, in T2, the highest body weight (1034.41 g) with the feed conversion ratio 1.52 kg CF/kg WG were recorded. In the finisher phase (25-35d), T1 maintained differences compared to T0, for body weight higher 2.91% and lower 6.25%, for FCR. During the entire breeding period 1-35d, the lowest FCR was recorded in T1 (1.65 kg CF/kg WG). The difference between experimental variants was not statistically for p>0.05

    The Effect of Protected Fats and Conjugated Linoleic Acid from Lactating Ewes Ration on Some Bioproductives Indices of Them and in Suckling Lambs

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    In order to satisfy the energy requirements of cows with high milk productions, feeding practices now include the addition of fats in the ration. This can also be used for sheep. The aim of this study was to quantify the effect that the Optima 100 nutritional supplements (protected fats) and CLA (conjugated linoleic acid) administered in the ration of lactating ewes during lactation had on certain bioproductives parameters in lambs suckling period. For this aim, the experiment was carried out on 60 sheep of Romanian Ţurcana breed during the lamb lactation period. The 60 sheep were randomly divided into 4 groups, which were given a basic ration in order to meet their daily needs according to their physiological condition. The sheep were grouped as follows: the control group (T1) received only the basic ration (BR); In experimental group 2 (T2), the basic ration was supplemented by 12 g/head/day of the Optima 100 product, representing protected fats; In experimental group 3 (T3), BR was supplemented by CLA in an amount of 12 g/head/day; The two nutritional supplements were added to BR, each in an amount of 12 g/head/day, in experimental group 3 (T4). The use of protectedfats as well as the mixture of protected fats and CLA in the feed of the ewes, determines an improvement of the bioproductive indices of the infantlambs. The reis also an increase in the amount of milk obtained from sheep fed with food in which these supplements were incorporated and an increase in the fat content of milk

    Identification of Histological Changes in Liver and Evaluation of the Effect of Some Probiotics and Amino Acids on the Invasion of C. jejuni

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    Poultry meat represents a worldwide food and can be a source of pathogen agents (Salmonella enterica spp., Escherichia coli, and Campylobacter jejuni). Therefore, identification of the best methods to reduce infections of these pathogens from poultry meat represents a critical aspect for producers. The purpose of this study was to identify the histological changes in liver and to evaluate the influence of some probiotic strains and of some amino acids in the invasion of Campylobacter jejuni. The biological material was represented by poultry broilers, the hybrid ROSS 308, which were randomly allocated in seven experimental groupss, of 10 individuals/group that were treated as follows: G0 (control); G1-L. paracasei CMGB 18 and L. rhamnosus CMGB 34 (0-42 days); G2-L. paracasei CMGB 18, L. rhamnosus CMGB 34, L. lactis CMGB 31 and L. lactis CMGB 32 (0-42 days); G3-L. paracasei CMGB 18 and L. rhamnosus CMGB 34 (35-42 days); G4-L. paracasei CMGB 18, L. rhamnosus CMGB 34, L. lactis CMGB 31 and L. lactis CMGB 32 (35-42 days); G5-L. paracasei CMGB 18, L. rhamnosus CMGB 34, L Treonine and DL Methionine (0-42 days); G6-L. paracasei CMGB 18, L. rhamnosus CMGB 34, L. lactis CMGB 31, L. lactis CMGB 32, L Treonine and DL Methionine (35-42 days). The microscopic aspects pointed out by us in this study suggest the pathogenicity of C. jejuni, marked by the appearance of inflammatory areas, with the presence of a perivascular and diffuse leukocytes infiltration and, also, presence of pyknotic nuclei. Moreover, the results show the beneficial effect of probiotic strains L. paracasei CMGB 18, L. rhamnosus CMGB 34, L. lactis CMGB 31 and L. lactis CMGB 32, with reduction of the changes caused by C.jejuni and the production of toxins, thus preventing the damage of hepatic cells. The most powerful effect was noticed when all the four probiotic strains were administrated, during the experiment of 0-42 days

    Growth Parameters Of Heavy-Breed Avian Youth Fed Organic System

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    The experiment on the assessment of development parameters in the case of heavy-breed young poultry was carried out in concordance with the common legislation, with the provision of feeding and maintenance conditions specific to the organic system. The experiment lasted for 84 days (150 chickens); in this period, we used two structures of concentrate mixtures: CM1 (from 1 day to 42 days), with the following characteristics 3003 kcal EM, 19.91% CP, 1% lysine, 0.57% methionine + cystine, 1.08% Ca and 0.62% P and CM2 (from 43 to 84 days) with 2981 kcal EM, 16.03% CP, 0.73% lysine, 0.47% methionine+cystine, 1.06% Ca and 0.58% P. During the experiment, we recorded the growth performances (body weight, growth, daily gain) and the CI. The body weight recorded at 84 days was 1623.10±37.0 g, with a daily mean growth of 19.32 g and a specific intake of: 3.68 kg AC, 11261.28 kcal EM, 635.35 g CP, 31.03 g lysine and 19.02 g methionine+cystine/kg growth. We determined a mathematical model for body mass prediction depending on energy and protein ingestion, generating an equation of this type: y=a+b*ln(x1)+c*ln(x1)2+d*x2+e*x22, with a multiple determination coefficient R2=0.99 and an error percentage at the end of the growth period of 0.02%, beetwen predicted and experimental values

    Study on the Influence of the Coriander (Coriandrum sativum) on the Chemical Composition of the Muscle in European Catfish (Silurus glanis)

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    European catfish (Silurus glanis) plays an important role in aquaculture due to its fast growth rate, its resistance to different environmental conditions, its adaptability to different rearing systems and the high nutritional and qualitative properties of the meat. Studies by many researchers have proven that coriander (Coriandrum sativum) has beneficial biological effects in fish, but studies regarding its or other phyto-additives influence on the meat quality of European catfish are sparse. The current study aimed to evaluate the influence of coriander seeds powder as phyto-additive (2 and 4%) in dry food pellets given to the European catfish, on chemical composition of its muscle. The coriander seed powder was administered 14 weeks in fish feed in two trials in duplicate: 2% and 4% to one-year-old European catfish. Three hundred fish were randomly selected and stocked into 6 tanks, 50 fish per tank. At the end of the experiment, 5 fish were collected from each tank, euthanized and used for the evaluation of the muscle quality. A piece of epaxial muscle from the highest part of the body was sampled, and subjected to the assessment of the crude protein and fat content, ash and moisture. The results revealed that coriander do not have a significant influence on muscle quality in general, but led to a significant (p£0.01) decrease of crude fat content


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    In this experiment we studied the effect of chelated manganese from phosphatic glass soluble in acids, phosphatic glass semi soluble in water and phosphatic glass soluble in water and inorganic salts (Mn SO4) on nutritive and bioproductive indices at broiler chickens. Mineral premix, made on calcium carbonate differentiate by manganese supplementation source, and was assured a level of 30.00 mg active Mn. The experiment was carried out on 120 broiler chickens divided in four experimental groups (CL-V1, EL-V2, EL-V3 and EL-V4), respectively 30 chickens per group. The hybrid used was Ross 308. The manganase assurance from phosphatic glass soluble in acids, phosphatic glass semi soluble in water and phosphatic glass soluble in water determine a decrease of manganese content in the poultry litter comparative with the manganese assurance from manganese sulfate. The manganese assurance from phosphatic glass soluble in water determines the increasing of the bioproductive indices with 5% comparative with the manganese assurance from manganese sulfate