4 research outputs found
Community Sanitation Risk Assessment of Tanjung Raja Village: A Rural Slum Study
Background: Areas with high sanitation risks have the potential to transmit infectious diseases. Meanwhile, Tanjung Raja Village is an area with a high level of slums and frequent flooding, so it has the potential to have sanitation risks. This study aimed to assess sanitation risk in Tanjung Raja village. Method: This was a quantitative study using the Environmental Sanitation Risk Assessment method. The study sample was all households in Neighborhood III of Tanjung Raja Village as many as 115 respondents using Simple Random Sampling. Results: The sanitation risk assessment of Tanjung Raja Village had a scoring category in RT 5 with high-risk results (score 3) and in RT 6 with fewer risk results (score 1) and Environmental health risks obtained related to sanitation included clean water, ownership of latrines, ownership of household waste bins, and wastewater disposal facilities. Conclusion: Tanjung Raja village has the potential to have a high sanitation risk with densely populated areas and flooded areas
Hubungan Sumber Air Minum dengan Kandungan Total Coliform dalam Air Minum Rumah Tangga
Latar Belakang: Air minum dapat secara langsung mempengaruhi kesehatan manusia, sehingga harus terjamin kualitasnya. Di Indonesia, air minum harus memenuhi syarat yang telah ditetapkan pada Permenkes No. 492/2010 Tentang Persyaratan Kualitas Air Minum. Pada peraturan tersebut disebutkan bahwa tidak boleh ditemukan total coliform dalam air minum karena keberadaannya menandakan telah terjadi kontaminasi, sehingga tidak aman untuk diminum. Tujuan: Untuk mengetahui hubungan sumber air minum dengan kandungan total coliform dalam air minum rumah tangga. Metode: Desain penelitian ini adalah cross sectional yang dilakukan di Kecamatan Bojongsari pada bulan Agustus 2019. Jumlah sampel pada penelitian ini adalah 110 rumah tangga. Metode pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah wawancara menggunakan kuesioner dan uji laboratorium sampel air minum dengan teknik Total Plate Count (TPC). Hasil: Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa 92,7% dari seluruh sampel air minum rumah tangga yang diuji positif mengandung total coliform dengan kisaran 1-300 CFU/100 mL. Hasil uji statistik menunjukkan tidak terdapat perbedaan proporsi kandungan total coliform pada sumber air minum yang berasal dari air sumur dan air isi ulang/kemasan (p = 0,720) dengan nilai OR = 1,541 [CI 95%: 0,350-6,790]. Kesimpulan: Hampir seluruh air minum rumah tangga yang menjadi sampel tidak memenuhi syarat mikrobiologis dan tidak dapat dinyatakan air minum yang berasal dari sumur atau air minum yang berasal dari DAMIU/kemasan lebih baik kualitasny
Tujuan Penelitian
Keluhan nyeri punggung bawah merupakan salah satu gangguan musculoskeletal. Sebanyak 29% penyakit akibat kerja adalah nyeri punggung bawah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan postur kerja dan faktor individu dengan keluhan nyeri punggung bawah pada pekerja bagian produksi PT P&P Lembah Karet Kota Padang Tahun 2015.
Desain penelitian kuantitatif dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Penelitian ini dilakukan di bagian produksi PT P&P Lembah Karet Kota Padang dari bulan November 2014 – April 2015 dengan sampel sebanyak 52 orang. Cara pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan metode proporsional random sampling. Analisis data secara univariat dan bivariat.
Hasil penelitian dari 52 responden diketahui bahwa pekerja yang mengalami keluhan nyeri punggung bawah berat sebesar 65,4%, pekerja yang postur kerja berisiko tinggi sebesar 59,6%, pekerja yang mempunyai usia berisiko sebesar 75%, pekerja bermasa kerja lama 82,7%, pekerja yang memiliki kebiasaan merokok berisiko sebesar 69,2%, pekerja yang memiliki IMT berisiko sebesar 34,6%, dan pekerja yang memiliki kebiasaan olahraga berisiko sebesar 65,4%. Faktor yang berhubungan dengan keluhan nyeri punggung bawah adalah postur kerja, usia, masa kerja dan kebiasaan olahraga dengan p0,05.
Terdapat hubungan yang bermakna antara postur kerja, usia, masa kerja dan kebiasaan olahraga dengan keluhan nyeri punggung bawah pada pekerja bagian produksi PT P&P Lembah Karet Tahun 2015. Untuk meminimalisasi keluhan nyeri punggung bawah diharapkan perusahaan melakukan upaya pencegahan dengan penyuluhan kesehatan mengenai postur kerja yang benar dan memberikan waktu istirahat yang cukup bagi pekerja
Analisis Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga di Permukiman Sekitar Daerah Aliran Sungai (DAS) Desa Ibul Besar II
The problem of household waste in Ogan Ilir Regency is increasingly complex due to the characteristics of the wetland area. Poor management of household waste around the watershed can cause various problems, both environmental and public health issues. This study analyzes household management in settlements around the Ibul Besar II Village watershed. This study is qualitative. The informants in this study consisted of seven key informants and five ordinary informants who were selected using the purposive sampling method. Data was collected through in-depth interviews, observation, and documentation (photovoice). The study results show that efforts to eliminate household waste still need to be improved. Four out of six housewives reuse used buckets. However, only two out of six housewives recycle. Household waste is not sorted into five types. The collection and transportation of household waste do not meet the requirements due to the unavailability of TPS or TPS 3R, waste carts, and limited waste transportation. The household waste is burned, and the waste is not processed. It can be concluded that household waste management in settlements around the Ibul Besar II Village watershed has not gone well. Waste reduction efforts are still limited, and waste handling needs to be corrected. Household waste management in Ibul Besar II Village experiences many obstacles, such as economic limitations, time, facilities, and infrastructure, and lack of public awareness and knowledge about the stages of good and correct household waste management. The problem of household waste in Ogan Ilir Regency is increasingly complex due to the characteristics of the area which is a wetland. Poor management of household waste around the watershed can cause various problems, both environmental and public health problems. The purpose of this study is to analyze household management in settlements around the watershed of Ibul Besar II Village. This study is a qualitative study. The informants in this study consisted of 7 key informants and 5 ordinary informants who were selected using the purposive sampling method. Data collection was carried out by in-depth interview, observation and documentation (photovoice). The study results show that efforts to eliminate household waste are still very minimal. Four out of six housewives reuse used buckets. However, only two out of six housewives doing recycle. Household waste is not sorted into five types. The collection and transportation of household waste doesn’t meet the requirements due to the unavailability of TPS or TPS 3R, waste cart and limited waste transportation. The household waste is burned and also the waste is not processed. It can be concluded that household waste management in settelements around the watershed of Ibul Besar II Village has not met the requirements in accordance with Republic of Indonesia Law Number 18 of 2008 and Republic of Indonesia Government Regulation Number 81 of 2012. Â