67 research outputs found


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    Our apple breeding program is based entirely on the results of our work to safeguard, evaluate and valorize the rich heritage of apple tree genetic resources in our regions. Since 1975, no fewer than 1800 introductions have been collected in our collections and, taking into account duplicates, errors and synonyms, this represents a total of about 850 distinct cultivars. These are systematically evaluated in experimental orchards that do not undergo any treatment. Some cultivars that are highlighted for their high level of resistance to the main diseases as well as for their agronomic and quality characteristics of trees and fruits are used as parents. Our priorities are mainly focused on the expansion of the apple's genetic base, polygenic resistance to the main diseases (scab, powdery mildew, canker) and a whole series of characteristics present in certain old and peasant varieties such as long natural conservation, rusticity, robustness, frugality, nitrogen efficiency, tree architecture and the nutritional qualities and properties of the fruit. These parents are then crossed with varieties, often more commercial, which offer advantages in terms of speed of fruiting, yield, flesh quality and tree architecture. The current plant breeding program is based on extensive methodological work that has been developed specifically to select materials with partial disease resistance that express good potential for adaptation to simple and 'low-input' crop conditions. About sixty elite selections from our work are currently being tested in organic farming and are compared with 48 other new commercial varieties in order to look for varietal alternatives that are much better adapted to organic production than those currently being grown. Partial results of about twenty selections and varieties are presented, including results relating to the sustainability of a panel of varieties carrying the Vf gene

    Guide d'aménagement arborés des parcours extérieurs de volaille

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    Cette brochure est avant tout un guide dans la mise en place d’un parcours arborĂ© de volaille. Elle met l’accent sur les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tapes de mise en Ɠuvre en fonction des contraintes climatiques, de la nature du sol, des attentes de l’éleveur. Une liste de plantes de haies et d’arbres fruitiers adaptĂ© Ă  nos rĂ©gions et aux volailles est proposĂ© avec des photos et une courte description pour aider l’exploitant dans ses choix


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    La tavelure du pommier causĂ©e par Venturia inaequalis reprĂ©sente une prĂ©occupation majeure dans les vergers des rĂ©gions Ă  climat tempĂ©rĂ© de l’Europe. Le but de cette Ă©tude, rĂ©alisĂ©e dans un verger biologique du CRA-W, est d’évaluer l’effet de la rĂ©duction de l’inoculum primaire prĂ©sent dans les feuilles mortes sur le dĂ©veloppement de la tavelure. L’expĂ©rience est composĂ©e de trois modalitĂ©s appliquĂ©es en automne, l’une basĂ©e sur l’andainage et le broyage des feuilles au sol (B), la seconde sur le ramassage des feuilles et l’enfouissement des feuilles restantes (R), et la troisiĂšme maintenue comme tĂ©moin sans intervention (T). Par rapport aux parcelles sans intervention (T), une rĂ©duction moyenne respectivement de 42 et 75% des vols d’ascospore est enregistrĂ©e l’annĂ©e suvante sur les parcelles ‘B’ et ‘R’. Sur la variĂ©tĂ© ‘Initial’, la plus sensible, l’incidence moyenne de tavelure sur fruits Ă©quivaut respectivement Ă  15, 13 et 4% sur les parcelles ‘T’, ‘B’ et ‘R’. Dans le mĂȘme verger expĂ©rimental, dont 20% de la superficie est occupĂ©e par des zones de compensation Ă©cologique composĂ©es d’arbustes et d’une strate herbacĂ©e fleurie, les populations de pucerons cendrĂ© (Dysaphis plantaginea), principal bio-agresseur des vergers de pommier, sont maintenues naturellement en desous du seuil de nuisibilitĂ© sans aucun traitement insecticide, depuis 2003, deuxiĂšme annĂ©e de vie du verger, jusqu’en 2014

    Strategies to reduce copper use in organic apple production

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    Various strategies for controlling apple scab (Venturia inaequalis) were studied under field conditions over two growing seasons. An experimental organic orchard, designed especially for this trial, was planted with four partially scab-resistant cultivars ('Rubinstep-Pirouette', 'Reinette des Capucins', 'Reinette de Waleffe' and 'Pinova', which was used as the control) and four Vf scab-resistant cultivars (Topaz, Zvatava, Initial and JN 20/33/58). As the virulent scab race 7 is present in Belgium, one of the objectives was to test strategies to prevent Vf resistance breakdown. In order to drastically limit copper use, seven spray treatments were tested, including: 1. wettable sulphur (WS), 2. copper and wettable sulphur combined (CS), 3. wettable sulphur and lime sulphur combined (WSLS), 4. potassium bicarbonate (PB), 5. silicon (Si), 6. untreated control (Control) and 7. conventional fungicide control (IFP). The timing of fungicide applications was determined by the RIMPRO software warning system on the presence of airborne scab ascospores in orchards, taking into account forecasted weather conditions. A prototype of the 'tunnel sprayer' machine was used to apply fungicides. Compared with the control, fruit scab severity on cv. Pinova was significantly reduced by 99, 99, 91 and 68% in 2003 and by 100, 100, 92 and 52% in 2004 on trees sprayed with IFP, CS, WSLS and PB, respectively. These results were obtained with only 10 spray applications at lower fungicide rates despite the higher scab infection pressure in 2004. Good timing seems to be the most important factor in a spray treatment. Most of the treatments (IFP, CS, WSLS, WS and PB) also significantly reduced powdery mildew (Podosphaera leucotricha) infections. In both years, treatments with sulphur, copper and lime sulphur did not cause any phytotoxicity on leaves and fruits. A quantitative provisional apple scab control programme using copper and wettable sulphur was set up, including all potential climatic situations and degrees of infection risk in Belgium. The potential use and limits of potassium bicarbonate as an active substance for controlling apple scab and powdery mildew are discussed

    Les céréales bio en Belgique : production et importations

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    Le nombre de producteurs bio est en constante augmentation. cependant, 84% des terres converties en bio en Belgique sont des prairies. avec une demande en constante augmentation, ceci laisse supposer un dĂ©ficit en de nombreux produits agricoles. Les cĂ©rĂ©ales n’échappent pas Ă  la rĂšgle et de nombreux produits cĂ©rĂ©aliers bio doivent ĂȘtre importĂ©s. le CRA-W, dans le cadre du projet BiogĂ©ocarbo, s’est posĂ© la question de savoir quels Ă©taient les volumes Ă©changĂ©s ainsi que les principaux pays fournisseurs de cĂ©rĂ©ales biologiques. En effet, les donnĂ©es sont quasi-inexistantes tant sur les pays d’origine que sur les volumes Ă©changĂ©s. le CRA-W a donc procĂ©dĂ© Ă  une sĂ©rie d’enquĂȘtes auprĂšs des producteurs, des organismes certificateurs et de certains transformateurs

    Scab control in organic apple production: conclusions of an eight year study in temperate weather conditions

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    The objective of this study, conducted over eight growing seasons (2002−2009), is to identify an innovative way for reducing the use of fungicides and in particular, copper fungicides, for the control of apple scab (V. inaequalis) in organic apple production. Special emphasis is put on cultivar traits, sanitation practices and primary scab infection control during spring season. An original approach is proposed for defining a specific spray timing involving spraying during the infection processes, especially before fungal penetration, determined by the RIMpro software warning system. This ‘during-infection’ spray strategy allows reducing from 30 to 50% the amount of fungicide usually used for effective apple scab control, on high scab-susceptible cultivars. Potassium bicarbonate, lime sulphur, and three plant extracts such as peel orange extract, among 60 alternative products tested, have the potential to reduce copper use. However, copper use, even with low doses, seems to be still necessary in presence of scab-susceptible cultivars. The results obtained in these experiments could not be attributed to the specific technical performances of the tunnel sprayer used, which however, offer valuable environmental benefits. This work shows that (i) planting cultivars with polygenic scabresistance traits, (ii) increasing accent on sanitation practices aimed at reducing initial inoculum in autumn, and (iii) applying an accurate “during-infection” spray strategy in spring, are the three most promising approaches for substantial further reductions in protection products fully compliant with international organic crop production standards

    Effect of organic farming practices on five orchard soil bioindicators

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    The goal of the study was to compare the effects of seven years of conventional and organic fruit production systems on soil biological and mineral properties. The experiment was conducted at Gembloux, Belgium on two adjacent experimental orchards, both planted in 2002 on a flat site with a common cultivation history. The first orchard was managed following organic guidelines and the second one was under conventional management over seven growing seasons. Soil management practices in the organic orchard included additions of composted cattle manure and organic fertilizers and the use of mechanical tillage for weed control. Conventional soil management practices included adding synthetic fertilizers and using herbicides for weed control. Both orchards received different kinds of fungicides. In year 2 (2003), the soil methane oxidation process was measured in order to compare the orchardsïżœ soil biological activities. In year 5 (2006), the overall soil microbial activity was assessed by measuring, during five short-term experiments from May to October, the basal respiration (BAS), the substrate-induced respiration (SIR) and the in situ soil CO2 efflux (CDE). Closed-dynamic-chamber systems were used to analyse the soil CO2 efflux in situ in the orchards. In year 5 and 7 (2006 and 2008), earthworm abundance was assessed together with chemical soil parameters. No significant difference in the methane oxidation rate was observed between the two orchard management systems in year 2. In year 5, however, the BAS, SIR and CDE values were higher in the organic orchard than in the conventional one on most sampling dates. Total earthworm abundance was strongly improved by organic practices. Soil mineral analysis and soil pH values did not show important differences between the two orchard management systems

    Urgent need for new apple breeding methods better adapted to low-input agro ecosystems

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    Due to its perennial statute, fruit sector is the first consumer of plant protection products per hectare. This may also be a direct consequence of a historical cultivar selection that neglected the tree rusticity for years, and mostly encouraged high yield, common quality and aesthetical properties. The ecological footprint of fruit cultivation is therefore very high, and not sustainable. Many fungicides and insecticides shall be used, even in organic farming, to face sanitary problems. Considering the time necessary to create new cultivars, an urgent change of paradigm is needed. The French Ministry recently launched a mission involving many scientists active in this field, to start integrating environmental purposes into the vegetal selection devices. Discussion is ongoing, and may lead to major changes in the current organization of the French system. Some experiment already started in Belgium, Spain or France to provide more suitable cultivars, meanwhile decreasing the fruit production cost, as cultivars should require less attention in the orchard. It appears that evaluation of the cultivars shall be made at the basin scale, and not for a whole country, since their behaviour is variable, and characteristics (such as adaptation to climate change) may not be suitable everywhere. Fruit growers could also be part of the selection process as they better know the key-points to keep or reject a new hybrid. One could think of a core group of growers and technicians, skilled in hybridization, for a first screening of seedlings in a limited number of orchards, and a second wider group, active in a second step on a shorter screening but in more diversified places

    Plus ou moins de mycotoxines en bio qu’en conventionnel ?

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    Ce 9 juin 2016, l’émission Pour ou contre de RTL-TVI posait la question « Manger bio est-il dangereux ? ». Si nous n’avons pas l’espace pour passer en revue l’ensemble des arguments Ă©voquĂ©s qui mĂ©riteraient un dossier plus complet, nous voulions nĂ©anmoins revenir et faire le point scientifique sur le premier Ă©lĂ©ment qui a Ă©tĂ© invoquĂ© : les mycotoxine

    Mise en place d’un plan de recherche pour le dĂ©veloppement de l’agriculture biologique en RĂ©gion Wallonne

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    L’AB a permis le dĂ©veloppement de nombreuses innovations en agriculture et constitue un exemple particuliĂšrement avancĂ© de mĂ©thodes accordant une grande attention Ă  la durabilitĂ© ainsi qu’aux impacts environnementaux et sociĂ©taux. Les donnĂ©es rĂ©centes en matiĂšre de dĂ©veloppement de l’AB en Wallonie ont montrĂ© que les superficies affectĂ©es Ă  ce mode de production ont Ă©tĂ© multipliĂ©es par 2,7 entre 2005 et 2012 et atteignent ainsi un total de 7,6% de la SAU. Durant cette mĂȘme pĂ©riode, le nombre d’exploitations converties Ă  ce mode d’exploitation a Ă©galement Ă©tĂ© multipliĂ© par 2,2, ce qui reprĂ©sente aujourd’hui plus de 1100 entreprises affiliĂ©es Ă  un organisme de contrĂŽle. Au niveau de la consommation, la part des produits bio dans les achats des mĂ©nages est Ă©galement en forte augmentation. Durant la pĂ©riode 2004-2010, elle a Ă©tĂ© multipliĂ©e par un facteur de 1,7. Suite Ă  ce constat, un "Plan stratĂ©gique pour le dĂ©veloppement de l’AB en Wallonie Ă  l’horizon 2020" vient d’ĂȘtre approuvĂ© par le Gouvernement Wallon. Il vise notamment Ă  doubler les surfaces conduites en AB. Parmi les objectifs de ce plan, figure la nĂ©cessitĂ© d’accroĂźtre et de structurer les efforts en matiĂšre de recherche, d’encadrement et de vulgarisation spĂ©cifiques Ă  ce secteu
