4,795 research outputs found

    Is God Good? Aquinas, Śamkara, Abhinavagupta, Balinese Śaivism, and the Problematics of the Argument from Evil

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    The problem of evil--as opposed to the argument from evil--is an ancient one, but it was not initially formulated as an argument in support of atheism. God\u27s existence was taken for granted, and on that basis thinkers like Augustine engaged an serious intellectual struggle with deep questions about the divine raised by the presence of evil in the world: the unicity of God, the knowability of God, the possibility of Divine providence.⁴ The atheist argument from evil--especially as expounded of late by the New Atheists--tends to reduce this history to a caricature

    Book Review: Indian Critiques of Gandhi

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    A review of Indian Critiques of Gandhi edited by Harold Coward

    Book Review: No Other Gods: Christian Belief in Dialogue with Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam

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    A review of No Other Gods: Christian Belief in Dialogue with Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam by Hendrik Vroom

    Book Review: Loving God: Krsna and Christ, A Christian Commentary on the Narada Sutras

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    A review of Loving God: Krsna and Christ, A Christian Commentary on the Narada Sutras by Daniel P. Sheridan

    The Highest Price Ever: The Great NYSE Seat Sale of 1928–1929 and Capacity Constraints

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    During the 1920s the New York Stock Exchange's position as the dominant American exchange was eroding. Costs to customers, measured as bid-ask spreads, spiked when surging inflows of orders collided with the constraint created by a fixed number of brokers. The NYSE's management proposed and the membership approved a 25 percent increase in the number of seats by issuing a quarter-seat dividend to all members. An event study reveals that the aggregate value of the NYSE rose in anticipation of improved competitiveness. These expectations were justified as bid-ask spreads became less sensitive to peak volume days