3 research outputs found

    Las relaciones diplomáticas hispano-cubanas ante la Ley de Nacionalización del Trabajo de 1933

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    The passing of the Labor Nationalization Act in 1933 had a negative influence on the Hispanic community living in Cuba, given the historic monopoly that they exercised on certain sectors of national economics. Other than the rejection and protests that this norm produced among this community, this Act created disagreements in the sphere of diplomatic relations between Cuba and Spain. The present text aims to aboard the latter aspect throughout communications about it between the Cuban State Secretary and the Spanish Embassy.La aprobación en 1933 de la Ley de Nacionalización del Trabajo tuvo una incidencia negativa en la comunidad hispana residente en la isla dado el histórico monopolio que ejercían sobre ciertos sectores de la economía nacional. Además del rechazo y las protestas que la normativa generó entre este colectivo la medida creó fricciones en el ámbito de las relaciones diplomáticas entre Cuba y España. El presente trabajo se propone abordar este último aspecto mediante el análisis de las comunicaciones, relativas a este tema, que se sucedieron entre la Secretaría de Estado cubana y la Embajada española

    La historiografía cubana ante el 98

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    This work intends to make an overview on some of the texts published in Cuba in the framework of the celebrations for the Centennial of the collapse of the colonial domination in Cuba in 1898. The article is focused on standing out the thematic axes and the approaches that, in this context, began to distinguish this process in the Cuban national historiography, particularly, the one related with the study of the last period of the Spanish colonial domination in the Greatest of the Antilles. This text comes up from the acknowledgement of the conditions of the current historiographical critics in Cuba and also from the requirement to assess the contemporary academic production focusing on more reflexive and theoretical criteria. The bibliographic selection corresponds to the interest in emphasizing the contribution of remarkable Cuban historians in the commemoration of this event. Also important for the young Cuban specialists, is to realize that their intellectual perceptions of that old generation of historians were created by reading the texts that they published during those years. In the process of bibliographic analysis we focused on combining different compositions (articles, larger essays, even books) in order to explain the academic results of the commemoration catalyzing effect in the Cuban editorial context