244 research outputs found

    Structural basis for PPAR partial or full activation revealed by a novel ligand binding mode

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    The peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are nuclear receptors involved in the regulation of the metabolic homeostasis and therefore represent valuable therapeutic targets for the treatment of metabolic diseases. The development of more balanced drugs interacting with PPARs, devoid of the side-effects showed by the currently marketed PPARλ 3 full agonists, is considered the major challenge for the pharmaceutical companies. Here we present a structure-based virtual screening approach that let us identify a novel PPAR pan-agonist with a very attractive activity profile and its crystal structure in the complex with PPARα and PPARλ 3, respectively. In PPARα this ligand occupies a new pocket whose filling is allowed by the ligand-induced switching of the F273 side chain from a closed to an open conformation. The comparison between this pocket and the corresponding cavity in PPARλ 3 provides a rationale for the different activation of the ligand towards PPARα and PPARλ 3, suggesting a novel basis for ligand design

    Bone seeking matrix metalloproteinase-2 inhibitors prevent bone metastatic breast cancer growth

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    Bone metastasis is common during breast cancer progression. Matrix metalloproteinase-2 (MMP-2) is significantly associated with aggressive breast cancer and poorer overall survival. In bone, tumor or host derived MMP-2 contributes to breast cancer growth and does so by processing substrates including type I collagen and transforming growth factorβ (TGFβ) latency proteins. These data provide strong rationale for the application of MMP-2 inhibitors to treat the disease. However, in vivo, MMP-2 is systemically expressed. Therefore, to overcome potential toxicities noted with previous broad-spectrum MMP inhibitors (MMPIs), we used highly selective bisphosphonic based MMP-2 inhibitors (BMMPIs) that allowed for specific bone targeting. In vitro, BMMPIs impacted the viability of breast cancer cell lines and osteoclast precursors but not osteoblasts. In vivo, we demonstrated using two bone metastatic models (PyMT-R221A and 4T1) that BMMPI treatment significantly reduced tumor growth and tumor associated bone destruction. Additionally, BMMPIs are superior in promoting tumor apoptosis compared to the standard of care bisphosphonate, zoledronate. We demonstrated MMP-2 selective inhibition in the bone microenvironment using specific and broad spectrum MMP probes. Further, compared to zoledronate, BMMPI treated mice had significantly lower levels of TGFβ signaling and MMP generated type I collagen carboxy-terminal (ICTP) fragments. Taken together, our data show the feasibility of selective inhibition of MMPs in the bone metastatic breast cancer microenvironment. We posit that BMMPIs could be easily translated to the clinical setting for the treatment of bone metastases given the well-tolerated nature of bisphosphonates

    Molecular determinants for the activating/blocking actions of the 2H-1,4-benzoxazine derivatives, a class of potassium channel modulators targeting the skeletal muscle KATP channels

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    The 2H-1,4-benzoxazine derivatives are modulators of the skeletal muscle ATP-sensitive-K+ channels (KATP), activating it in the presence of ATP but inhibiting it in the absence of nucleotide. To investigate the molecular determinants for the activating/blocking actions of these compounds, novel molecules with different alkyl or aryl-alkyl substitutes at position 2 of the 1,4-benzoxazine ring were prepared. The effects of the lengthening of the alkyl chain and of branched substitutes, as well as of the introduction of aliphatic/aromatic rings on the activity of the molecules, were investigated on the skeletal muscle KATP channels of the rat, in excised-patch experiments, in the presence or absence of internal ATP (10 -4 M). In the presence of ATP, the 2-n-hexyl analog was the most potent activator (DE50 = 1.08 × 10-10 M), whereas the 2-phenylethyl was not effective. The rank order of efficacy of the openers was 2-n-hexyl ≥2-cyclohexylmethyl >2-isopropyl = 2-n-butyl = 2-phenyl ≥ 2-benzyl = 2-isobutyl analogs. In the absence of ATP, the 2-phenyl analog was the most potent inhibitor (IC50 = 2.5 × 10-11 M); the rank order of efficacy of the blockers was 2-phenyl ≥ 2-n-hexyl > 2-n-butyl > 2-cyclohexylmethyl, whereas the 2-phenylethyl, 2-benzyl, and 2-isobutyl 1,4-benzoxazine analogs were not effective; the 2-isopropyl analog activated the KATP channel even in the absence of nucleotide. Therefore, distinct molecular determinants for the activating or blocking actions for these compounds can be found. For example, the replacement of the linear with the branched alkyl substitutes at the position 2 of the 1,4-benzoxazine nucleus determines the molecular switch from blockers to openers. These compounds were 100-fold more potent and effective as openers than other KCO against the muscle KATP channels. Copyright © 2008 The American Society for Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics

    Structural nucleotide analogs are potent activators/inhibitors of pancreatic beta-cell KATP channels: an emerging mechanism supporting their use as anti-diabetic drugs.

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    The 2H-1,4-benzoxazine derivatives are novel drugs structurally similar to nucleotides; however, their actions on the pancreatic beta-cell ATP-sensitive-K(+)(KATP) channel and on glucose disposal are unknown. Therefore, the effects of the linear/branched alkyl substituents and the aliphatic/aromatic rings at position 2 of the 2H-1,4-benzoxazine nucleus on the activity of these molecules against the pancreatic beta-cell KATP channel and the Kir6.2C36 subunit were investigated using a patch-clamp technique. The effects of these compounds on glucose disposal that followed glucose loading by i.p. GTT and on fasted glycemia were investigated in normal mice. The 2-n-hexyl analog blocked the KATP(IC50=10.1x10(-9)M) and Kir6.2C36(IC50=9.6x10(-9)M) channels which induced depolarization. In contrast, the 2-phenyl analog was a potent opener(DE50=0.04x10(-9)M), which induced hyperpolarization. The ranked order of the potency/efficacy of the analog openers was 2-phenyl>2-benzyl>2-cyclohexylmethyl. The 2-phenylethyl and 2-isopropyl analogs were not effective as blockers/openers. The 2-n-hexyl (2-10 mg kg(-1)) and 2-phenyl analogs (2-30 mg kg(-1)) reduced and enhanced the glucose AUC curves, respectively, following the glucose loading in mice. These compounds did not affect the fasted glycemia as is observed with glibenclamide. The linear alkyl chain and the aromatic ring at position 2 of the 1,4-benzoxazine nucleus are the determinants, which respectively confer the KATP channel blocking action with glucose lowering effects and the opening action with increased glucose levels. The opening/blocking actions of these compounds mimic those that were observed with ATP and ADP. The results support the use of these compounds as novel anti-diabetic drugs

    Chemical investigation and screening of anti-proliferative activity on human cell lines of pure and nano-formulated lavandin essential oil

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    Lavandin essential oil (LEO), a natural sterile hybrid obtained by crossbreeding L. angustifolia × L. latifolia, is mainly composed by active components belonging to the family of terpenes endowed with relevant anti-proliferative activity, which can be enhanced by proper application of nanotechnology. In particular, this study reports the chemical characterization and the screening of the anti-proliferative activity on different human cell lines of pure and nano-formulated lavandin essential oil (EO). LEO and its formulation (NanoLEO) were analyzed by HS/GC-MS (Headspace/Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry) to describe and compare their chemical volatile composition. The most abundant compounds were linalool and 1,8-cineole (LEO: 28.6%; 27.4%) (NanoLEO: 60.4%; 12.6%) followed by α-pinene (LEO: 9.6%; NanoLEO: 4.5%), camphor (LEO: 6.5%; NanoLEO: 7.0%) and linalyl acetate (LEO: 6.5%; NanoLEO: 3.6%). The cytotoxic effects of LEO and NanoLEO were investigated on human neuroblastoma cells (SHSY5Y), human breast adenocarcinoma cells (MCF-7), human lymphoblastic leukemia cells (CCRF CEM), human colorectal adenocarcinoma cells (Caco-2) and one normal breast epithelial cell (MCF10A) by the MTT (3-(4,5-Dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-Diphenyltetrazolium Bromide)-assay. Caco-2, MCF7 and MCF10A normal cells resulted more resistant to the treatment with LEO, while CCRF-CEM and SHSY5Y cells were more sensitive. The antiproliferative effect of LEO resulted amplified when the essential oil was supplied as nanoformulation, mainly in Caco-2 cells. Scanning and transmission electron microscopy investigations were carried out on Caco-2 cells to outline at ultrastructural level possible affections induced by LEO and NanoLEO treatments

    A fully photonics-based coherent radar system

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    The next generation of radar (radio detection and ranging) systems needs to be based on software-defined radio to adapt to variable environments, with higher carrier frequencies for smaller antennas and broadened bandwidth for increased resolution. Today's digital microwave components (synthesizers and analogue-to-digital converters) suffer from limited bandwidth with high noise at increasing frequencies, so that fully digital radar systems can work up to only a few gigahertz, and noisy analogue up- and downconversions are necessary for higher frequencies. In contrast, photonics provide high precision and ultrawide bandwidth, allowing both the flexible generation of extremely stable radio-frequency signals with arbitrary waveforms up to millimetre waves, and the detection of such signals and their precise direct digitization without downconversion. Until now, the photonics-based generation and detection of radio-frequency signals have been studied separately and have not been tested in a radar system. Here we present the development and the field trial results of a fully photonics-based coherent radar demonstrator carried out within the project PHODIR. The proposed architecture exploits a single pulsed laser for generating tunable radar signals and receiving their echoes, avoiding radio-frequency up- and downconversion and guaranteeing both the software-defined approach and high resolution. Its performance exceeds state-of-the-art electronics at carrier frequencies above two gigahertz, and the detection of non-cooperating aeroplanes confirms the effectiveness and expected precision of the system

    Statin-induced myotoxicity is exacerbated by aging: A biophysical and molecular biology study in rats treated with atorvastatin

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    Statin-induced skeletal muscle damage in rats is associated to the reduction of the resting sarcolemmal chloride conductance (gCl) and ClC-1 chloride channel expression. These drugs also affect the ClC-1 regulation by increasing protein kinase C (PKC) activity, which phosphorylate and close the channel. Also the intracellular resting calcium (restCa) level is increased. Similar alterations are observed in skeletal muscles of aged rats, suggesting a higher risk of statin myotoxicity. To verify this hypothesis, we performed a 4–5-weeks atorvastatin treatment of 24-months-old rats to evaluate the ClC-1 channel function by the two-intracellular microelectrodes technique as well as transcript and protein expression of different genes sensitive to statins by quantitative real-time-PCR and western blot analysis. The restCa was measured using FURA-2 imaging, and histological analysis of muscle sections was performed. The results show a marked reduction of resting gCl, in agreement with the reduced ClC-1 mRNA and protein expression in atorvastatin-treated aged rats, with respect to treated adult animals. The observed changes in myocyte-enhancer factor-2 (MEF2) expression may be involved in ClC-1 expression changes. The activity of PKC was also increased and further modulate the gCl in treated aged rats. In parallel, a marked reduction of the expression of glycolytic and mitochondrial enzymes demonstrates an impairment of muscle metabolism. No worsening of restCa or histological features was found in statin-treated aged animals. These findings suggest that a strong reduction of gCl and alteration of muscle metabolism coupled to muscle atrophy may contribute to the increased risk of statin-induced myopathy in the elderly

    Insights into the Complex Formed by Matrix Metalloproteinase-2 and Alloxan Inhibitors: Molecular Dynamics Simulations and Free Energy Calculations

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    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMP) are well-known biological targets implicated in tumour progression, homeostatic regulation, innate immunity, impaired delivery of pro-apoptotic ligands, and the release and cleavage of cell-surface receptors. Hence, the development of potent and selective inhibitors targeting these enzymes continues to be eagerly sought. In this paper, a number of alloxan-based compounds, initially conceived to bias other therapeutically relevant enzymes, were rationally modified and successfully repurposed to inhibit MMP-2 (also named gelatinase A) in the nanomolar range. Importantly, the alloxan core makes its debut as zinc binding group since it ensures a stable tetrahedral coordination of the catalytic zinc ion in concert with the three histidines of the HExxHxxGxxH metzincin signature motif, further stabilized by a hydrogen bond with the glutamate residue belonging to the same motif. The molecular decoration of the alloxan core with a biphenyl privileged structure allowed to sample the deep S1′ specificity pocket of MMP-2 and to relate the high affinity towards this enzyme with the chance of forming a hydrogen bond network with the backbone of Leu116 and Asn147 and the side chains of Tyr144, Thr145 and Arg149 at the bottom of the pocket. The effect of even slight structural changes in determining the interaction at the S1′ subsite of MMP-2 as well as the nature and strength of the binding is elucidated via molecular dynamics simulations and free energy calculations. Among the herein presented compounds, the highest affinity (pIC50 = 7.06) is found for BAM, a compound exhibiting also selectivity (>20) towards MMP-2, as compared to MMP-9, the other member of the gelatinases

    Bone-Seeking Matrix Metalloproteinase Inhibitors for the Treatment of Skeletal Malignancy

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    Matrix metalloproteinases (MMPs) are a family of enzymes involved at different stages of cancer progression and metastasis. We previously identified a novel class of bisphosphonic inhibitors, selective for MMPs crucial for bone remodeling, such as MMP-2. Due to the increasing relevance of specific MMPs at various stages of tumor malignancy, we focused on improving potency towards certain isoforms. Here, we tackled MMP-9 because of its confirmed role in tumor invasion, metastasis, angiogenesis, and immuno-response, making it an ideal target for cancer therapy. Using a computational analysis, we designed and characterized potent MMP-2/MMP-9 inhibitors. This is a promising approach to develop and clinically translate inhibitors that could be used in combination with standard care therapy for the treatment of skeletal malignancies
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