4,417 research outputs found

    Typification and economic analysis of beef-producing farms in Spain

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    In spite of different economic agents’ interests, as well as the Administration’s effort in promoting extensive beef-producing systems over the last years, this kind of activity still hasn’t reached the desirable levels, being necessary that farmers perceive an appropriate benefit which supports their activity. In this sense, this paper, using the data obtained by a statistical survey representing all the extensive beef-producing farms existing in Castile and Leon (Spain), aims to analyze the economical results of extensive beef-producing farms, previously classified in representative groups according a quantitative method. The study is a preliminary research which intends to generate additional knowledge about the role of the different variables which make part of the economic results, and takes part of a research project financed by Castile and Leon Regional Governments, Education and Culture Council, through the annual program to support research projects (Order EDU/1143/2004).Cluster Analysis, extensive beef producing systems, economic accounts, Livestock Production/Industries,

    Erubric for the assessment of skills and content in the external practices: legal aspects

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    The external practices is one of the most specific research topics in the field of university education (Raposo Rivas & Martinez-Figueira, 2013). Despite the external practices long history as a topic of research, there are still some important aspects worth researching, especially following the recent degree changes, which have lead to an increased importance of credits and presence in all degrees in Spain (Gallego & García, 2010), the need to study in the learning environments and collaboration between Company - University. Likewise, the boom in practices based on ICTs, such as digital portfolios, poses the need to prop up technological solutions and methods with rigorous research studies, especially due to wide popularity of ICTs in general. The supervision process in the external practices clearly requires communication and follow-up to be done remotely, by using ePortfolios (Barrett, 2006). In addition to competence-based assessment and the need for students to provide learning evidences, the supervision process in the external practices also poses the need to analyse students’ ability to carry out such processes (Falchikov, 2005; Jonsson, A. & Svingby, 2007; Reddy & Andrade, 2010), as well as the need to find out the best supervision methods to be used with eportfolios. Amongst the eportfolio’s elements, we find a tool for design, communication and competence-based assessment known as the eRubric. This project aims [EDU2013-41974-P][1] to consolidate a research line that has already been undertaken with other R+D+i, and which currently intends to expand to different researchers and Centres of Excellence in Spain and other countries [Harvard University –EEUU-; Colonia University –Germany-; Sined –México-; Universidad Federal do Paraná and Sta. Catalina –Brasil- y Stockholm University –Sweden-]. The previous project R+D+i [EDU2010-15432][2] was investigated on subjects with class attendance (Raposo Rivas; Cebrián de la Serna and Martínez-Figueira, 2013; Cebrián de la Serna; Serrano Angulo & Ruiz Torres, 2014), without the mediation of distance-learning. Such circumstances have therefore been exempt from the extra dimension that technology often gives human communication. In addition, no research studies have been conducted on the highly specific field of the external practices, nor on the supervision of distance-learning competences. In this context, teachers and students exchanged numerous documents which can benefit from legal issues such as data protection and image of the child, copyrights and / or the right of access to information for all people regardless of their abilities and specific educational needs. Distance learning, which represents a teaching method undoubtedly on the rise as a great technology mediator. eRubric evaluation falls within the concept of formative assessment; it is valuable for both the formal and non-formal education systems (vocational training, the unemployed, training of civil servants, etc.) both public and private companies.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. R+D+i project: Study of the Impact of federated eRubrics on the evaluation of external practices competences EDU2013-41974-P web: http://goo.gl/CN6ID

    Study of Video Annotations In External Practices Of University Learning

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    The digital video as code and learning technology has extensive scientific literature (Bartolome, 1997; Aguaded and Sánchez, 2008). However, the increase of digital video services on the Internet has facilitated and increased the use of video for education. With a recent important increase of videos as contained in the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course). This context has also created the expansion of educational practices based on models for collaborative learning and mediated by technology (Computer Supported Learning collaborative -CSCL-). The study of these practices is proving to be effective for teachers in service and initial training practices if it is analyzed collectively (Hosack, Br tools, 2010;. Picci, Calvani, & Bonaiuti, 2012; Etscheidt & Curran, 2012; Ingram , 2014). There is interest in literature reviews on the reflective capabilities with the use of video for initial teacher training (Orland-Barak & Rachamim, 2009; Rich and Hannafin 2009; Rich & Trip, 2011) to which we expand in (Wallet, Cebrian & Desenne, 2015). This work is part of a research project in progress [1] which aims to implement a federated portfolio model of multimedia evidences. This model uses a digital portfolio (from now on we will call ePortfolios) with three different federated tools (1. Digital rubric or eRubric, 2. Webquest and 3. Open Video Annotations -Ova-) created by our research and development group Gtea [2 ]. The OVA tool was created within the MOOC of edX in collaboration with Harvard University in 2013 [3]. So it, we need to create another standalone tool to design their own interface to use this tool in this project. This design was evaluated through user usability and satisfaction (Monedero, Cebrian & Desenne, 2015). This study focuses on the ease and functionality of the OVA tool so that students to collect evidence on their digital multimedia portfolios. Especially, analyzes the competences that students show when annotate video in order to explain their learning experiences and respond to the skills that are required in the eRubrics in different teaching contexts (external and laboratory practices).Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech. R+D+i project: Study of the Impact of federated eRubrics on the evaluation of external practices competences Plan Nacional de I + D + i de Excelencia (2014-2017) Ministerio de Economía y competitividad, nº EDU2013-41974-P web: http://goo.gl/CN6ID

    Estudio de los Portafolios en el Practicum: An álisis de un PLE - Portafolio

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    The specialized literature agrees to notice that even existing some conditions, it is not a generalized methodology at universities. In the new grades and knowledge areas is found the subject of external practices that would be able to show conditions for using the portfolios. Whereas, there are some questions in the educational area: What conditions exist for the use of the portfolios in the Practicum of the education grades in Spain? What level of utilization are evident? What problems of understanding, the students express about the documentation of evidences in portfolios? The research performs a mixed methodology: a first quantitative study with descriptive methodology, interview to 31 coordinators of Practicum of all grades in 10 (20%) Faculty of Education, along with a qualitative study and content analysis of 256 Practicum guides of all grades of 36 (72%) Faculties of Education of public universities in Spain. A second case study, perform a content analysis of 592 annotations of 212 students to show and evaluate the evidences in ePortfolios of the Practicum of the degree of Pedagogy. The results reveal that there are 11 students per tutor 2,88h medium for tutoring and assess ePortfolios. Being mail (between 37.77% and 46.66%) followed by the platforms most used technologies. The eRúbricas and video annotations help document the evidence, however, students still show difficulties in some competencesFunded by Spanish Plan of R+D+i Excellence (2014-16) No. EDU2013-41974P. Project entitled: “Study of the Impact of Federated eRubrics on Assessing Competences in the Practicum”. http://goo.gl/u07aN

    Human robot interaction in the absence of visual and aural feedback: Exploring the haptic sense

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    The potential of robot swarms for Search and Rescue has been shown by the Guardians project (EU, 2006-2010); however the project also showed the problem of human robot interaction in smoky (non-visibility) and noisy conditions. The REINS project (UK, 2011-2015) focused on human robot interaction in such conditions. This paper briefly reviews the scientific context relevant for designing a haptic interface for human robot navigation and examines what we have achieved since then. The aim is to put the major design issues into context

    Study of fast radiation-detectors based on fast halide scintillator crystals and their application to the CERN n_TOF experiment

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    The inorganic scintillator detectors are widely used in nuclear experiments. New advances on the development of such detectors make it necessary a continuous review of new materials and photosensors. In this work, four fast scintillator crystals based on halide materiaIs: a 18x18x25 mm3 CeBr3, a 18x18x25 mm3 Csl(Na) and two CeF3 of, respectively, 18x18x40 mm3 and 18x18x50 mm3, coupled to fast photomultiplier tubes, R7600U-200 and a PIN diode, have been characterised using both spectroscopic and pulse shape analysis techniques. A specific electronics associated, a preamplifier and a shaper, have been developed. These radiation detectors have been characterised in the n_TOF facility at CERN by the prompt gamma-rays emitted from neutron-capture reactions {n, gamma) for the isotopes 197Au and natAg, proving so the ability of these fast detectors to work in a such background. The prompt gammas from the 235U{n,f) reaction were detected in coincidence with gaseous detectors, the PPAC chambers, for neutron kinetic energies ranging from a few eV to several keV. Furthermore, the g-flash arriving to the nTOF experimental areas produced by the CERN-PS pulsed proton beam when impinging in the nTOF spallation target, was studied at both EAR-1 and EAR-2, after passed by the neutron-beam pipes of, respectively, 200 m flight path in horizontal and 20m flight path in vertical

    El Camino de Santiago: de ruta religiosa a atractivo turístico inclusivo

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    The completion of the Camino de Santiago is a great and significant experience that we have been able of the path and with pilgrims with different abilities and different reasons for traveling the path. I met along the different stages of the way, pilgrims with different capacities and different reasons for walking the trail. It was interesting to see the multifaceted offerings of what has become a generator of tourism attracting a wide variety of visitors. The route I took was the Portuguese one, on which I walked from Valença do Minho (Portugal) to Santiago de Compostela, through forests and small towns, enjoying history, culture, etc. I witnessed how the towns through which the route passed opened up to support and even assist the hikers in this process, showing the same enthusiasm and dedication every day, as if it were the first, not losing their enthusiasm and sincerity with the passage of time. I am sure that, to a large extent, the Way's success is thanks to those citizens who open their doors and businesses and share their traditions. All this leads me to analyze how the pandemic has affected the Camino, the strategies to deal with its negative effects, and the important role that technologies play in transforming this tourism experience into one that is more inclusive and characterized by empathy and friendliness.La realización del Camino de Santiago es una gran y significativa experiencia que hemos podido conocer en las diferentes etapas del camino y con peregrinos con diferentes capacidades y diferentes motivos para recorrer el sendero. Ha sido interesante ver la oferta multifacética de lo que se ha convertido en un generador de turismo que atrae a una amplia variedad de visitantes. La ruta que hemos podido analizar fue la portuguesa, desde Valença do Minho (Portugal) hasta Santiago de Compostela, a través de bosques y pequeños pueblos, disfrutando de la historia, la cultura, etc. Los pueblos por los que pasa la ruta se abren para apoyar e incluso ayudar a los senderistas en este proceso, mostrando cada día la misma ilusión y dedicación, como si fuera el primero, sin perder la ilusión y la sinceridad con el paso del tiempo. Estamos seguros de que, en gran medida, el éxito del Camino se debe a aquellos ciudadanos que abren sus puertas y negocios y comparten sus tradiciones. Todo esto nos lleva a analizar cómo la pandemia ha afectado al Camino, las estrategias para afrontar sus efectos negativos y el importante papel que juegan las tecnologías para transformar esta experiencia turística en una más inclusiva y caracterizada por la empatía y la simpatía

    Evaluación de los e-aprendizajes con el PLEportafolios: Anotaciones multimedia y las rúbricas

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    Este libro se ha creado para la formación de docentes de distintas universidades y países. El material se ha mejorado con los cursos e interacciones con los docentes; por tal motivo, queremos dar las gracias a todos ellos como a sus instituciones. Igualmente, agradecemos la financiación al Ministerio de Educación (España) por los proyectos financiados para la investigación [nº EDU2013-41974-P] (ver https://goo.gl/k6ccVb) y [EDU2010- 15432] (https://goo.gl/6kCNG9)Las tecnologías juegan actualmente un papel muy relevante en los procesos de innovación educativa en las universidades de todo el mundo, aportando nuevas posibilidades y funciones a los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje, y facilitando nuevas fórmulas más rápidas y eficientes de compartir y crear el conocimiento. Tales cambios son las propuestas actualmente asentadas de las modalidades de elearning y blearning, que como todo cambio también afecta a los aprendizajes (Mejor habría que decir a los e-aprendizaje y b-aprendizaje). La evaluación de los aprendizajes en estas modalidades ha favorecido un nuevo enfoque más centrado en la autorregulación del aprendizaje por los estudiantes, donde el docente gestiona y facilita este nuevo planteamiento de enseñanza con nuevas metodologías formativas y evaluativas, y donde las tecnologías toman un protagonismo esencial en los procesos de intercambio de criterios, valoraciones sobre lo aprendido, interacciones y retroalimentación entre los implicados, etc. El presente texto pretende partir brevemente desde estas nuevas concepciones sobre el aprendizaje, para señalar las posibilidades que las tecnologías brindan actualmente en estos procesos de e-aprendizaje, como los nuevos desarrollos tecnológicos que están surgiendo con programas más motivadores como la gamificación, procesos de reflexión sobre lo aprendido con las anotaciones multimedia, los aprendizajes en colaboración mediante redes, las evaluaciones por competencia y la comunicación evaluativa que facilitan las rúbricas digitales… entre otras tecnologías emergentes, para favorecer los resultados de aprendizaje en una nueva concepción del aprendizaje en sintonía con las competencias digitales que la Sociedad del Conocimiento solicita.Fiinanciación del Ministerio de Educación (España) por los proyectos financiados [nº EDU2013-41974-P] (ver https://goo.gl/k6ccVb) y [EDU2010- 15432] (https://goo.gl/6kCNG9

    Implantación y aplicabilidad de la Ley de Promoción de la autonomía personal y atención a las personas en situación de dependencia : reflexión sobre el contexto de Andalucía = Implementations and application of the law for the promotion of personal autonomy and assistance to dependent people : a reflections on the Andalusian context

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    La reciente aprobación de la "Ley de Promoción de la autonomía personal y atención a las personas en situación de dependencia", ha supuesto la oportunidad para completar el sistema de bienestar social generado para las personas dependientes y, para sólo en parte, permutar el sistema de redes sociales que ha significado, hasta ahora, su único soporte. En este trabajo se examina el contexto social e institucional del contexto andaluz en el que se implanta este instrumento jurídico novedoso, con una presencia destacada de sociedades rurales carentes de servicios y en las cuales opera con más fuerza el apoyo informal y con una estructura demográfica que pronostica en los próximos años un considerable índice de dependencia de personas ancianas y un crecimiento del tramo de edad de los "older Old".The recent Law of Promotion of personal autonomy and attention to dependent people has meant the opportunity to complete the social welfare system generated for the dependent and, perhaps only partly, to change the system of social networks that has meant, until now, their only support. In this article we examine the social and institutional Andalusian context in which the new juridical instrument is implemented, with the significant presence of rural societies lacking in services, in which informal support appears more strongly, and with a demographic structure that allows us to predict a considerable level of dependence of elders and a growth of the so-called “older old” in the next few years