5,417 research outputs found
Association of Infant Frontal EEG Asymmetry with prenatal maternal pregnancy-related anxiety
High levels of anxiety during pregnancy are associated with behaviour problems and increased risk of health difficulties in the offspring. Understanding how prenatal anxiety affects brain structure and function may help clarify its potential implications in neurodevelopment. Frontal electroencephalographic (EEG) alpha asymmetry has been used as an index for differences in approach/withdrawal tendencies and negative affect after birth. The data for this master thesis was collected from a sub-sample (n=105) of the FinnBrain Birth Cohort Study. The aim was to investigate the associations between frontal EEG asymmetry in newborns and prenatal maternal anxiety levels, measured with the Pregnancy-Related Anxiety Questionnaire (PRAQ-R2), during pregnancy. No significant associations were found between asymmetry scores and PRAQ-R2. Since this questionnaire measures only pregnancy-related anxiety, future studies should investigate potential effects of maternal prenatal anxiety in newborns considering more general aspects of maternal anxiety
Novalis, Die Christenheit oder Europa. Una lectura a la altura del tiempo
Die Christenheit oder Europa(1799) is a fundamental document in German Romanticism, a provocative essay in which Novalis calls for the restoration of a mystical Europe. The aim of this article is firstly to review the obscurantist legend that has dogged Novalis’ minor work since its origins, before embarking on a new reading of it and attempting to measure the objective importance of its propositions for the present. Die Christenheit oder Europa(1799) es un documento fundacional del Romanticismo alemán, un provocador ensayo en el que Novalis desea la restauración de una Europa mística. El objeto del presente artículo será, en primer lugar, revisar la leyenda oscurantista que arrastra desde sus orígenes el opúsculo de Novalis, para, a continuación, emprender una nueva lectura del mismo intentando medir la importancia objetiva de sus propuestas en el presente.
A discrete model of competing species sharing a parasite
In this work we develop a discrete model of competing species affected by a
common parasite. We analyze the influence of the fast development of the shared
disease on the community dynamics. The model is presented under the form of a
two time scales discrete system with four variables. Thus, it becomes
analytically tractable with the help of the appropriate reduction method. The
2-dimensional reduced system, that has the same the asymptotic behaviour of the
full model, is a generalization of the Leslie-Gower competition model. It has
the unfrequent property in this kind of models of including multiple
equilibrium attractors of mixed type. The analysis of the reduced system shows
that parasites can completely alter the outcome of competition depending on the
parasite's basic reproductive number R0. In some cases, initial conditions
decide among several exclusion or coexistence scenarios
Discrete-time staged progression epidemic models
In the Staged Progression (SP) epidemic models, infected individuals are
classified into a suitable number of states. The goal of these models is to
describe as closely as possible the effect of differences in infectiousness
exhibited by individuals going through the different stages. The main objective
of this work is to study, from the methodological point of view, the behavior
of solutions of the discrete time SP models without reinfection and with a
general incidence function. Besides calculating , we find
bounds for the epidemic final size, characterize the asymptotic behavior of the
infected classes, give results about the final monotonicity of the infected
classes, and obtain results regarding the initial dynamics of the prevalence of
the disease. Moreover, we incorporate into the model the probability
distribution of the number of contacts in order to make the model amenable to
study its effect in the dynamics of the disease
Discrete epidemic models with two time scales
The main aim of the work is to present a general class of two time scales
discrete-time epidemic models. In the proposed framework the disease dynamics
is considered to act on a slower time scale than a second different process
that could represent movements between spatial locations, changes of individual
activities or behaviours, or others. To include a sufficiently general disease
model, we first build up from first principles a discrete-time
Susceptible-Exposed-Infectious-Recovered-Susceptible (SEIRS) model and
characterize the eradication or endemicity of the disease with the help of its
basic reproduction number R0. Then, we propose a general full model that
includes sequentially the two processes at different time scales, and proceed
to its analysis through a reduced model. The basic reproduction number R0 of
the reduced system gives a good approximation of the R0 of the full model since
it serves at analyzing its asymptotic behaviour. As an illustration of the
proposed general framework, it is shown that there exist conditions under which
a locally endemic disease, considering isolated patches in a metapopulation,
can be eradicated globally by establishing the appropriate movements between
Emotional intelligence in the personality of the troop military that works in the air force group 8 in Callao, 2018
La inteligencia emocional es una capacidad que desarrollan las personas para relacionarse con
los demás, de conectarse con emociones, de gestionarlas, de auto-motivarlas, de saber controlar
y frenar los impulsos, de vencer frustraciones, Esto se vinculan directamente con la personalidad
rasgos y caracteres sumados a los factores personales, familiares y laborales entre otras. El
objetivo es determinar la influencia de la inteligencia emocional en la personalidad del militar de
tropa. El estudio fue descriptivo de corte transversal, no experimental. La población estuvo
conformada por 150 militares de tropa; Se utilizaron dos escalas: de inteligencia emocional y
personalidad respetando las consideraciones éticas. Los resultados evidencian que existe
influencia de la inteligencia emocional en la personalidad; con respecto a la Inteligencia emocional
el 22 % no presentan optimismo, 6% no maneja control de impulsos y tolerancia al estrés, 11 %
no tienen capacidad para solucionar problemas, el 22 % no se adaptan al medio en el que se
encuentran y el 39 % no son asertivos (interpersonal y intrapersonal). En relación a la personalidad
34% poseen dominancia, 11% no poseen tolerancia, 22% no tienen tenacidad, 100% no tiene
estabilidad emocional, 11% no tienen creatividad y 22% poseen distorsión. En conclusión, existe
influencia entre la inteligencia emocional y personalidad; sin embargo los rasgos y características
individuales de cada persona pueden variar en el manejo de emociones y fortalecer las relaciones
personales y transpersonales con los demás en el ámbito laboral
Análisis de la calidad percibida del servicio prestado por las cooperativas de ahorro y crédito: una aplicación a Oriencoop Limitada basada en modelos de ecuaciones estructurales
115 p.Cada día existen más alternativas financieras, por lo tanto, todas las instituciones de este rubro,
deben mantener y atraer al público, asegurando su sustentabilidad y rentabilidad, es decir,
estableciendo una cartera consolidada de clientes. Una cartera envejecida puede causar la
quiebra de la institución, de aquí se desprende la importancia de enfocar parte de los esfuerzos
hacia el público joven. En esta memoria se utiliza la metodología de ecuaciones estructurales,
identificando los factores que determinan la calidad percibida por los adultos jóvenes de una
cooperativa de ahorro y crédito, de qué manera estos factores producen satisfacción en los
clientes y la consecuente lealtad hacia una determinada institución financiera. Los datos se
obtienen de un cuestionario aplicado a una muestra aleatoria de clientes, por medio de éste, se
identifican los factores relevantes para el mercado de interés y consecuentemente es una línea de acción para tomar decisiones referentes a la mantención de la cartera. Los resultados obtenidos
muestran las variables que afectan la calidad percibida en los servicios financieros, los factores de
causalidad de la satisfacción y la lealtad de los clientes, entregando una guía de acción para las
futuras decisiones de la cooperativa de ahorro y crédito. Palabras Claves: Calidad Percibida, Cooperativa, Lealtad, Satisfacción del Cliente./ABSTRACT: Each day there are more financial alternatives, therefore, all the institutions of this item, should keep and attract to the public, ensuring its sustainability and profitability, that means establishing a portfolio consolidated of customers. A portfolio aging can cause the collapse of the institution,
it follows the importance of approaching part of efforts toward young audiences. In this memory
is used the methodology of structural equations, identifying factors affecting the perceived
quality for young adults of saving and credit cooperative, how these factors produce satisfaction on the clients and the consequent loyalty to a particular financial institution. The data is acquired by a questionnaire applied to a random sample of customers, through this the relevant factors for the market of interest are identified and thus it’s the line of action to make decisions on the maintenance of the portfolio. The results show the variables affecting the perceived quality in
financial services, the causation factors of satisfaction and customer loyalty, delivering a guide for action for the future of the cooperative. Key words: perceived quality, cooperative, loyalty, customer satisfaction
Problemas sociales en el estudio del tratamiento de la preparación táctica en los deportes de combate
The issue addressed is related to the treatment of tactical preparation in combat sports. The objective that is formulated in this work is to identify some social problems that are related to the treatment of tactical preparation in combat sports, with emphasis on sports fighting. Methods and techniques such as documentary review, survey, interview, methodological triangulation are used. As a result of identifying some social problems, related to the application of science, the need for scientific methodological tools and identification of responsibilities in the process of tactical preparation in combat sports.El tema que se aborda está relacionado con el tratamiento de la preparación táctica en los deportes de combate. El objetivo que se formula en este trabajo, es identificar algunos problemas sociales que se relacionan con el tratamiento a la preparación táctica en los deportes de combate, con énfasis en la lucha deportiva. Se utilizan métodos y técnicas como la revisión documental, la encuesta, la entrevista, la triangulación metodológica. Como resultado de identifican algunos problemas sociales, relacionados con la aplicación de la ciencia, la necesidad de herramientas científico metodológicas y e identificación de responsabilidades en el proceso de preparación táctica en los deportes de combate
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