46 research outputs found

    Generating Top-k packages via preference elicitation

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    There are several applications, such as play lists of songs or movies, and shopping carts, where users are interested in finding top-k packages, consisting of sets of items. In response to this need, there has been a recent urry of activity around extending classical recommender systems (RS), which are effective at recommending individual items, to recommend packages, or sets of items. The few recent proposals for package RS suffer from one of the following drawbacks: they either rely on hard constraints which may be difficult to be specified exactly by the user or on returning Paretooptimal packages which are too numerous for the user to sift through. To overcome these limitations, we propose an alternative approach for finding personalized top-k packages for users, by capturing users' preferences over packages using a linear utility function which the system learns. Instead of asking a user to specify this function explicitly, which is unrealistic, we explicitly model the uncertainty in the utility function and propose a preference elicitation-based framework for learning the utility function through feedback provided by the user. We propose several samplingbased methods which, given user feedback, can capture the updated utility function. We develop an efficient algorithm for generating top-k packages using the learned utility function, where the rank ordering respects any of a variety of ranking semantics proposed in the literature. Through extensive experiments on both real and synthetic datasets, we demonstrate the efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed system for finding top-k packages

    Query Answering in Normal Logic Programs under Uncertainty

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    We present a simple, yet general top-down query answering procedure for normal logic programs over lattices and bilattices, where functions may appear in the rule bodies. Its interest relies on the fact that many approaches to paraconsistency and uncertainty in logic programs with or without non-monotonic negation are based on bilattices or lattices, respectively

    A Summary Structure of Data Cube Preserving Semantics

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    Efficient rank join with aggregation constraints

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    We show aggregation constraints that naturally arise in several applications can enrich the semantics of rank join queries, by allowing users to impose their application-specific preferences in a declarative way. By analyzing the properties of aggregation constraints, we develop ecient deterministic and probabilistic algorithms which can push the aggregation constraints inside the rank join framework. Through extensive experiments on various datasets, we show that in many cases our proposed algorithms can significantly outperform the naive approach of applying the state-of-theart rank join algorithm followed by post-filtering to discard results violating the constraints

    Efficient top-k query answering using cached views

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    Top-k query processing has recently received a significant amount of attention due to its wide application in information retrieval, multimedia search and recommendation generation. In this work, we consider the problem of how to efficiently answer a top-k query by using previously cached query results. While there has been some previous work on this problem, existing algorithms suffer from either limited scope or lack of scalability. In this paper, we propose two novel algorithms for handling this problem. The first algorithm LPTA+ provides significantly improved efficiency compared to the state-of-the-art LPTA algorithm [26] by reducing the number of expensive linear programming problems that need to be solved. The second algorithm we propose leverages a standard space partition-based index structure in order to avoid many of the drawbacks of LPTA-based algorithms, thereby further improving the efficiency of query processing. Through extensive experiments on various datasets, we demonstrate that our algorithms significantly outperform the state of the art

    CompRec-Trip: a composite recommendation system for travel planning

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    Classical recommender systems provide users with a list of recommendations where each recommendation consists of a single item, e.g., a book or a DVD. However, applications such as travel planning can benefit from a system capable of recommending packages of items, under a user-specified budget and in the form of sets or sequences. In this context, there is a need for a system that can recommend top-k packages for the user to choose from. In this paper, we propose a novel system, CompRec-Trip, which can automatically generate composite recommendations for travel planning. The system leverages rating information from underlying recommender systems, allows flexible package configuration and incorporates users' cost budgets on both time and money. Furthermore, the proposed CompRec-Trip system has a rich graphical user interface which allows users to customize the returned composite recommendations and take into account external local information