9 research outputs found

    The influence of osmotic stress on the content of calcium ions in the red beet vacuoles and on the transport activity of tonoplast proton pumps

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    The contents of calcium ions in the isolated vacuoles and in intact red beets under the conditions of dormancy and osmotic stress was determined. It is demonstrated that the content of calcium ions in the red beet vacuoles not exposed to osmotic stress makes 13.3% of the total content these ions in intact red beets. Under the conditions of osmotic stress, this indicator increases substantially. Furthermore, under the conditions of hyperosmotic stress, the content of calcium ions in the vacuoles was 30%, while under hypoosmotic stress it was 49% of the total content of these ions in the intact red beet. The transition of calcium ions from the cytoplasm and other compartments into the vacuole under the conditions of osmotic stress is, probably, one of forms of participation of the vacuole in adaptation processes of the plant cell under this kind of abiotic stress. It has been demonstrated for the first time that tonoplast proton pumps, which actively participate in provision of calcium homeostasis in cytoplasm, substantially activate their transport activity under osmotic stress, what allows one to speak about their important role in the cellā€™s protective programs. Under normal (no stress) conditions, artificial elevation of the content of calcium ions led to inhibition of activity of the tonoplast proton pumps, while under gipoosmotic stress the activity of tonoplast proton pumps increased, what might aid to restoring homeoctasis with respect to calcium ions in cytoplasm

    The Content of Phenolic Compounds in the Pea Seedling Root Exudates Depends on the Size of Their Roots and Inoculation of Bacteria Mutualistic and Antagonistic Type of Interactions

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    The effect of the bacteria Rhizobium and Pseudomonas on total content of phenolic compounds (PC) and their individual components (apigenin, naringenin, dibutyl-ortho-phthalate, pisatin, N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine) in the root exudates of the pea seedlings (Pisum sativum L. ) at two different growth stages was studied . Bacteria have similar affect on the total number of PC and the number of constituent apigenine, phthalate and pisatine. Difference at the impact of these bacteria on the content of naringenin and N-phenyl-2-naphthylamine was detected, which can be attributed to the peculiarities of the interactions of plants of peas with bacteria-antagonists and mutualists

    Chromatographic Study of Phenolic Compounds in Medicinal Plants Alchemilla subcrenata Buser and Veronica chamaedrys L.

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    The objects of investigation were leaves and inflorescences of Alchemilla subcrenata and Veronica chamaedry, growing on the left bank at 700 m from the edge of Lake Baikal. Some small differences in the quantity and quality of phenolic compounds in the leaves of one species even selected at one time were found. At the same time, differences in the quantity and quality of phenolic compounds in the different times of the day were even more pronounced. In the inflorescences of Alchemilla subcrenata the dynamics of flavonoids has been characterized by more stable composition than in its leaves. For Veronica's tissues and organs more variety of seasonal cocktail of phenolic compounds than in the Alchemilla subcrenata was detected. Expect a variety of phenolic compounds in inflorescences of Veronica seasonal cocktail was higher than in the leaves

    Changes in Composition of Vacuolar Membrane Lipid Fatty Acids Under Osmotic Stress

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    The investigation of influence of different types of osmotic stress (hypo- and hyperosmotic) on the composition of vacuolar membrane lipid fatty acids of red beet root (Beta vulgaris L., variety Bordeaux) was conducted. Noteworthy, the plenty intensive stress impact didn't cause the conventional nonspecific reaction bound up with the increase of the unsaturated fatty acid content regulating membrane microviscosity. This feature apparently can be explained with the location and biochemical characteristics of the scrutinized membrane. Some reliable increases of the content of the short-chain saturated fatty acids (C14:0+C15:0) under hyper osmotic stress and the content of the long-chain saturated fatty acids (C22:0+C23:0) under both types of osmotic stress were found. It was proposed that the revealed changes in the content of saturated fatty acids of red beet root vacuolar membrane lipids were specific, and corresponding fatty acids were the most sensitive to osmotic stress impact

    Dynamics of Vitamins and Phenols of Alchemilla subcrenata by Diurnal Variation of Temperature in October

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    Round-the-clock dynamics of phenols and vitamins Š’6, Š”, Š Š  in the leaves of Alchemilla subcrenata with a glance of thermal change was shown. The maximum of content of phenols and vitamin Š” was observed at 6 a.m. Dynamics of vitamins Š’6 and PP, actively participating in the exchange of proteins and amino acids, also is subject to fluctuation during the day. More higher content of these coenzymes are the coolest time of the day. To confirm the possible involvement of vitamins Š’6 and PP in the biosynthesis of proteins were examined stress proteins in leaves of Alchemilla subcrenata during those same days. Heat-shock protein HSP 17.6 was detected only a day at its maximum daily temperatures and сold regulated protein COR14b was detected in the morning, when the temperature was minimal

    The Daily Dynamics of Phenolic Compounds Content and Guaiacol-Peroksidase Activity in Leaves and Flowers of Alchemilla subcrenata and Veronica chamaedrys

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    The daily dynamics of peroxidase activity and the total content of phenolic compounds in leaves and inflorescences of Alchemilla subcrenata Buser and Veronica chamaedrys L. were studied. Significant changes in the content of phenolic compounds and activity peroksidase depending on the time of day was shown

    Diurnal Influence on Phenol Compound Dynamic into Leaves of Medicinal Plants

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    Content of phenol compound in leaves of Alchemilla subcrenata, Achillea asiatica, Taraxacum officinale, Veronica chamaedrys was researched. The dynamics of alteration of phenol compound content during round the clock in October was determined. The dependence of phenol compound substance in leaves of study plants on temperature was shown

    Tebuconazole Regulates Fatty Acid Composition of Etiolated Winter Wheat Seedlings

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    The fatty acid composition of shoots of unhardened and hardened to cold etiolated winter wheat seedlings grown from seeds treated with tebuconazole-based protectant Ā«BunkerĀ» (content of tebuconazole 60 grams per liter, g/L), and the seedlings frost resistance has been studied. It is shown that treatment of winter wheat seeds by Ā«BunkerĀ» preparation (1,5 microliter per gram of seeds, Āµl/g) is accompanied by an increase of the fatty acids unsaturation in the shoots and increase of the seedlings frost resistance (ā€“8Ā°C, 24 h). The most pronounced decrease in the content of saturated palmitic acid and increase in the content of unsaturated Ī±-linolenic acid were observed during cold hardening of winter wheat seedlings grown from seeds treated by tebuconazole-based protectant. It is concluded that the seeds treatment with tebuconazole-based protectant causes changes of fatty acid composition of winter wheat seedlings to increase their frost resistance