653 research outputs found

    The triple pomeron interaction in the perturbative QCD

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    The triple pomeron interaction is studied in the perturbative approach of BFKL-Bartels. At finite momentum transfers −t\sqrt{-t} the contribution factorizes in the standard manner with a triple-pomeron vertex proportional to 1/−t1/\sqrt{-t}. At t=0t=0 the contribution is finite, although it grows faster with energy than for finite tt and does not factorize.Comment: 17 pages, 4 figures, LATE

    A New Odderon Solution in Perturbative QCD

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    We present and discuss a new bound state solution of the three gluon system in perturbative QCD. It carries the quantum numbers of the odderon, has intercept at one and couples to the impact factor Îłâˆ—â†’Î·c\gamma^* \to \eta_c.Comment: 11 pages, latex, 1 figur

    Regge Asymptotics of Scattering with Flavour Exchange in QCD

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    The contribution to the perturbative Regge asymptotics of the exchange of two reggeized fermions with opposite helicity is investigated. The methods of conformal symmetry known for the case of gluon exchange are extended to this case where double-logarithmic contributions dominate the asymptotics. The Regge trajectories at large momentum transfer are calculated.Comment: 18 pages LATEX, 3 figures using package FEYNMAN, N3-9

    The Reggeon →\to 2 Reggeons ++ Particle vertex in the Lipatov effective action formalism

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    The vertex for gluon emission during the splitting of a reggeized gluon into two is constructed in the framework of Lipatov effective action formalism. Its reduction to a pure transverse form for the diffractive amplitude gives the standard Bartels vertex plus an additional contribution corresponding to the emission from a pointlike splitting vertex. This additional contribution turns out to be given by a longitudinal integral divergent both in the ultraviolet and infrared. A certain specific recipe for this part, including the principal value prescription for the integration, allows to eliminate this unwanted contribution.Comment: 4 figures; misprints corrected; to be published in Eur.Phys.J.

    Vector Meson Photoproduction from the BFKL Equation II: Phenomenology

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    Diffractive vector meson photoproduction accompanied by proton dissociation is studied for large momentum transfer. The process is described by the non-forward BFKL equation which we use to compare to data collected at the HERA collider.Comment: 39 pages, 29 figure

    Deformed Spectral Representation of the BFKL Kernel and the Bootstrap for Gluon Reggeization

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    We investigate the space of functions in which the BFKL kernel acts. For the amplitudes which describe the scattering of colorless projectiles it is convenient to define, in transverse coordinates, the Moebius space in which the solutions to the BFKL equation vanish as the coordinates of the two reggeized gluons coincide. However, in order to fulfill the bootstrap relation for the BFKL kernel it is necessary to modify the space of functions. We define and investigate a new space of functions and show explicitly that the bootstrap relation is valid for the corresponding spectral form of the kernel. We calculate the generators of the resulting deformed representation of the sl(2,C) algebra.Comment: 22 pages, 1 figur

    QCD perturbation theory at large orders with large renormalization scales in the large ÎČ0\beta_0 limit

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    We examine the QCD perturbation series at large orders, for different values of the 'large ÎČ0\beta_0 renormalization scale'. It is found that if we let this scale grow exponentially with the order, the divergent series can be turned into an expansion that converges to the Borel integral, with a certain cut off. In the case of the first IR renormalon at 2/ÎČ02/\beta_0, corresponding to a dimension four operator in the operator product expansion, this qualitatively improves the perturbative predictions. Furthermore, our results allow us to establish formulations of the principle of minimal sensitivity and the fastest apparent convergence criterion that result in a convergent expansion.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, elaborated conclusion

    t-channel Approach to Reggeon Interactions in QCD

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    Starting from the multi-Regge effective action for high-energy scattering in QCD a tt-channel approach can be developed which is similar to the approach by White based on general Regge arguments. The BFKL kernel of reggeized gluon interaction, contributions to the 2→42 \rightarrow 4 reggeized gluon vertex function and the one-loop correction to the BFKL kernel are considered. The conditions are discussed under which this approach can provide a simple estimante of the next-to-leading logarithmic corrections to the BFKL perturbative pomeron intercept.Comment: latex , 17 figures appended as compressed uuencoded eps file

    Unitarized Diffractive Scattering in QCD and Application to Virtual Photon Total Cross Sections

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    The problem of restoring Froissart bound to the BFKL-Pomeron is studied in an extended leading-log approximation of QCD. We consider parton-parton scattering amplitude and show that the sum of all Feynman-diagram contributions can be written in an eikonal form. In this form dynamics is determined by the phase shift, and subleading-logs of all orders needed to restore the Froissart bound are automatically provided. The main technical difficulty is to find a way to extract these subleading contributions without having to compute each Feynman diagram beyond the leading order. We solve that problem by using nonabelian cut diagrams introduced elsewhere. They can be considered as colour filters used to isolate the multi-Reggeon contributions that supply these subleading-log terms. Illustration of the formalism is given for amplitudes and phase shifts up to three loops. For diffractive scattering, only phase shifts governed by one and two Reggeon exchanges are needed. They can be computed from the leading-log-Reggeon and the BFKL-Pomeron amplitudes. In applications, we argue that the dependence of the energy-growth exponent on virtuality Q2Q^2 for γ∗P\gamma^*P total cross section observed at HERA can be interpreted as the first sign of a slowdown of energy growth towards satisfying the Froissart bound. An attempt to understand these exponents with the present formalism is discussed.Comment: 41 pages in revtex preprint format, with 10 figure

    A QCD motivated model for soft interactions at high energies

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    In this paper we develop an approach to soft scattering processes at high energies,which is based on two mechanisms: Good-Walker mechanism for low mass diffractionand multi-Pomeron interactions for high mass diffraction. The pricipal idea, that allows us to specify the theory for Pomeron interactions, is that the so called soft processes occur at rather short distances (r^2 \propto 1 /^2 \propto \alpha'_\pom \approx 0.01 GeV^{-2}), where perturbative QCD is valid. The value of the Pomeron slope \alpha'_\pom was obtained from the fit to experimental data. Using this theoretical approach we suggest a model that fits all soft data in the ISR-Tevatron energy range, the total, elastic, single and double diffractive cross sections, including tt dependence of the differential elastic cross section, and the mass dependence of single diffraction. In this model we calculate the survival probability of diffractive Higgs production, and obtained a value for this observable, which is smaller than 1% at the LHC energy range.Comment: 33pp,20 figures in eps file
