3 research outputs found

    Space Applications

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    Signals transmitted by global navigation satellite system (GNSS) satellites are not confined to the surface of the Earth but can likewise be used for navigation in space. Satellites in low Earth orbits, in particular, benefit from a similar signal strength and experience a full-sky visibility. On the other hand, the harsh space environment, long-term reliability requirements and the high dynamics of the host platform pose specific challenges to the design and operation of space-borne GNSS receivers. Despite these constraints, satellite manufacturers and scientists have early on started to exploit the benefits of GNSS technology. From the first flight of a Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver on Landsat-4, GNSS receivers have evolved into indispensable and ubiquitous tools for navigation and control of space vehicles. Following a general introduction, the chapter first describes the specific aspects of GNSS signal tracking in space and highlights the technological challenges of space-borne receiver design. Subsequently, the use of GNSS for spacecraft navigation is discussed taking into account both real-time navigation and precise orbit determination. Relevant algorithms and software tools are discussed and the currently achieved performance is presented based on actual missions and flight results. A dedicated section is devoted to the use of spaceborne GNSS for relative navigation of formation flying satellites. The chapter concludes with an outlook on special applications such as spacecraft attitude determination, GNSS tracking of ballistic vehicles as well as GNSS radio science

    Accretion Disks and Coronae in the X-Ray Flashlight

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