158 research outputs found

    Production Optimization,Molecular Characterization and Biological Activities of Exopolysaccharides from Xylaria nigripes

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    The optimal culture conditions of exopolysaccharides (EPS) production in submerged culture medium by Xylaria nigripes were determined using orthogonal matrix method. The optimal medium (per liter) EPS was 60.0 g L–1 maltose, 1.0 g L–1 peptone, 5 mmol L–1 KH2PO4, and initial pH 7.0 at 28 oC. In the optimal culture medium, the maximum EPS production was 11.967 g L–1 in shake flask. Two groups of EPSs (designated as Fr-I and Fr-II) were obtained from the culture filtrates by size exclusion chromatography (SEC), and their molecular characteristics were examined by a multiangle laser-light scattering (MALLS) and refractive index (RI) detector system. The weight-average molar masses of Fr-I and Fr-II of EPS were determined to be 6.327104 and 1.478104 g mol–1, respectively. The SEC/MALLS analysis revealed that the molecular formation of Fr-I is of nearly globular shape. Furthermore, the experiments in vitro indicated that X. nigripes EPS exhibited high antioxidative effects though its antitumour activity was limited

    Possible Supersymmetric Effects on Angular Distributions in B→K∗(→Kπ)ℓ+ℓ−B \to K^* (\to K \pi) \ell^+ \ell^- Decays

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    We investigate the angular distributions of the rare B decay, B→K∗(→Kπ)ℓ+ℓ−B \to K^* (\to K \pi) \ell^+ \ell^-, in general supersymmetric extensions of the standard model. We consider the new physics contributions from the operators O7,8,9,10O_{7,8,9,10} in small invariant mass region of lepton pair. We show that the azimuthal angle distribution of the decay can tell us the new physics effects clearly from the behavior of the distribution, even if new physics does not change the decay rate substantially from the standard model prediction

    Contributions from SUSY-FCNC couplings to the interpretation of the HyperCP events for the decay \Sigma^+ \to p \mu^+ \mu^-

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    The observation of three events for the decay ÎŁ+→pÎŒ+Ό−\Sigma^+ \to p \mu^+ \mu^- with a dimuon invariant mass of 214.3±0.5214.3\pm0.5MeV by the HyperCP collaboration imply that a new particle X may be needed to explain the observed dimuon invariant mass distribution. We show that there are regions in the SUSY-FCNC parameter space where the A10A^0_1 in the NMSSM can be used to explain the HyperCP events without contradicting all the existing constraints from the measurements of the kaon decays, and the constraints from the K0−Kˉ0K^0-\bar{K}^0 mixing are automatically satisfied once the constraints from kaon decays are satisfied.Comment: 18 pages, 7 figure

    Isolation, Characterization and Quantity Determination of Aristolochic Acids, Toxic Compounds in Aristolochia bracteolata L.

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    Background Aristolochic Acids (AAs) are major components of plants in Aristolochia and have been found to be nephrotoxic, carcinogenic and mutagenic. Herein reported are the isolation, identification and quantity determination methods of Aristolochic Acid-I (AA-I) and Aristolochic Acid-II (AA-II) toxic compounds of Aristolochia bracteolata indigenous to Central Sudan and medicinally used in diverse biological functions including analgesic and diuretic effects, treatment of tumors, malaria and/or fevers. Methods and results AAs mixture was extracted with methanol from the defatted material of Aristolochia bracteolata whole plant at room temperature and was isolated from the aqueous methanol extract by chloroform. Moreover, Silica-gel column chromatography and Preparative Thin Layer Chromatography (PTLC) using chloroform/methanol gradient mixtures were used to isolate AAs mixtures as a yellow crystalline solid. A preliminary detection of AAs was made by Thin Layer Chromatography (silica-gel, chloroform: methanol (6:1)). The Rf value of the acids mixture was 0.43-0.46. The presence of AAs in plant sample was confirmed by High Performance Liquid Chromatography/Ultraviolet (HPLC/UV) analysis using 1% acetic acid and methanol (40:60) as mobile phase and maximum absorption wave length of 250 nm. Quantitative determination of AA-II (49.03 g/kg) and AA-I (12.98 g/kg) was also achieved by HPLC/UV. Recommendation It is recommended that the use of Aristolochia bracteolata as a medicinal plant should be extremely limited or strictly prohibited. The chromatograms obtained in this study can serve as fingerprints to identify AAs in plant samples

    Charmless hadronic decays B→PP,PV,VVB \to PP, PV, VV and new physics effects in the general two-Higgs doublet models

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    Based on the low-energy effective Hamiltonian with the generalized factorization, we calculate the new physics contributions to the branching ratios of the two-body charmless hadronic decays of BuB_u and BdB_d mesons induced by the new gluonic and electroweak charged-Higgs penguin diagrams in the general two-Higgs doublet models (models I, II and III). Within the considered parameter space, we find that: (a) the new physics effects from new gluonic penguin diagrams strongly dominate over those from the new Îł\gamma- and Z0Z^0- penguin diagrams; (b) in models I and II, new physics contributions to most studied B meson decay channels are rather small in size: from -15% to 20%; (c) in model III, however, the new physics enhancements to the penguin-dominated decay modes can be significant, ∌(30−200)\sim (30 -200)%, and therefore are measurable in forthcoming high precision B experiments; (d) the new physics enhancements to ratios {\cal B}(B \to K \etap) are significant in model III, ∌(35−70)\sim (35 -70)%, and hence provide a simple and plausible new physics interpretation for the observed unexpectedly large B \to K \etap decay rates; (e) the theoretical predictions for B(B→K+π){\cal B}(B \to K^+ \pi) and B(B→K0π+){\cal B}(B \to K^0 \pi^+) in model III are still consistent with the data within 2σ2\sigma errors; (f) the significant new physics enhancements to the branching ratios of B→K0π0,K∗η,K∗+π−,K+ϕ,K∗0ω,K∗+ϕB \to K^0 \pi^0, K^* \eta, K^{*+} \pi^-, K^+ \phi, K^{*0} \omega, K^{*+} \phi and K∗0ϕK^{*0} \phi decays are helpful to improve the agreement between the data and the theoretical predictions; (g) the theoretical predictions of B(B→PP,PV,VV){\cal B}(B \to PP, PV, VV) in the 2HDM's are generally consistent with experimental measurements and upper limits (9090% C.L.)Comment: 55 pages, Latex file, 17 PS and EPS figures. With minor corrections, final version to be published in Phys.Rev. D. Repot-no: PKU-TH-2000-4

    Charm multiplicity and the branching ratios of inclusive charmless b quark decays in the general two-Higgs-doublet models

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    In the framework of general two-Higgs-doublet models, we calculate the branching ratios of various inclusive charmless b decays by using the low energy effective Hamiltonian including next-to-leading order QCD corrections, and examine the current status and the new physics effects on the determination of the charm multiplicity ncn_c and semileptonic branching ratio BSLB_{SL}. Within the considered parameter space, the enhancement to the ratio BR(b→sg)BR(b \to s g) due to the charged-Higgs penguins can be as large as a factor of 8 (3) in the model III (II), while the ratio BR(b→nocharm)BR(b \to no charm) can be increased from the standard model prediction of 2.49% to 4.91% (2.99%) in the model III (II). Consequently, the value of BSLB_{SL} and ncn_c can be decreased simultaneously in the model III. The central value of BSLB_{SL} will be lowered slightly by about 0.003, but the ratio ncn_c can be reduced significantly from the theoretical prediction of nc=1.28±0.05n_c= 1.28 \pm 0.05 in the SM to nc=1.23±0.05n_c= 1.23 \pm 0.05, 1.18±0.051.18 \pm 0.05 for mH+=200,100m_{H^+}=200, 100 GeV, respectively. We find that the predicted ncn_c and the measured ncn_c now agree within roughly one standard deviation after taking into account the effects of gluonic charged Higgs penguins in the model III with a relatively light charged Higgs boson.Comment: 25 pages, Latex file, axodraw.sty, 6 figures. Final version to be published in Phys.Rev.

    The Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405) as a Hybrid

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    Using the QCD Sum Rule Method, we estimate the mass of the lowest strange hybrid baryon with IJP=0(1/2)−IJ^P=0(1/2)^-. We find the mass is approximately that of the Λ(1405)\Lambda(1405), whose nature has been a puzzle for many decades. Possible tests of this result are discussed.Comment: fourteen pages seven figure

    B^0-\bar{B}^0 mixing and B \to X_s \gamma decay in the third type 2HDM: effects of NLO QCD contributions

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    In this paper, we calculated the next-to-leading order (NLO) new physics contributions to the mass splitting \dmd and the branching ratio \brbxsga induced by the charged Higgs loop diagrams in the third type of two-Higgs-doublet models (model III) and draw the constraints on the free parameters of model III. For the model III under consideration, we found that (a) an upper limit |\ltt|\leq 1.7 is obtained from the precision data of \dmd=0.502 \pm 0.007 ps^{-1}, while |\ltt| \approx 0.5 is favored phenomenologicaly; (b) for B→XsγB \to X_s \gamma decay, the NLO QCD contributions tend to cancel the LO new physics contributions; (c) a light charged Higgs boson with a mass around or even less than 200 GeV is still allowed at NLO level by the measured branching ratio \brbxsga: numerically, 188 \leq \mh \leq 215 GeV for (|\ltt|,|\lbb|)=(0.5,18); (d) the NLO QCD contributions tend to cancel the LO contributions effectively, the lower limit on \mh is consequently decreased by about 200 GeV; (e) the allowed region of \mh will be shifted toward heavy mass end for a non-zero relative phase ξ\theta between the Yukawa couplings \ltt and \lbb. The numerical results for the conventional model II are also presented for the sake of a comparison.Comment: 42 pages, 18 eps figures, Revtex, new references adde

    Supersymmetric effects on Forward Backward asymmetries of B→Kℓ+ℓ−B \to K \ell^+ \ell^-

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    Leptonic and semi-leptonic rare decays of B-mesons are very clean (both theoretically and experimentally) signatures of any new physics beyond the Standard Model (SM). More specifically the decay \btokll has been theoretically observed to be very sensitive to new physics as the Forward Backward (FB) asymmetry in this decay mode vanishes in the SM. Supersymmetry, however, predicts a non-vanishing value of this asymmetry. In this work we will study the polarized lepton pair FB asymmetry, i.e. the FB asymmetry of the lepton when one (or both) final state lepton(s) are polarized. We will study these asymmetries both within the SM and for Supersymmetric corrections to the SM.Comment: 18 pages, RevTeX file including 21 eps figures; version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. D. Some references adde
