11 research outputs found

    The Primordial Gravitational Wave Background in String Cosmology

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    We find the spectrum P(w)dw of the gravitational wave background produced in the early universe in string theory. We work in the framework of String Driven Cosmology, whose scale factors are computed with the low-energy effective string equations as well as selfconsistent solutions of General Relativity with a gas of strings as source. The scale factor evolution is described by an early string driven inflationary stage with an instantaneous transition to a radiation dominated stage and successive matter dominated stage. This is an expanding string cosmology always running on positive proper cosmic time. A careful treatment of the scale factor evolution and involved transitions is made. A full prediction on the power spectrum of gravitational waves without any free-parameters is given. We study and show explicitly the effect of the dilaton field, characteristic to this kind of cosmologies. We compute the spectrum for the same evolution description with three differents approachs. Some features of gravitational wave spectra, as peaks and asymptotic behaviours, are found direct consequences of the dilaton involved and not only of the scale factor evolution. A comparative analysis of different treatments, solutions and compatibility with observational bounds or detection perspectives is made.Comment: LaTeX, 50 pages with 2 figures. Uses epsfig and psfra

    Energy-Momentum Tensor of Particles Created in an Expanding Universe

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    We present a general formulation of the time-dependent initial value problem for a quantum scalar field of arbitrary mass and curvature coupling in a FRW cosmological model. We introduce an adiabatic number basis which has the virtue that the divergent parts of the quantum expectation value of the energy-momentum tensor are isolated in the vacuum piece of , and may be removed using adiabatic subtraction. The resulting renormalized is conserved, independent of the cutoff, and has a physically transparent, quasiclassical form in terms of the average number of created adiabatic `particles'. By analyzing the evolution of the adiabatic particle number in de Sitter spacetime we exhibit the time structure of the particle creation process, which can be understood in terms of the time at which different momentum scales enter the horizon. A numerical scheme to compute as a function of time with arbitrary adiabatic initial states (not necessarily de Sitter invariant) is described. For minimally coupled, massless fields, at late times the renormalized goes asymptotically to the de Sitter invariant state previously found by Allen and Folacci, and not to the zero mass limit of the Bunch-Davies vacuum. If the mass m and the curvature coupling xi differ from zero, but satisfy m^2+xi R=0, the energy density and pressure of the scalar field grow linearly in cosmic time demonstrating that, at least in this case, backreaction effects become significant and cannot be neglected in de Sitter spacetime.Comment: 28 pages, Revtex, 11 embedded .ps figure

    B^0-\bar{B}^0 mixing and B \to X_s \gamma decay in the third type 2HDM: effects of NLO QCD contributions

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    In this paper, we calculated the next-to-leading order (NLO) new physics contributions to the mass splitting \dmd and the branching ratio \brbxsga induced by the charged Higgs loop diagrams in the third type of two-Higgs-doublet models (model III) and draw the constraints on the free parameters of model III. For the model III under consideration, we found that (a) an upper limit |\ltt|\leq 1.7 is obtained from the precision data of \dmd=0.502 \pm 0.007 ps^{-1}, while |\ltt| \approx 0.5 is favored phenomenologicaly; (b) for B→XsγB \to X_s \gamma decay, the NLO QCD contributions tend to cancel the LO new physics contributions; (c) a light charged Higgs boson with a mass around or even less than 200 GeV is still allowed at NLO level by the measured branching ratio \brbxsga: numerically, 188 \leq \mh \leq 215 GeV for (|\ltt|,|\lbb|)=(0.5,18); (d) the NLO QCD contributions tend to cancel the LO contributions effectively, the lower limit on \mh is consequently decreased by about 200 GeV; (e) the allowed region of \mh will be shifted toward heavy mass end for a non-zero relative phase ξ\theta between the Yukawa couplings \ltt and \lbb. The numerical results for the conventional model II are also presented for the sake of a comparison.Comment: 42 pages, 18 eps figures, Revtex, new references adde

    Thermal states in Anti-de Sitter space-time and the role of time-like infinity

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    The grand-canonical thermodynamic potential for Bose and Fermi fields in anti-de Sitter space-time is introduced and a Mellin complex representation is given. This is used to investigate the high temperature properties of the thermal state at finite charge. The time-like nature of spatial infinity is shown to act as a boundary, and changes the free energy of the field in thermal equilibrium.Comment: 8, Latex, UTF 31

    A review of satellite meteorology and climatology at the start of the twenty-first century

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