11 research outputs found

    Análise cladística de Euprepina Hull (Diptera, Bombyliidae, Bombyliinae) Cladistic analysis of Euprepina Hull, (Diptera, Bombyliidae, Bombyliinae)

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    <abstract language="eng">A cladistic analysis of Euprepina Hull, 1971 (Diptera, Bombyliidae, Bombyliinae), a Neotropical genus that includes ten species, was made. The cladogram was obtained from eight studied species, based on a data matrix with 21 characters, using the program Hennig86. Character states were polarized following outgroup analysis, and an hypothetical ancestor was included in the analysis in order to root the tree. The options used, "ie*" and "xs w", resulted in four most parsimonious trees with ci = 79, ri = 80 and length 115. The monophiletism of Euprepina was supported by two synapomorphies

    Hypopomus Gill: nova apomorfia e notas sobre suas relações filogenéticas (Teleostei, Gymnotiformes, Rhamphichthyoidea) Hypopomus Gill: new apomorphy and notes on its phylogenetic relationships (Teleostei, Gymnotioformes, Rhamphichthoidea)

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    O monofiletismo de Hypopomus Gill, 1864 é corroborado pela presença de canto da boca curvo para cima, homoplasticamente também em Steatogenys Boulenger, 1898. Sua sinonímia com Parupygus Hoedeman, 1962 é corroborada. Três de sete apomorfias previamente atribuídas para definir o monofiletismo de Hypopomidae são refutadas (região posterior do paresfenóide estreita, depressão na face dorsal do basi-hial e opérculo trapezoidal) e outras quatro são propostas para unir Hypopomus a Rhamphichthyidae (mandíbula incluída; alongamento anterior do dentário; cartilagem palatina alongada e processo ascendente do mesopterigóide curvo para trás). Assim, estudos mais elaborados são necessários para avaliar a posição filogenética do gênero.<br>The monophyly of Hypopomus Gill, 1864 is corroborated, on the basis of the presence of mouth corner upturned, homoplastically also in Steatogenys Boulenger, 1898. Its synonymy with Parupygus Hoedeman, 1962 is corroborated. Three of seven synapomorphies attributed to the monophyly of Hypopomidae are refuted (posterior region of parasphenoid narrow, depression on the dorsal surface of bashyal and trapezoidal opercle) and four other are presented to unite Hypopomus to Rhamphichthyidae (lower jaw included; anterior elongation of dentary; elongation of palatine cartilage and ascending process of mesopterygoid backward curved). Thus, further studies are necessary to assess the phylogenetic position of the genus