6 research outputs found

    Pairing symmetry and long range pair potential in a weak coupling theory of superconductivity

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    We study the superconducting phase with two component order parameter scenario, such as, dx2−y2+eiΞsαd_{x^2-y^2} + e^{i\theta}s_{\alpha}, where α=xy,x2+y2\alpha = xy, x^2+y^2. We show, that in absence of orthorhombocity, the usual dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2} does not mix with usual sx2+y2s_{x^2+y^2} symmetry gap in an anisotropic band structure. But the sxys_{xy} symmetry does mix with the usual d-wave for Ξ=0\theta =0. The d-wave symmetry with higher harmonics present in it also mixes with higher order extended ss wave symmetry. The required pair potential to obtain higher anisotropic dx2−y2d_{x^2-y^2} and extended s-wave symmetries, is derived by considering longer ranged two-body attractive potential in the spirit of tight binding lattice. We demonstrate that the dominant pairing symmetry changes drastically from dd to ss like as the attractive pair potential is obtained from longer ranged interaction. More specifically, a typical length scale of interaction Ο\xi, which could be even/odd multiples of lattice spacing leads to predominant s/ds/d wave symmetry. The role of long range interaction on pairing symmetry has further been emphasized by studying the typical interplay in the temperature dependencies of these higher order dd and ss wave pairing symmetries.Comment: Revtex 8 pages, 7 figures embeded in the text, To appear in PR

    Effect of Interband Transitions on the c axis Penetration Depth of Layered Superconductors

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    The electromagnetic response of a system with two planes per unit cell involves, in addition to the usual intraband contribution, an added interband term. These transitions affect the temperature dependence and the magnitude of the zero temperature c-axis penetration depth. When the interplane hopping is sufficiently small, the interband transitions dominate the low temperature behaviour of the penetration depth which then does not reflect the linear temperature dependence of the intraband term and in comparison becomes quite flat even for a d-wave gap. It is in this regime that the pseudogap was found in our previous normal state calculations of the c-axis conductivity, and the effects are connected.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Space charge mediated negative differential resistance in terahertz quantum well detectors

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    In terahertz quantum well infrared photodetectors, a built-in-charge- mediated regime transition of the electronic transport is thoroughly investigated. The very strong current discontinuity and negative differential resistivity behavior are explained in terms of band structure reorganizations. The analysis of bias versus current measurements reveals that the transition occurs when the first two wells of the structure become partially drained, and the second well enters the ionized regime before the first one. Both many-body effects and a careful model of the contact have to be considered to account for these features. The source of the built-in charge is identified as intersubband impact ionization. The regime transition is one of its few experimental proofs, and provides an original approach to investigate hot electron kinetics in multi-quantum-well structures. \ua9 2011 American Institute of Physics.Peer reviewed: YesNRC publication: Ye