42,330 research outputs found

    Plasmon-exciton polaritons in 2D semiconductor/metal interfaces

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    The realization and control of polaritons is of paramount importance in the prospect of novel photonic devices. Here, we investigate the emergence of plasmon-exciton polaritons in hybrid structures consisting of a two-dimensional (2D) transition metal dichalcogenide (TMDC) deposited onto a metal substrate or coating a metallic thin-film. We determine the polaritonic spectrum and show that, in the former case, the addition of a top dielectric layer, and, in the latter, the thickness of the metal film,can be used to tune and promote plasmon-exciton interactions well within the strong coupling regime. Our results demonstrate that Rabi splittings exceeding 100 meV can be readily achieved in planar dielectric/TMDC/metal structures under ambient conditions. We thus believe that this work provides a simple and intuitive picture to tailor strong coupling in plexcitonics, with potential applications for engineering compact photonic devices with tunable optical properties.Comment: 6 pages, including 5 figures and reference

    Evaluating free flux flow in low-pinning molybdenum-germanium superconducting films

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    Vortex dynamics in molybdenum-germanium superconducting films were found to well approximate the unpinned free limit even at low driving forces. This provided an opportunity to empirically establish the intrinsic character of free flux flow and to test in detail the validity of theories for this regime beyond the Bardeen-Stephen approximation. Our observations are in good agreement with the mean-field result of time dependent Ginzburg-Landau theory. PACS: 74.25.Sv,74.25.Wx,74.25.Uv,74.25.Op,74.25.F- Keywords: vortices, fluxon, Larkin, Ovchinnikov, upper critical magnetic fieldComment: This is the final revised version of a paper that is currently in press. It is expected to appear in Phys. Rev. B in 201

    A Sino-German 6cm polarisation survey of the Galactic plane - VIII. Small-diameter sources

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    Information of small-diameter sources is extracted from the Sino-German 6cm polarisation survey of the Galactic plane carried out with the Urumqi 25-m telescope. We performed two-dimensional elliptical Gaussian fits to the 6cm maps to obtain a list of sources with total-intensity and polarised flux densities. The source list contains 3832 sources with a fitted diameter smaller than 16 arcmin and a peak flux density exceeding 30 mJy, so about 5 times the rms noise, of the total-intensity data. The cumulative source count indicates completeness for flux densities exceeding about 60 mJy. We identify 125 linearly polarised sources at 6cm with a peak polarisation flux density greater than 10 mJy, so about 3 times the rms noise, of the polarised-intensity data. Despite lacking compact steep spectrum sources, the 6cm catalogue lists about 20 percent more sources than the Effelsberg 21cm source catalogue at the same angular resolution and for the same area. Most of the faint 6cm sources must have a flat spectrum and are either HII regions or extragalactic. When compared with the Green Bank 6cm (GB6) catalogue, we obtain higher flux densities for a number of extended sources with complex structures. Polarised 6cm sources density are uniformly distributed in Galactic latitude. Their number density decreases towards the inner Galaxy. More than 80 percent of the polarised sources are most likely extragalactic. With a few exceptions, the sources have a higher percentage polarisation at 6cm than at 21cm. Depolarisation seems to occur mostly within the sources with a minor contribution from the Galactic foreground emission.Comment: A&A accepted, 9 pages, 5 figures, Tables 1 and 2 are accessible from http://zmtt.bao.ac.cn/6cm

    Phase structures of strong coupling lattice QCD with overlap fermions at finite temperature and chemical potential

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    We perform the first study of lattice QCD with overlap fermions at finite temperature TT and chemical potential ÎĽ\mu. We start from the Taylor expanded overlap fermion action, and derive in the strong coupling limit the effective free energy by mean field approximation. On the (ÎĽ,T\mu,T) plane and in the chiral limit, there is a tricritical point, separating the second order chiral phase transition line at small ÎĽ\mu and large TT, and first order chiral phase transition line at large ÎĽ\mu and small TT

    Processing of G4 DNA by Dna2 Helicase/nuclease and RPA provides insights into the mechanism of Dna2/RPA substrate recognition

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    The polyguanine-rich DNA sequences commonly found at telomeres and in rDNA arrays have been shown to assemble into structures known as G quadruplexes, or G4 DNA, stabilized by base-stacked G quartets, an arrangement of four hydrogen-bonded guanines. G4 DNA structures are resistant to the many helicases and nucleases that process intermediates arising in the course of DNA replication and repair. The lagging strand DNA replication protein, Dna2, has demonstrated a unique localization to telomeres and a role in de novo telomere biogenesis, prompting us to study the activities of Dna2 on G4 DNA-containing substrates. We find that yeast Dna2 binds with 25-fold higher affinity to G4 DNA formed from yeast telomere repeats than to single-stranded DNA of the same sequence. Human Dna2 also binds G4 DNAs. The helicase activities of both yeast and human Dna2 are effective in unwinding G4 DNAs. On the other hand, the nuclease activities of both yeast and human Dna2 are attenuated by the formation of G4 DNA, with the extent of inhibition depending on the topology of the G4 structure. This inhibition can be overcome by replication protein A. Replication protein A is known to stimulate the 5'- to 3'-nuclease activity of Dna2; however, we go on to show that this same protein inhibits the 3'- to 5'-exo/endonuclease activity of Dna2. These observations are discussed in terms of possible roles for Dna2 in resolving G4 secondary structures that arise during Okazaki fragment processing and telomere lengthening

    Joint Iterative Optimization Based Low-Complexity Adaptive Hybrid Beamforming for Massive MU-MIMO Systems

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    IEEE This paper proposes a joint iterative optimization based hybrid beamforming technique for massive MU-MIMO systems. The proposed technique jointly and iteratively optimizes the transmitter precoders and combiners, aiming to approach the global optimum solution for the system sum-rate maximization problem. The proposed technique develops an adaptive algorithm exploiting the stochastic gradients (SG) of the local beamformers and provides low-complexity closed-form solutions. Furthermore, an efficient adaptive scheme is developed based on the proposed adaptive algorithm and the closed-form solutions. The proposed algorithm requires the signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio (SINR) feedback from each user and a limited size transition vector to be exchanged between the transmitter and receivers at each step to update beamformers locally. Analytic result shows that the proposed adaptive algorithm achieves low-complexity when the array size is large and is able to converge within a small number of iterations. Simulation result shows that the proposed technique is able to achieve superior performance comparing to the existing state-of-art techniques. In addition, the knowledge of instantaneous channel state information (CSI) is not required as the channels are also adaptively estimated with each coherence time which is a practical assumption since the CSI is usually unavailable or have time-varying nature in real-time applications

    Phylogenetic analysis of Cryptosporidium isolates from captive reptiles using 18S rDNA sequence data and random amplified polymorphic DNA analys

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    Sequence alignment of a polymerase chain reaction-amplified 713-base pair region of the Cryptosporidium 18S rDNA gene was carried out on 15 captive reptile isolates from different geographic locations and compared to both Cryptosporidium parvum and Cryptosporidium muris isolates. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) analysis was also performed on a smaller number of these samples. The data generated by both techniques were significantly correlated (P < 0.002), providing additional evidence to support the clonal population structure hypothesis for Cryptosporidium. Phylogenetic analysis of both 18S sequence information and RAPD analysis grouped the majority of reptile isolates together into 1 main group attributed to Cryptosporidium serpentis, which was genetically distinct but closely related to C. muris. A second genotype exhibited by 1 reptile isolate (S6) appeared to be intermediate between C. serpentis and C. muris but grouped most closely with C. muris, as it exhibited 99.15% similarity with C. muris and only 97.13% similarity with C. serpentis. The third genotype identified in 2 reptile isolates was a previously characterized 'mouse' genotype that grouped closely with bovine and human C. parvum isolates

    Skin Capacitive Image Stitching and Occlusion Measurements

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    The aim of this study is to develop new analysis techniques for skin capacitive image stitching and occlusion measurements. Through image stitching, small skin capacitive images can be stitched into large skin capacitive images and, therefore, provide more skin image information. Through occlusion, e.g., keeping the measurement device on skin for a period of time, the skin health status can be studied through time-dependent response curves. Results show that time-dependent skin capacitive imaging curves can tell us the information about transdermal water loss (TEWL) as well as skin surface profiles. By using the structural similarity index measure (SSIM), the TEWL map can be constructed, which shows the water loss map on the skin surface. We first present the theoretical background and then the experimental results
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