4 research outputs found

    Application of iron-containing raw materials in the production of bakery products

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    The article is devoted to the development of the technology and the formulation of “Mramornaya” bun for baby food using iron-containing raw materials in order to enrich white wheat flour with the most deficient minerals

    Formation of cracker quality indicators using non-traditional raw materials

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    The ability to model the formula and assortment of flour confectionery is the main advantage of this group of products in the production process. The article presents the results of the research on the effect of pumpkin puree on the quality of white wheat flour crackers. Pumpkin puree contains vitamin T, which is considered to be a vitamin-like substance, also known as vitamin B11, but its most famous name is carnitine, and it is usually referred to as a fat burner. Carnitine has antioxidant properties. Pumpkin puree contains macroand micronutrients of magnesium, sulfur, chlorine, copper, zinc, which are practically not present in ready-made crackers, and the content of potassium and calcium in pumpkin puree is almost twice as much as in crackers.  During the baking process in the laboratory, pumpkin puree was added to the cracker dough in the amount of 5;10;15;20;25 % of the flour.  The dough was prepared in a two-phase way. Pumpkin puree contributed to increased plastic deformation of the dough, increased the rate of relaxation of the internal stresses of the dough when rolling out and forming dough pieces. Cracker dough with the addition of 15% puree had optimal properties for getting the best quality crackers

    Formation of wheat bread quality indicators when adding pulmonaria mollis extract (Pulmonaria mollis)

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    Wild plants with proven therapeutic and prophylactic properties play an important role in the production of functional and enriched bakery products. The article presents the results of studies on the effect of Pulmonaria mollis extract (Pulmonaria mollis Hornem.) on the quality of wheat bread. P. mollis plant contains (in terms of absolutely dry matter) 1.86% of flavonoids, 10.95 % of polysaccharides, 256.34 μg / g of iron, 33.47 μg / g of manganese, 15.07 μg / g of copper and 42.92 μg / g of zinc. During the experimental baking, Pulmonaria mollis extract was added to the dough in the concentration of 2.5; 5.0; 7.5; 10.0 and 12.5 %.The dough was prepared in a single-phase (straight) way. The introduction of P. mollis extract into the dough formulation led to the acceleration of acid accumulation, a decrease in the dough fermentation duration and proofing of dough pieces. The 10% concentration of P. mollis extract was selected as an optimal variant of wheat bread formulation. In this case a 11.02 % increase in bread porosity and 0.32 cm3 / g increase in specific volume were noted, as well as an improvement in the state of the surface and structure of porosity. Wheat bread with P. mollis extract has functional properties and is recommended for the prevention of iron deficiency conditions

    Application of semi-finished products from wild raw materials to increase the nutritional value of baked products

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    The task of food products manufacturing enriched with substances that make up for the deficiency of certain substances remains very urgent. In order to prevent a large number of diseases, everyday products, in particular, baked goods are enriched. To improve the qualitative and quantitative composition of bakery products, it is necessary to introduce components that provide diet and preventive nutrition.  It is necessary to use products of plant raw materials processing, including vegetable additives, fruit and berry raw materials in the form of various semiuseful ingredients. Pectin, inulin, cellulose, complexes of soluble and insoluble fibers of beets, apples, citrus fruits, etc., as well as wild raw materials can be sources of dietary fibers for bread enrichment.  The aim of the research is to develop the technology and formulation of baked products using semi-finished products from wild raw materials – blackberries and potassium. The addition of cranberry and blackberry puree has had a positive effect on the physical, chemical, organoleptic quality indicators, the products have acquired a pleasant berry flavor, and aroma, a brighter color of the crust, increased nutritional value