1,035 research outputs found

    Geometrically constructed bases for homology of partition lattices of types A, B and D

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    We use the theory of hyperplane arrangements to construct natural bases for the homology of partition lattices of types A, B and D. This extends and explains the "splitting basis" for the homology of the partition lattice given in [Wa96], thus answering a question asked by R. Stanley. More explicitly, the following general technique is presented and utilized. Let A be a central and essential hyperplane arrangement in R^d. Let R_1,...,R_k be the bounded regions of a generic hyperplane section of A. We show that there are induced polytopal cycles \rho_{R_i} in the homology of the proper part \bar{L_A} of the intersection lattice such that {\rho_{R_i}}_{i=1,...,k} is a basis for \tilde H_{d-2}(\bar{L_A}). This geometric method for constructing combinatorial homology bases is applied to the Coxeter arrangements of types A, B and D, and to some interpolating arrangements.Comment: 29 pages, 4 figure

    Chromatic quasisymmetric functions

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    We introduce a quasisymmetric refinement of Stanley's chromatic symmetric function. We derive refinements of both Gasharov's Schur-basis expansion of the chromatic symmetric function and Chow's expansion in Gessel's basis of fundamental quasisymmetric functions. We present a conjectural refinement of Stanley's power sum basis expansion, which we prove in special cases. We describe connections between the chromatic quasisymmetric function and both the qq-Eulerian polynomials introduced in our earlier work and, conjecturally, representations of symmetric groups on cohomology of regular semisimple Hessenberg varieties, which have been studied by Tymoczko and others. We discuss an approach, using the results and conjectures herein, to the ee-positivity conjecture of Stanley and Stembridge for incomparability graphs of (3+1)(3+1)-free posets.Comment: 57 pages; final version, to appear in Advances in Mat

    Eulerian quasisymmetric functions

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    We introduce a family of quasisymmetric functions called {\em Eulerian quasisymmetric functions}, which specialize to enumerators for the joint distribution of the permutation statistics, major index and excedance number on permutations of fixed cycle type. This family is analogous to a family of quasisymmetric functions that Gessel and Reutenauer used to study the joint distribution of major index and descent number on permutations of fixed cycle type. Our central result is a formula for the generating function for the Eulerian quasisymmetric functions, which specializes to a new and surprising qq-analog of a classical formula of Euler for the exponential generating function of the Eulerian polynomials. This qq-analog computes the joint distribution of excedance number and major index, the only of the four important Euler-Mahonian distributions that had not yet been computed. Our study of the Eulerian quasisymmetric functions also yields results that include the descent statistic and refine results of Gessel and Reutenauer. We also obtain qq-analogs, (q,p)(q,p)-analogs and quasisymmetric function analogs of classical results on the symmetry and unimodality of the Eulerian polynomials. Our Eulerian quasisymmetric functions refine symmetric functions that have occurred in various representation theoretic and enumerative contexts including MacMahon's study of multiset derangements, work of Procesi and Stanley on toric varieties of Coxeter complexes, Stanley's work on chromatic symmetric functions, and the work of the authors on the homology of a certain poset introduced by Bj\"orner and Welker.Comment: Final version; to appear in Advances in Mathematics; 52 pages; this paper was originally part of the longer paper arXiv:0805.2416v1, which has been split into three paper

    On the (co)homology of the poset of weighted partitions

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    We consider the poset of weighted partitions Πnw\Pi_n^w, introduced by Dotsenko and Khoroshkin in their study of a certain pair of dual operads. The maximal intervals of Πnw\Pi_n^w provide a generalization of the lattice Πn\Pi_n of partitions, which we show possesses many of the well-known properties of Πn\Pi_n. In particular, we prove these intervals are EL-shellable, we show that the M\"obius invariant of each maximal interval is given up to sign by the number of rooted trees on on node set {1,2,…,n}\{1,2,\dots,n\} having a fixed number of descents, we find combinatorial bases for homology and cohomology, and we give an explicit sign twisted Sn\mathfrak{S}_n-module isomorphism from cohomology to the multilinear component of the free Lie algebra with two compatible brackets. We also show that the characteristic polynomial of Πnw\Pi_n^w has a nice factorization analogous to that of Πn\Pi_n.Comment: 50 pages, final version, to appear in Trans. AM

    Rees products and lexicographic shellability

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    We use the theory of lexicographic shellability to provide various examples in which the rank of the homology of a Rees product of two partially ordered sets enumerates some set of combinatorial objects, perhaps according to some natural statistic on the set. Many of these examples generalize a result of J. Jonsson, which says that the rank of the unique nontrivial homology group of the Rees product of a truncated Boolean algebra of degree nn and a chain of length n−1n-1 is the number of derangements in §n\S_n.\Comment: 31 pages; 1 figure; part of this paper was originally part of the longer paper arXiv:0805.2416v1, which has been split into three paper
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