3 research outputs found

    Досвід використання інфікованої грибами рослинної сировини як субстрату для мікробного паливного елементу

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    Article presents the results of experimental investigation applicability of plant fallen materials contaminated by powdery mildew fungus E. flexuosa as substrate in microbial fuel cell (MFC). MCFs were presented in form of Winogradsky’s column. The measurements of generated voltage were carried out in MFCs with different composition during 5 weeks.В статье представлены результаты экспериментального исследования возможности применения контаминированного возбудителем мучнистой росы E. flexuosa листовой опад каштана в качестве субстрата для микробного топливного элемента (МТЭ). МТЭ разрабатывали по принципу колонки Виноградского. Проводили измерения напряжения в течение 5 недель инкубации МТЭ различного компонентного состава.У статті наведено результати експериментального дослідження можливості застосування контамінованого збудником борошнистої роси E. flexuosa листового опаду каштана в якості субстрату для мікробного паливного елементу (МПЕ). МПЕ розробляли за принципом колонки Виноградського. Проводили вимірювання напруги упродовж 5 тижнів інкубування МПЕ різного компонентного складу

    Ribonuclease activity of buckwheat plant (Fagopyrum esculentum) cultivars with different sensitivities to buckwheat burn virus

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    Ribonucleases (RNases) are present in base-level amounts in intact plants, but this level is able to increase greatly under stress conditions. The possible cause for such an increase is protection against plant RNA-virus attack. Buckwheat burn virus (BBV) is a highly virulent pathogen that belongs to Rhabdoviridae family. In our study, we have analyzed the correlation between RNase activity and resistance of different buckwheat cultivars to BBV infection. Two cultivars, Kara-Dag and Roksolana, with different sensitivities to BBV have been used. Kara-Dag is a cultivar with medium sensitivity to virus and Roksolana is a tolerant cultivar. It has been shown that the base level of RNase activity in Roksolana cultivar was in most cases higher than the corresponding parameter in Kara-Dag cultivar. Both infected and uninfected plants of Roksolana cultivar demonstrated high RNase activity during two weeks. Whereas infected plants of Kara-Dag cultivar demonstrated unstable levels of RNase activity. Significant decline in RNase activity was detected on the 7th day post infection with subsequent gradual increase in RNase activity. Decline of the RNase activity during the first week could promote the virus replication and therefore more successful infection of upper leaves of plants. Unstable levels of RNase activity in infected buckwheat plants may be explained by insufficiency of virus-resistant mechanisms that determines the medium sensitivity of the cultivar to BBV. Thus, plants of buckwheat cultivar having less sensitivity to virus, displayed in general higher RNase activity